Powder mounting gun: specifications

Mounting guns for working with hardware are widely represented in the domestic market. The most popular pneumatic models due to their high performance, accuracy and affordable price. However, in professional construction and complex domestic repair tasks it is more advisable to have a powder gun at hand, which is characterized by high impact energy and reliability in operation.

powder gun

Features of powder guns

The main feature is high power, which allows the user to work even with thick dowels. In this case, the basis can be any solid material. Of course, the family of powder models also has its own gradation in impact force, but even the middle segment offers characteristics that significantly exceed the capabilities of alternative tools. It is enough to say that the powder gun is able to confidently fix the brickwork to steel and concrete, which is confirmed by practice.

The selection should take into account the technical and operational characteristics of the guns so that they fully meet the requirements at the place of operation. To date, this segment is not very popular, since the function of direct impact hammering is quite specific. Therefore, the market is dominated by Hilti powder-mounted mounting pistols, which practically have no equal in quality competitors. But then there is competition within the family, so you should familiarize yourself with the specific offers of the brand before buying.

Specifications of the Hilti DX E72 model

hilti dx e72 powder gun

This is the basic version in the manufacturer's line, which is distinguished by sufficient capacity for medium-sized construction needs and modern ergonomics. As for technical data, the model has an impact force of up to 362 J, and the range of lengths of fasteners varies from 14 to 72 mm. It should be noted that tools with high power potential usually look pretty impressive. In this case, the developers managed to combine compact dimensions with good impact energy. In particular, the Hilti DX E72 powder mounting gun has dimensions of 404 x 46 x 153 mm. The weight of the tool is only 2 kg, which allows you to conveniently perform work operations with one hand.

Specifications of the Hilti DX 76 model

This is a more serious model, which can be safely attributed to professional. The impact energy of this apparatus is 563 J. This indicator is sufficient for the operator to easily work with the installation of steel products and structures, realizing durable joints. True, the dimensions of the case in this case will also be rather big - 45 x 10.1 x 35.2 cm with a weight of 4.3 kg. It is important to note the performance of the DX 76 model. A powder gun mount of this modification is capable of serving fasteners 19-21 mm long. Such capabilities cannot be talked about even with respect to leaders in the families of the same pneumatic or electric mounting guns. The advantages of this particular model, in addition to the powder method of energy supply, include the implementation of an automatic clogging mechanism. This means that the device will cope with high loads without compromising the quality of operations.

Specifications of the Hilti DX 2 Model

dx e72 gun mount gun

This modification can be attributed to household models. She effectively copes with metal and wooden substrates, precisely clogging hardware with a length of 14-62 mm. Moreover, the impact force is very modest by the standards of professional tools - only 245 J. Nevertheless, this is enough to fix wooden materials to concrete, fasten plywood sheets and formwork boards. Also, the gun mounting gun in the performance of Hilti DX 2 is suitable for installing masonry to steel and concrete. The range of operations covers fixing guides for gypsum plasterboards, fixing electrics and mechanical elements to concrete coatings, installing plaster mesh, etc. The device’s dimensions are 34.5 x 5 x 15.7 cm and weight is 2.4 kg.

Consumables and accessories

hilti powder guns

For stable and high-quality operation of the gun, appropriate equipment is required. For example, an important role is played by the piston guide in the mechanism, on which the impact force depends. Usually, kits also include a set with a piston and circlips - the user can replace these elements if necessary independently. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of cartridges. The fact is that construction powder guns work with consumables of various formats. The most common cartridges are DX modifications M10, which are used in work with siding, ceilings, etc.

Maintenance Nuances

dx 76 powder mounting gun

It has already been noted that the retaining rings and pistons can be replaced with your own hands. This must be done as you wear out so that the gun stably maintains its function. The resource of these components is determined by many operational factors, including the number of shots fired, conditions of use, device power, body durability, level of professionalism of the performer, etc. In conditions of intensive work, the powder gun must be checked at least twice a day. The piston is replaced in cases of deformation or when chips are formed on the inside of its end. Tip curvature processes are also common. Care should also be taken to check the snap rings, which may flatten and split. As a rule, basic sets contain an instance of a new ring, therefore, by comparing the shapes of two elements, one can easily determine the degree of deformation or damage.


powder guns for construction

Hilti is one of the leaders in the percussion construction tool segment. In addition to assembly pistols, in its line-up you can find powerful drills and perforators, which will become a serious help in the matter of complex repair operations. So, for beginners, the DX E72 modification is suitable. The powder gun mounting in this design copes with most of the typical operations associated with providing fasteners. For professionals, the developers offer the DX 76 model, which is characterized by high power. If we talk about comparing the group of powder guns as such with other variations, then their obvious advantages can be attributed to ease of maintenance and convenience in the process. The fact is that the device practically does not require the use of auxiliary equipment during operation, which greatly facilitates the production and repair process.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E824/

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