Who is Kumovya?

Each person, and so most often has many relatives, whose names are difficult to figure out, and then godparents for the child need to choose. Here the logical question may arise: "Kumovya - who are they?" What godparents will be the parents of the baby?

godfather is who
About godfathers

You ask: "Who is Kumovya?" To answer this question, it is worth recalling a lot of literary works, where these people often appear. It may seem that they are close people, but not blood relatives. So it really is. Kumovya is people given to relatives by God himself.

Who is Kumovya? Destination

It is worth understanding that these are the people who baptized the child. Kumovyami they are the parents of the baby. The main purpose of the godfors was the spiritual education of their newly-acquired children, namely, teaching them biblical literacy and all that has a connection with God. At all times, godfather and godfather were revered, and their presence was mandatory at all family events and holidays.

Kume wishes
Who is Kumovya? Impact on family life

It is also worth noting that they should strongly influence not only the life of their ward - the godson, but also the life of the whole family. It is with the godfather and the godfather that the child should consult on many issues, including which career path to choose, how to determine your soul mate, etc. It is also necessary to know that if the baby for some reason loses its parents, godparents should take him to their upbringing.

Adult relationship

But while the baby is growing and does not ask special questions, the relationship was always interesting. For some reason, these people are considered almost the closest relatives, and they should be called kum or kuma only with pride. Moreover, there are specific sayings and poems about godfathers that tell us that not only close friendships, but also more serious, amorous ones can be established between such relatives. Whether it is true or not, it is for everyone to judge separately, but to be godfathers is not only desirable, but also honorable.

poems about Kumoviev

In addition to the fact that godparents must give gifts for various holidays, they must also be respected during the baptism of a child . This is done, by the way, according to centuries-old traditions. So, the child’s parents are obliged to buy their child from the godparents of the baby in order to calmly bring him up to the age of 18. For this, the couch is given a bag in which you can find terry towels or bedclothes, and the godfather will find a brand new shirt in his bag. Also, a pair of godfathers must be given a ransom - home-made pies, cakes, cakes.


From all of the above, it is clear that godparents (godmothers) are almost the first people after parents in the life of each baby. Therefore, you need to relate to them accordingly. Gifts, wishes to Kuma and Kuma are very important so that they can feel like the right people. But it is also important that there is a return. After all, often after baptism, newly made godparents simply forget about their duty and do not even visit the child and their new relatives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8186/

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