Husband's sister for a wife is called?

In a large and interesting list of special titles that relatives receive, the husband’s sister for the wife has the name “sister-in-law”. The word is consonant with two mutually opposite concepts: “gold” and “ash”. In our minds, these images embody completely different things. Gold is something very good and pleasant

husband's sister for wife
ash is associated with dirt and troubles. So with which of these concepts does the people associate the title of "sister-in-law"?

Russian traditions

It is believed that the sisters of the sisters of the young began to be called because of the tradition to sprinkle a new member of the family (young) with ash from the family oven. Relatives, as it were, took the girl into a large clan in this way. But more this word is associated not with ash, but with evil. Families were large, requiring constant care and trouble. A new force in the form of a brother's wife was welcome. Sisters quickly shifted their responsibilities onto her shoulders. And so that the young did not resist, they reproached her for laziness. From this and sayings went among the people: "sister-in-law - sister-in-law" and others. All of them are connected with the sharp tongues of the sisters of the missus. It was connected with jealousy. Young, young and beautiful, who received a husband, did not cause very good feelings among the unmarried sisters of the young. The life of the daughter-in-law was even more complicated. From the sister-in-law one could expect both outright hatred with reproaches and beatings, and secret anger with small but painful dirty tricks.

Sister's husband

husband sister wife called

When the husband’s sisters got married, the family became even larger. Not only new workers appeared, but also new family ties. But not only the husband had sisters and brothers, the wife also had sisters, who could also be married. The husband of the wife ’s sister is called the brother-in-law. Their children are nephews. If the young one has a sister, her husband calls her differently. Usually, girls who grew up in the same family are very close. Therefore, they require a special approach and attention from the young. So who is the husband's wife 's husband ? This relative is called sister-in-law - most likely, from the word "own." In most religions, sister-in-law is considered a taboo for her husband. They should be taken care of, patronized and protected, but you cannot enter into an intimate relationship with them!

What can a husband's sister become for a wife?

If you do not pay attention to the motivation of the behavior of relatives of the spouse, then you can make a lot of enemies. Of course, now he is only yours! But the young has enough other moral obligations if he grew up in a large family. The best way out in this situation is only one - you need to make friends with his relatives before the wedding. Then his sisters and brothers will become if you are not close relatives, then good friends, from whom you will not expect a dirty trick. Keep in mind that a husband’s sister for a wife can be either a close girlfriend or an enemy. Then the young family will be in constant danger. Still, the young sister is a native person. He listens to her opinion. Therefore, it is better for the husband’s sister for the wife to quickly become an ally.

who is the husband's wife


The word "sister-in-law" intuitively provokes a not very good reaction. To establish friendly parity, it is better to call this woman a sister. As you know, a gentle sun melts ice faster than a strong wind. Being attentive to the husband’s relatives is the minimum that a woman can do for her beloved man!


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