Shaggy - this is ... Why is the name of moose called moose?

Do you know which beast is dead? Agree, an interesting question. After all, if you think about it, not everyone will be able to define the word “succulent,” not to mention the essence of such an incomprehensible description. Therefore, let's break the veil of secrecy and see what kind of beast is hiding behind it.

lousy this

Sukhaty is ...

To begin with, today this word is practically not used in circulation, since it has long become obsolete. Nevertheless, sometimes it nevertheless slips, especially in works of art and films. Therefore, we will not delay in answering and say that the moose is moose. Yes, yes, that's right. It is this big beast with huge horns that bears such an incomprehensible nickname.

But why so? Where did such a nickname come from - "shaggy": is this a metaphor or a curse? Ile, maybe there is a mysterious story behind this? But in fact, everything is much simpler, and now you will find out the true cause of this phenomenon.

what a beast

Similarities to an Ancient Tool

In the old days, tools were made from improvised materials, since the services of a blacksmith were too expensive. For example, a stick with a branched tip was often used as a plow. Such a design made it possible to quickly plow the soil, since many branches well loosened the ground.

But once, one person noticed that the moose’s antlers are very similar to the tip of a plow. And so, not much time passed before all the people in that district began to call these animals savage. Soon this nickname was adopted by residents of neighboring villages, and behind them all others. As a result, now all Russian-speaking peoples call the moose as a moose. And if at first such a nickname applied only to males, then over the years it has become attached to the whole species as a whole.

Well, to summarize: Sukhoi is an elk. This epithet is applied to him due to the fact that its horns resemble an ancient tool of labor - the Sokha. And although today this device can only be seen in museums, the old nickname still refers to a shriveled beast.


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