"Reserve of fairy tales": a summary. Kir Bulychev, "Reserve of fairy tales": the main characters

fairy tale reserve

The story "The Reserve of Fairy Tales", a brief summary of which will be described below, is included in a series of works about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva. This time, the writer’s favorite heroine falls into a reserved forest inhabited by fabulous creatures. A brave girl helps to defeat a powerful evil wizard. In his book, Kir Bulychev skillfully combines elements of folklore and science fiction.


Alice studied the Martian language. The weather was beautiful on the street, and the girl really did not want to study. Her father, Professor Seleznev, was a very busy person: he worked as a space veterinarian and was involved in the treatment of unprecedented animals. At the time of the story, he was writing a serious scientific article, when suddenly a video phone rang. An ordinary goat appeared on the screen, he bleated and turned off. Professor Seleznev did not understand what had happened. Alice suggested that the goat tried to turn to his father for help. But the man said that the animals did not talk and again set to work on the article. Alice ran to her room. With this mysterious call, the story began, described in the story "Reserve of fairy tales."

fairy tale reserve

The Dragon

Suddenly, a strong clatter and noise was heard outside the window. Alice looked outside and saw a tall man leading a huge three-headed dragon. A sign with the inscription "Serpent of Gordynych" hung on a strange creature. It turned out that a strange procession was looking for Professor Seleznev. The old man accompanying the animal said that the habitat of the dragon is the Reserve of fairy tales. The animal needed urgent medical attention. The old man introduced himself as Kusandra, assistant to Ivan Ivanovich Tsarevich (director of the reserve) on the economic side.

First suspicions

Puss in Boots

Alice noticed that Kusandra treated the dragon very badly. He constantly called the fairy-tale character and even kicked him. These maneuvers, of course, cost the old man dearly. The dragon was much larger than the person accompanying him, and the blows hurt Kusandra more than the animal. However, the old man claimed that he was very worried about the dragon’s health, and if he died, the reserve director would be very angry. Ivan Tsarevich himself, according to Kusandra, was at a scientific conference in the city of Timbuktu. Professor Seleznev carefully examined the dragon and said that he was healthy, there was only a slight runny nose. Alice's father wanted to give the animal general strengthening injections, but it turned out that the dragon was terribly afraid of pain. After that, Kusandra, together with an outlandish beast, went back to the Fairy-Tale Reserve. A summary of the story takes us back to Alice’s room, where a very unusual guest awaits her.


After the unexpected guests left, Alice and her father discussed Kusandra's strange behavior. They decided to ask the director of the reserve not to hire such unpleasant helpers to care for animals. Already during a conversation between Professor Seleznev and Kusandra, Alice noticed how a real Dwarf is selected from the pocket of an old man’s coat. The girl met a small creature. The gnome was called Sven. He was very grumpy and moody. Sven told Alice that the Fairytale Reserve had become a hotbed of an ominous conspiracy. The inhabitants of the fairy forest began to suspect that Ivan Ivanovich Tsarevich had not left for Timbuktu at all, but was the victim of an evil wizard, who in reality was Kusandra. The gnome specially arrived at the Seleznevs' house to get to know Alice and call her for help. There was rumor about her as a brave, courageous and kind girl. Yes, writer Kir Bulychev made his heroine a popular person ! The reserve of fairy tales needed her help and protection.

Bulychev fairy tales reserve

Charges on the road

Alice agreed to go to the Fairy Tale Reserve. In order not to be evident, she decided to change into a summer dress, reminiscent of old clothes. Sven saw a girl Dasha doll and decided to make a toy for his bride. As a dowry, he brought along doll furniture. The dwarf said that the director of the reserve is a very kind and decent man, but he does not understand people at all. Therefore, Ivan Tsarevich could not recognize in Kusandra an evil and dangerous person. Next, Alice and Sven (or Venya, as the Dwarf allowed himself to be called) went to the Fairy-Tale Reserve. The summary of the story will help to study the history of their adventures in a more concise form.

Meeting with the Gray Wolf

Alice arrived with Veny in the reserve. They found themselves in an unusual forest. The girl walked, looking around curiously. She hid the gnome in her bag with her doll Dasha. Suddenly, the Gray Wolf appeared on Alice’s path. He seemed friendly and polite. He began to ask the girl who she was and where she came from. Alice called herself Cinderella and said that she is a new resident of the reserve. Gray Wolf told the girl about himself. The predator turned out to be a convinced vegetarian - he ate a carrot for a long time and did not eat anyone. Isn’t Bulychev the Reserve of fairy tales made an interesting place? In it, all the characters behaved in a special way, not like in magic books.

Kir Bulychev fairy tales reserve

Gnome family

After meeting with the wolf, Alice went into the house where the dwarves lived. Here she met the Sven family, his aunt Dagmar and the brothers. The girl was told that Venia is a very lazy and frivolous young man. When Dagmara saw the doll, she was terribly surprised. Venya said that Dasha is his bride. Aunt Gnome stated that it was an ordinary toy and complained to Alice that she couldn’t wait for her grandchildren because Sven didn’t really want to get married. The girl really liked the family of gnomes, but she urgently needed to find out what kind of secret lies in itself the Reserve of fairy tales. The summary of Bulychev’s novel will help readers to solve this secret quickly and easily.

In search of a clue

The brothers and aunt forced Gnome to see the girl away so that she would not get lost in the reserve. On the way, friends saw a strange picture: a small gray goat grazed Puss in boots. The reserve of fairy tales, that is, all its inhabitants, considered a furry animal an unprincipled personality, capable of any meanness. Indeed, the Cat was Kusandra's right hand! Soon, Gnome and Alice came to a clearing, on which stood a huge refrigerator - there lived Santa Claus. It was hot for him on the street in the summer, so for grandfather they arranged a cozy lodging in the refrigerator. Here Alice met the Snow Maiden. The heroes of the story shared common fears with each other.

Santa Claus recommended the girl to look for Ivan Tsarevich in the castle, where the directorate was located. This time, Alice was escorted by a bear. On the way, the girl met Little Red Riding Hood, the Ugly Duckling, and the Mermaid. All these extraordinary creatures were gathered in one place by Kir Bulychev. The reserve of fairy tales, by the will of the author’s imagination, became the habitat of magical heroes who arrived from the Legendary era in a time machine.

Bulychev reserve of fairy tales

In the house of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother

Grandma Little Red Riding Hood was very hospitable and treated Alice with pies. The elderly woman was very hardworking: she devoted almost all her leisure time to knitting the best curtain in the world for the stage of a musical children's theater. But Little Red Riding Hood turned out to be a fabulous idler - she slept all day or watched TV. Alice was very surprised that the grandmother and granddaughter live in the Fairy Tales Reserve, because they are the most ordinary people. It turned out that an elderly woman brought Little Red Riding Hood to the city to give her an education, but the girl categorically refused to study. Moreover, the knowledge in her head did not linger at all. That is why the grandmother moved with her granddaughter to the Fairy Tales Reserve.

Berendeevo reserve of fairy tales

The summary of the story does not allow us to describe in detail the funny features of each character. If the reader wants to know more, he should familiarize himself with the original work.

Betrayal of the Gray Wolf

Following the directorate located in the old castle, Alice accidentally noticed the Gray Wolf secretly making his way to Kusandra’s office, where he drank tea. The shaggy scammer said that Cinderella was highly suspicious of him. Kusandra instantly realized that such a fabulous character in the reserve does not exist. Having overheard the conversation of the conspirators, Alice realized that they were really plotting the evil, and the director was really enchanted. Suddenly, Puss in Boots came out of the woods. He unceremoniously dragged a kid behind him. The girl was convinced that this suspicious type was in conspiracy with intruders. A truly dangerous, inhabited by wild and ruthless creatures place in his book Kir Bulychev Reserve of fairy tales. Alice went to the second half of the castle, where the fabulous King lived.

Meeting with the King

The fairy-tale King told Alice the sad story that he used to be the sovereign master of the castle, but then he was forced to give half of his home to the needs of the Fairy-Tale Reserve in exchange for the promise of Ivan Tsarevich to feed him and serve him. But already the second day of the King no one visited. Previously, Kusandra had to deal with the whims of a noble person. His King called the vile and low man, but without this nasty old man the man was threatened with regular malnutrition. Alice told the King that the director had disappeared without a trace. At this time, Kusandra appeared in the halls. The girl managed to hide. The old man came to find out with whom the King had just spoken. The starving man said that he started talking to himself, and then asked where the director had gone. Kusandra said that Ivan Tsarevich went to Timbuktu for a permafrost conference. So Alice was convinced that the cunning old man was deceiving everyone, because Timbuktu is an African city. The girl realized that a real misfortune awaits the Reserve of fairy tales. The king showed Alice how to go down into the courtyard.

Dungeon adventure

On the way, the girl met her old friend - Snake Gordynych. They had a nice conversation. The dragon complained of boredom and loneliness. Alice said that in faraway Scotland, in the Loch Ness lake, a monster lives, very reminiscent of a dragon. The serpent Gordynych was terribly happy. He said that this was probably his cousin, which certainly must be visited.

reserve of fairy tales name of the main villain

After the girl went to the dungeon. She decided that it was there that they could hide Ivan Tsarevich. Here she discovered a crystal coffin with a very beautiful girl - Sleeping Princess. The Cat in love in boots sang serenades to her and unsuccessfully tried to open the coffin. Out of frustration and powerlessness, the clawed rogue began to scratch the goat. He resisted and wept bitterly. Alice could not stand such a spectacle and found her presence. The girl was immediately caught. Kusandra first tried to interrogate Alice, and then threw her into the dungeon.

These are the tests prepared by his beloved heroine Kir Bulychev. The reserve of fairy tales turned out to be a dangerous place for a little and desperate girl.

Dungeon Rescue

Fortunately, the dragon managed to help Alice out. The brave girl immediately ran to her friends - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. On the way, she caught the eye of the horns and legs that remained from the goat. All the inhabitants of the reserve realized that the unfortunate animal died in the clutches of the Gray Wolf, who only pretended to be a harmless vegetarian. In the guise of a goat there was an enchanted director. So leads his readers to the outcome of the events Kir Bulychev. The reserve of fairy tales was seething with indignation. The news spread throughout its territory that all the fabulous inhabitants were obliged to appear at the general meeting. The defenders were threatened with witching charms and imprisonment in the dungeon.

Villain reveals cards

At the meeting, the whole Fairy Tales Reserve learned a terrible secret. The name of the main villain who planned the coup is not Kusander, but Koschey the Immortal. He appeared before the assembled in a mantle made of a curtain that had been knitted by the grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood for so long. The villain showed the goat to everyone and said that it was he who turned Tsarevich. Koschey wanted to close the reserve and return all its inhabitants home, in the Legendary era. However, fabulous creatures did not want to live in a world where evil and cruelty reigned. When the villain, along with his accomplices, tried to force all those gathered to go to the time machine, then everyone opposed. Fortunately, the fairy-tale heroes realized that together they are much stronger than a single wizard, albeit a very powerful one. Residents of the reserve rebuffed the villain.

The final

So the story that Kir Bulychev came up with comes to an end. The "Fairy Tales Reserve", the summary of which we tried to convey in its most concise form, pleases the reader with a happy ending. Koschey the Immortal escaped, went into the distant past. Having lost their patron, the Gray Wolf and Puss in Boots became kind and good. Fairy Tales Reserve celebrated the victory. Its inhabitants decided that they themselves will deal with insidious defectors. Alice returned to dad and asked him to cure a goat, that is, to dispel the director of the reserve Ivan Tsarevich.


The book "The Reserve of Fairy Tales" teaches readers that friendship and mutual assistance can overcome any difficulties. All the characters of the story are worthy of attention. These fairy-tale characters were steadfast in the face of danger. A simple girl Alice Seleznev made a real heroine Kir Bulychev. The Fairy Tales Preserve (a summary of this wonderful story) gives an idea of ​​how decisiveness, mind and courage conquer vile treachery and heartlessness.

Kind, witty and entertaining books of the writer are interesting for more than one generation of children. This fact is reflected in real life. So, in the vicinity of Moscow, in the style of Russian fantasy, a cottage village "Berendeevo" was built. Here, the centuries-old traditions of wooden construction and architecture are combined with innovative energy-saving technologies. The creative team of sculptors and blacksmiths worked hard for fame. "Berendeevo" - The reserve of fairy tales in modern performance, a real city of the future. The creators of the project cite an amazing story invented by Kir Bulychev. The idea of ​​a wonderful writer has received a worthy embodiment in reality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8211/

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