Why and when does the sea bloom in Anapa, and can this interfere with relaxation?

It is traditionally believed that relaxing by the sea is an ideal vacation option. One cannot disagree with this and certainly cannot ignore resort places so familiar to almost all post-Soviet residents, such as the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and, of course, Anapa - its real gem.

when the sea blooms in Anapa
Located on the border of the Caucasus Range and the Taman Peninsula, Anapa is traditionally considered the largest children's and family resort in Russia. The dry wind of the Taman steppes and the humid warm sea air combine in this amazing land. The local landscape is very diverse: it is a plain with salt lakes, floodplains and estuaries, and low gently sloping mountains covered with dense forests. Well and, of course, the sea! Pebble, as well as wide velvety sandy beaches, stretching over 40 km, with well-heated water, gentle southern sun (usually about 280 sunny days in a year). That is why in Anapa, the swimming season begins in May and lasts until October!

The sea in the area of ​​this resort city is perhaps one of the cleanest on the entire Black Sea coast. Nevertheless, everyone arriving in this wonderful city is interested in one question: β€œWhen does the sea in Anapa bloom?”

It is rather difficult to answer this question unequivocally, because every year it happens in different ways. Typically, flowering begins in mid-June and lasts until mid-August. Although it happens that this happens in August-September. When the sea blooms in Anapa, outwardly the water resembles a jelly from algae.

Why is the sea blooming in Anapa? The reason is the temperature of the water. Flowering occurs when the water warms up to 24-26 degrees, and begins where the depth is less, and a weak current can not cope with natural self-cleaning.

The water temperature in Anapa directly depends on seasonality and cyclones (northern or southern). If the weather is determined by northerly winds, the water in the sea is clean, calm and cold. If the wind is from the south - the water becomes warm, but cloudy.

why the sea blooms in Anapa
By the way, when the sea blooms in Anapa, swimming is not at all harmful, but rather the opposite. Algae have healing properties, and therefore there are even those who enthusiastically spread them on themselves. Since not everyone likes this kind of β€œtherapy”, in the vicinity of Anapa there are not only shallow sandy, but also pebble beaches, starting in the High Bank area and going towards Utrish and Novorossiysk. The depth here is quite large, and the sea is very clear. Some tourists specially choose these places for relaxation, and not necessarily at a time when the sea blooms. Those who like to soak up the sun and build sand castles should pay attention to the sandy beaches of Dzhemete or Vityazevo. By the way, these places are a real paradise for surfers.

Traditionally considered a children's resort city, Anapa is developing vigorously. New hotels are being built, the level of service is increasing. Almost at every step there are cafes, restaurants, canteens, pizzerias offering a wide selection of Caucasian and Kuban national dishes, as well as the famous Anapa wines. In addition, there are entertainment for families with children, the largest of which are an outdoor water park and an amusement park.

when the sea blooms

In addition to sun and air baths, even during the period when the sea blooms, in Anapa you can improve your health by resorting to treatment with mineral waters and mud in numerous spas, as well as enjoy the beauties of the local nature, which is very diverse here.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8194/

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