When to dig out tulip bulbs after flowering for storage

Tulips are magnificent spring flowers. How much pleasure they bring to the owners, who, after a uniform winter cold, can finally please the eye with bright colors! But, unfortunately, the lifespan of these flowers is small. They start the first sprouts in April, bloom in May. Flowering itself lasts about a week. Then, thanks to the green leaves, the bulbs still gather nutrient reserves. And in the summer, the leaves dry out. In fact, this is not too frustrating for gardeners, because the relay takes other flowers, summer. But then the question becomes urgent: "When to dig out tulip bulbs after flowering?"

when to dig tulip bulbs after flowering
Why do tulips become small and not so beautiful?

It happens that the bulbs of expensive varietal tulips give magnificent large and lush flowers the first year, and in the subsequent buds they become smaller, become not so beautiful. According to experts, the main reason for this phenomenon is that not everyone knows how to store tulip bulbs in the summer. Many experienced flower growers claim that in order to obtain a strong and magnificent flower, it is necessary to dig bulbs every year. Tulips of some varieties can be left on the beds for a couple of years, but no longer. And it is absolutely necessary to observe all the subtleties of storage technology.

When to dig out tulip bulbs after flowering

when you need to dig out tulip bulbs
First of all, it is important to properly care for the flowers themselves after they have faded. It is necessary to remove the flower growers (the remaining parts of the flower after the petals fall) in order to prevent the formation of seeds. For breeding, they are still not very suitable, and all the juices are pulled from the bulb. But the green leaves should be left, even if they are slightly sagging. They will become the suppliers of those nutrients that are formed as a result of photosynthesis and accumulate in the roots. But when the green parts turn yellow more than two-thirds of its length, there comes a time when you need to dig out the bulbs of tulips. Specific dates may vary for different varieties, locations, weather conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the state of the plant. In those cases when the flowers are planted industrially, and it is necessary to quickly free the land for new planting, the bulbs are dug up immediately after flowering. But there is a danger that they will be weak next year. They also do not recommend waiting for the complete death of the aerial parts of the plant, because during this time the valuable bulb itself can become infected with infectious diseases and rot. And the grown children will gain strength and begin to break away from the parent root, when digging them it will be more difficult to collect. It is believed that the best time to dig out tulip bulbs after flowering is in June-July.

how to store tulip bulbs in the summer
How to care for dug bulbs

First of all, it is necessary to sort the resulting material. Sick or spoiled, as well as too small and weak should be rejected. Carefully separate the remains of the leaves to prevent infection. Bulbs themselves should be cleaned of root flakes, rinsed in a weak solution of foundationazole or potassium permanganate and spread out in one layer for drying in a container, be sure to sign the varieties. Store material in a cool, dry place. The temperature is desirable 20 degrees, and with the onset of autumn even lower, about 17. You must also regularly inspect the bulbs so that there is no moisture and decay. So they should be stored until the time when the time comes in the fall to plant them again in the ground.

The question "when to dig tulip bulbs after flowering" is not without reason worried about gardeners. This is especially important for varietal, expensive plants. Those semi-wild tulips that grow in summer cottages without much care can remain in the ground for several years. But the owners must be prepared for the fact that they will become small and lose their charm.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8201/

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