How to iron men's shirts: professional secrets

There are few lucky people in the world who do not feed bread, just give your hands an iron and a slide of linen, preferably more. Ironing is hardly a favorite pastime of contemporaries. Most of the people who are forced to serve this duty are interested in the possibility of reducing the time for this "Sisyphus labor." The question is especially interesting: "How to iron men's shirts?" After all, there are usually a lot of them, and there are a lot of different details on them.

Well, follow the tips of professional iron workers below, and very soon ironing shirts will turn into, if not a favorite, then certainly an easy task, the result of which will delight the impeccable aesthetic appearance of shirts.

how to iron men's shirts

The first thing you need to start with is going to the store. To have less ironing, you need to know how to choose a men's shirt. For example, ironing is contraindicated for a shirt made from crumpled fabric. It will be useful to have a couple of such models.

Pay attention to the content of synthetic fibers in the fabric from which the men's shirt is sewn. The greater their percentage, the easier the thing is ironed, however, along with this, the damage to health caused by artificial materials increases. They poorly pass air, thereby reducing its circulation, and can cause an allergic reaction of the body. On the other hand, one hundred percent natural fabric is the hardest to iron. The decision to make you.

So, we assume that things are bought. How to iron men's shirts?

Iron setting

From the seamy side of the product, find the sewn-in tag on which the iron is schematically depicted. Pay attention to the number of dots drawn inside it. For example, if there is a two-dot pattern on the diagram, then your iron should be set to the same parameter, in this case, β€œSilk”.


It is with him that ironing begins. And you thought how? Men's shirts should be ironed from the wrong side of the collar. Then you should iron its front surface.


First go iron on the cuffs on both sides, starting from the wrong side. The button must be carefully β€œcircled” to avoid its indentation and melting and damage to the surface of the soleplate.

ironing shirts

Smooth the sleeve from the forearm to the cuff. In order to prevent wrinkles, you can use a miniature ironing board, on which the sleeve is worn and is ironed. Or, roll up a terry towel with a roller, insert it into the hard-to-iron place of the sleeve and iron it thoroughly, yielding steam.


Position the shirt on the ironing board so that the entire floor fits on it. The hardest part here is the area from the chest to the shoulder. Spread it with your hands so that the iron easily repeats these movements without making unnecessary folds. Smoothing the bottom of the floor is no longer difficult. Ironing buttons should be avoided for reasons already mentioned.

how to choose a men's shirt


This part of the product is ironed last, starting with the shoulder region and ending with the bottom. The main secret: before each touch of the iron, spread the product with your hands.

how to iron men's shirts

Now the hot question of how to iron men's shirts is off the agenda. It remains only to apply the theory in practice, to master the method and use it constantly.


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