Sandwich panels for window slopes: how to install, features, recommendations

When reconstructing a building or installing new windows, experts advise to pay special attention to the method used by finishing slopes. If you choose the wrong material, the consequences can be very unpleasant. The freezing of the structure and the appearance of condensation can spoil the appearance of even the most expensive window system. That is why adjoining areas require special attention.

There are many ways in which you can insulate and finish such an important area. Most of them can only be performed by professional masters, these processes are so complex and lengthy. But there is an elegant and simple way to solve such an important task: you can use a sandwich panel for window slopes in your work and perform installation at a high level yourself.

Features and material description

sandwich panels for window slopes
Sandwich panels - sheets of extruded polystyrene foam. Their thickness is about 9 mm. Canvases on one or both sides are finished with hard PVC sheets. The thickness of the finish can be 1 or 1.5 mm. The dimensions of the sandwich panels for window slopes are 300 x 150 cm. Usually the product is white.

Products consist of the following elements:

  1. Profiles C- and J-type. A C-type profile is installed from the side of the room. The element is designed to fix the inner edge of the slope.
  2. Wooden rail, which is the guide.
  3. Polystyrene insulation. All cavities are filled with material. Due to this, the flow of cold from the side of the window is blocked.
  4. The top panel, which serves as a decorative finish to the structure.

Product Benefits

sandwich panels for window slopes Price
Sandwich panels for window slopes have indisputable advantages:

  1. Great appearance. The surface of the plastic is perfectly flat, which ensures aesthetics of the appearance of the window for a long time. In addition, the color of the slopes will be completely identical to the color of the window itself. Moreover, during operation on the surface of the product from contact with water or after painting, stains and spots will not appear. If necessary, window structures can be easily cleaned with soapy water or detergent.
  2. Duration of operation. Elements will serve as much as the window itself, since they are made of the same material.
  3. Quick clean installation. Installation of products will take about an hour of work. Additionally, the surface should not be puttied or painted.
  4. Thermal insulation qualities. The inner layer of the products has a porous structure, which prevents the penetration of heat from the room. Therefore, if the weather is cold outside, condensation does not precipitate on the slopes and other window elements adjacent to them.
  5. High moisture resistance. The outer and inner layers of the products, as well as the adhesive, do not allow moisture to pass through.
  6. Vapor tightness. All parts do not let steam through, so that foam insulation and walls remain dry and do not freeze in winter.
  7. Reasonable cost. On a sandwich panel for window slopes, the price remains at an affordable level.

Comparison with plastic counterparts

sandwich paneling
Like classic plastic constructions, sandwich panels are easy to maintain, withstand household loads and weigh a little. But there are other, equally important indicators. First of all, it is thermal insulation, and according to this indicator, the first products noticeably lose: in sandwich panels, extruded polystyrene serves as insulation material. It protects products better than the air gap.

If we compare the sandwich panels for window slopes with drywall constructions, they weigh significantly less - 1.7 kg versus 10 kg per one kV / m. Due to its light weight, the installation process is significantly accelerated and the load on the base of the parts is significantly reduced.

Most often, the slopes are set by the wizard when replacing old windows with new plastic structures. But today, many homeowners, in order to save money, undertake to do all the work themselves. What is necessary for this?

Preparatory stage

sizes of sandwich panels for window slopes
Installation of window slopes from sandwich panels begins with the preparation of a set of tools and materials. When working, you can not do without:

  1. A sharp knife.
  2. Roulettes.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Screwdriver, screwdriver or drill.
  5. Liquid plastic.
  6. "F" profile.
  7. Starting profile "P".

In addition, you will need a scoop, a garbage container (bucket, bag), a pair of stools, a cotton rag. All this is necessary for garbage collection and ease of installation.

First of all, finishing the window slopes with sandwich panels begins with preparing the window opening for work - the old plaster is removed and in the foam that was applied around the window, the groove is made with an office knife, a chisel or a screwdriver. This should be done no earlier than a day after the installation of the window structure, when the foam is completely dry.

Using a tape measure, measure the width and length of the necessary elements and according to the data obtained, three parts are cut out. One of them will be located at the top of the window and run parallel to the windowsill. The other two elements are side parts.

P-profile mounting

installation of window slopes from a sandwich of panels
Given the dimensions obtained, the starting P-profile is cut. The element is fixed strictly along the edge of the window with self-tapping screws every 12-14 cm. Installation of the sandwich panels of the window slopes is started from the top of the window, then the sidewalls are fixed so that there is no gap between them and the upper part.

Note : you can install structures without using the start profile. To do this, the strips of sandwich panels should be of such a width that they go beyond the window profile by 1-1.2 cm. The niches are pre-foamed and then the slope is fixed. This option of installing window slopes from sandwich panels with your own hands is considered more time-consuming, but also more effective in terms of aesthetics.

Strip setting

Work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The upper panel is inserted into the starting profile fixed by screws.
  2. Cut 4 parts of the same length as the width of the slopes, and enter them 2 on each side into the side starting profile. Fix each part with screws to the surface of the window sill and the upper part of the sandwich panel.
  3. Installation of a strip of sandwich panels on the start profile. Similarly fasten the same part on the other side of the window.

As a result, the work is almost done, there are only a few finishing touches.

The final stage of installation

installation of sandwich panels
In order for the plastic slope to become finished, it is closed with a so-called lid (in other words, the β€œF” profile). For this, segments of the desired length are cut from the profile. To determine the desired indicator, the profile width of the side elements and the profile width of the upper part are added to the length of the slope. And it is advisable to take a slightly larger figure than necessary - the surplus can be cut off, but if at least 1 cm is not enough, you will have to redo the last stage again.

Now, on the cut edges, it remains to snap the lid. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the strips from the outer part are located at the lap corners.

It remains to outline the cut line with a ruler and a pencil and trim the excess part of the edging. This approach allows you to get neatly cut right angles of the sandwich panels for window slopes.

Finishing work

do-it-yourself window slopes of sandwich panels
If you wish, you can treat the joints with liquid plastic. This is not necessary at all, but it is better to perform processing to seal the seams, which will extend the service life of the structure. To fill the voids with liquid plastic, it is necessary to dismantle the F-profile, fill the niches with the substance and leave it like this for a day. After 24 hours, all excess is cut off and the lid is replaced. These simple steps will help to significantly protect the room from the noise and cold of the street. But when working with liquid sealant, you need to be very careful: the substance must fill the voids and not fall onto the surface of the window.

Lastly, they remove the protective film from the window, and after a day they remove the masking tape. Slopes at the door are made in the same way as window ones. But there is a difference: all wires are hidden under them next to the doorway. And one more thing - it’s better to choose a panel that is lighter in tone than a door leaf for finishing a door.


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