Shrubby cinquefoil: care and cultivation. Gardener Tips

Not too big bush with pretty flowers is very common in nature, it is familiar to almost every person. In this article, we will talk about shrubby cinquefoil, this is the name of this representative of the plant world.

cinquefoil shrub care and cultivation
Each corner of the garden can be decorated by planting suitable plants. When choosing, their decorativeness, stability and flowering time are taken into account. Shrubby cinquefoil meets all these requirements , the care and cultivation of which will not cause much trouble. Having learned how to properly care for her, you can replenish your flower garden with this beauty.

Types of Potentilla

In nature, cinquefoil can be found in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere: in the Far East, Siberia, China, Mongolia, Western Europe and the Altai Mountains.

There are different types of shrubby cinquefoil. There are fifteen of them in the family, all deciduous. This miracle of nature is counted by more than one dozen varieties that differ from each other in the color of leaves, flowers, and plant height. In places with a temperate climate, varieties with yellow-orange flowers feel most comfortable and stable.

pruning shrubby cinquefoil

Each variety of shrubby cinquefoil has its own flowering color. But most often it is white, yellow, orange-yellow tones.

The most popular varieties of shrubby cinquefoil:

  1. Shrubby cinquefoil “Abbotswood” - a bush up to one meter high with a dense pillow-shaped crown and light green leaves. White flowers are small brushes. “Abbotswood” is part of one of the best varieties, looks good in group plantings of rock gardens and on stunted curbs.
  2. Shrubby cinquefoil “Guildford Cream” - a bush of a meter and a half height with a dense cushion-shaped crown and dark green leaves. Large flowers begin to bloom in early July.
  3. Cinquefoil shrubby Red Ace is distinguished by creeping shoots. The height of the shrub is about 70 cm, the crown is 1.3 m wide, the leaves are dark green, the flowers are orange-red, beautiful.
  4. Shrubby cinquefoil “Hoppy Orange” - plant height is half a meter, crown width is one meter, flowers are dark orange in color. This variety has established itself as a variety with high endurance and winter hardiness. It feels comfortable in summer cottages.

Botanical Description

Shrubby cinquefoil is a highly branched bush. The branches are covered with red-brown or brown-gray bark, which easily peels off.

Leaves with two to three pairs of oblong or oblong-ovate leaflets 5–25 mm long and 1–8 mm wide, which are usually hairy, are rarely bare.

Flowers are formed on shoots that have grown this year. Inside there are about 25-30 stamens, which is why the middle is fluffy.

shrubby cinquefoil in autumn

Flowering of one flower lasts from five hours to two days, depending on ambient temperature and humidity. Shrub blooms from early May to late August. Plants are found in various colors of flowers, very reminiscent of the spring color of apple trees or rose hips. Begin to bear fruit in the month of October. Shrubby cinquefoil in autumn looks colorful and elegant, covered with yellow foliage.

Other names: Kuril shrubby tea, five-leaved shrubs, potentilla.

Shrubby cinquefoil: care and cultivation

The cinquefoil is unpretentious in relation to the soil, but it is better to plant it in well-lit places in a loose and nutritious substrate. The root neck when planting should be at ground level. Soil development is poorly affected by soil disease.

planting shrubby cinquefoil

Planting shrubby cinquefoil is a simple matter. You just need to follow some rules after planting the plant. Mandatory watering in dry summers and timely top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Cinquefoil pruning

Abundant flowering can be caused by timely pruning, removing unsuitable shrunken branches or shoots. Pruning shrubby cinquefoil is carried out once every two years. Shoots should be left at 10 cm from the ground.

shrubby cinquefoil

The bush can be made spherical or in the form of a pyramid, its decorative effect from this will greatly increase.

Trimming means doing a “surgery." Therefore, it should be done at a time when healing will be better. In this case, in the spring. Pruning helps rejuvenate the bush.

Pests and diseases

Like all living things, cinquefoil is susceptible to disease. One of them is rust. There is not much damage from it, but it affects the decorative effect strongly. It is necessary to avoid planting near a pine tree.

It is easy to get rid of such a disease, it is enough to spray with fungicides, a solution of manganese, boron. There are no pests.

Shrubby cinquefoil: reproduction

One of the methods of propagation is cuttings. Fifteen centimeters long cuttings are best cut off at the end of June, at that time the branches will already gain strength for independent development. From the underside, it is necessary to remove the leaves and place the prepared stalk for twelve hours in a growth stimulator.

Already ready cuttings to plant in the prepared greenhouse, covering it with glass or film. Remove all buds formed in order to successfully grow the root system.

After about a month, 90% of the cuttings will have roots and take root safely. You can leave them in the greenhouse until next spring. Saplings of cuttings easily root, planted under a jar.

You can propagate the cinquefoil with a shrub layer, pressing it to the ground, and then digging it. It will be possible to separate the layering from the bush only next spring. This method is considered the simplest and easiest.

A good option for reproduction is the division of a bush of four years of age. In spring, in warm weather, separate the sprouts with growth buds and immediately plant them in place, then water abundantly.

Under natural conditions, shrubby cinquefoil produces self-propagating propagation. Sometimes gardeners collect on their own, then sow the seeds, but the method is so ineffective. With its use, the maternal qualities of the plant are almost not transmitted.

Landscape design

Due to its unpretentiousness in cultivation and a long flowering period, shrubby cinquefoil looks good in stunted hedges and is an ornament of garden compositions. Having planted a plant, you can form a stunted border.

cinquefoil shrub breeding

A planted bush on a small lawn or lawn will please you with abundant flowering for a long time. The plant can be used to create group and single plantings.

Having correctly selected the varieties, you can make a mini-kindergarten from plants, which will include shrubby cinquefoil, the care and cultivation of which is possible even for a novice gardener.

Beneficial features

Kuril shrubby tea has about 3,000 species. The plant was given a name, which in Latin means strong, powerful for its useful healing properties. At one time, Ilya Muromets breathed his scents, which made him stronger and more powerful. In ancient times, healers called the cinquefoil mighty.

A plant (shrubby cinquefoil) can be used in the treatment of urinary incontinence in children, diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, as well as for washing purulent wounds and treating burns, boils.

The people infusion of flowering branches is used for pain and aches in the stomach and intestines, with dyspepsia, bloody diarrhea and as a hemostatic. Tibetans drink this remedy for pneumonia as an expectorant.

types of shrubby cinquefoil

Shrub roots are also endowed with healing properties, they are used for diarrhea. The infusion of the whole plant is used to treat stomatitis, purulent tonsillitis and other diseases of the mouth.

July is the most suitable month for the procurement of medicinal raw materials. During this period, the cinquefoil will already bloom completely, and during flowering, it has the ability to produce all useful substances.

Wonderful plant shrubby cinquefoil. Care and cultivation of this useful bush makes it possible to enjoy and enjoy the work done, and at the same time brings great benefits.


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