Choose the funniest name

As you call a ship, it will sail. It will be said a little rudely, but this also applies to people. Everyone knows that there are characteristics of a name, and few will deny that after all, much there coincides. But why sometimes people call their children strange, and sometimes just funny names?

the funniest name
About the choice

Be that as it may, choosing a name for your child is an important step, because it is believed that this way you can even outline some aspects of your baby’s future. But today it is fashionable to be original, and recently parents seemed to have gone crazy trying to choose the most unusual and least common name for their child. Many decided to return to the past and pick up an old Russian name, but there is nothing particularly strange about this. Some parents draw their ideas from, for example, TV shows, and call the kids foreign names. But sometimes this doesn’t seem enough.

Back to the past

You can try to find the funniest name in such a beloved Soviet Union. Then, in addition to ordinary names, one could call children compound integral expressions. So, everyone, probably, heard about Dazdraperm - a girl’s name, which in its full version sounds like “Long live the first of May!”. No less funny and strange boyish name is Kukutsapol, which translates as "Corn - the queen of the fields." It was accepted in the names to immortalize and well-known personalities. So, Pofistal is a derivative of Joseph Stalin, the Winner of Fascism, and N. S. Khrushchev became the source for the name Niserh or Niserh. The name Lunio may sound somewhat foreign, but this is only "Lenin died, but ideas remained."

the funniest female names

Home country

In the Voronezh region, you can also find a rather interesting name: there the girl was called Russia. And it turned out that she even had a namesake who lives in Nizhny Tagil.


You can also find the funniest name in the list of modern children's names that Ukrainians called their kids. So, you can meet the girl Kvita, Shakhroz, Melis, Philadelphia, Athena, Cleopatra. Boys also do not lag behind and replenish this list. If you wish, you can get acquainted with Nero, Aladdin, Odysseus, Christopher, Plato and Good thinking. But still, probably, the funniest female names can be found in Russia. So, in the city of Korolev, a girl was registered under the name Viagra. Parents explained their choice simply: the baby was conceived with the help of the miracle drug of the same name, in addition, mom and dad are fans of the same group.

the funniest male names

The funniest name you can try to search and abroad. So, the Americans are rich in all kinds of fabrications. They have a girl whose part of the name consists of 598 letters. And parents from Chicago called their children generally strange: Meningitis, Appendicitis, Laryngitis, Tonsillitis and Peritonitis.


The funniest name can also be with a boy whose father named him in honor of the domain - Google. And a nineteen-year-old resident of the US state of North Carolina altogether changed her name to a domain: as she explained, for ideological reasons.

For money

The list “The funniest male names” can be people who knowingly change their name for the sake of earning. So, you can be named after a particular website, company name, or even a cleaning product. But this is not always funny, and sometimes even scary ...


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