Mango clothes and accessories, and what is good to know about them

The Spanish brand Mango is positioning itself among the democratic trading houses specializing in the production of clothes, underwear, shoes and accessories for women and selling them through a wide network of branded stores "mango clothes".

The pricing policy and the quality of mango clothing attract customers of all ages who want to always look fashionable and pay moderately for it.

A bit of history

The Mango company was founded in 1984 by the Ardik brothers, who sought to create stores selling fashionable and inexpensive clothes for young people. The young company was successful and quickly gained popularity first in Spain, then in Europe and around the world.

Today, specialized stores "mango clothing" with a total of over 1,100 are located in eighty-nine countries. Seventy percent of them are franchised. Thirty are owned by a company headquartered in Barcelona.

Reviews are friendly both in the press and in the results of customer surveys. Brand adherents value two things: the constant updating of collections in accordance with fashion trends and the affordable price.

Today is mango

The total number of Mango employees fluctuates around the figure of 6500 people, over eighty percent of them are women. The average age of employees is 30 years. The company believes that the participation of such a large number of young women in the design and production of clothing collections is the key to success.

Mango is justifiably proud of the well-organized logistics system (Mango Logistics System), the purpose of which is to provide any of the “mango clothes” stores with the necessary quantity of goods corresponding to the latest produced collections. In other words, the speed of mango trade corresponds to the speed of production, and customers can be sure that in any of the stores in the chain they purchase only fashionable novelties.

Items from outdated collections are sold by the company with a significant discount. Therefore, discounts of 50-70 percent are not uncommon in “mango clothes” stores. Seasonal sales are also considered commonplace.

The attitude of the company to the design of company stores is interesting. There are a number of mandatory requirements, the implementation of which is strictly monitored. So, mango shops should:

  • located on the central streets of cities;
  • to have a large area and a large number of fitting rooms equipped with full-length mirrors;
  • to have separate trading areas for placing new collections and sites intended for the sale of discounted items;
  • Regularly send fresh mango catalogs by mail to your regular customers.

The staff of Mango Clothing stores undergo special training at the company. All these measures aimed at maintaining the loyalty of brand customers also contribute to increased sales.

Mango Clothing Reviews, Pros and Cons

Mango regularly collects and reviews feedback on its work, collections, logistics and trade systems. Perhaps it is this “feedback” that is one of the components of the competent development and rapid success of the brand.

An undeniable advantage of the company is the pricing policy and the quality of mango clothing, which are in equilibrium. Practical women rightly believe that the ability to inexpensively update your wardrobe with obviously fashionable things allows you to "look through your fingers" at the low level of quality of the raw materials used.

Initially, reasonable prices and the current system of discounts make it easy to replace failed items with new and more fashionable ones. Fans of the brand believe that the Mango company “plays by the rules”, realizing the natural desire of women to remain at the peak of fashion by quickly updating the wardrobe.


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