Angry Birds is a park in Europolis. Description, reviews and photos

“From the game to reality” - this motto has recently opened “Engry Birds” (park in Europolis) in St. Petersburg. Now children and adults have the opportunity to test their strength, dexterity and logic in exciting attractions based on the most popular game.

angry birds park in europolis

Unique complex

Entertainment sites of this type have long existed in the world. The most famous and affordable park for compatriots is in Finland. Fortgroup leads the global Angry Birds community. They are the ones who own the Angri Beards closed area - a park in Europolis. In Russia there are two more similar complexes with attractions, but they are in the open.

The zone on the third floor of the shopping center is a truly unique concept that allows children to spend time not only fun, but also informative. After all, in order to pass this or that attraction, you need to think. All machines are based on the principles of elementary mechanics and kinetics, the basics of physics and science. Some attractions were developed by company managers specifically for Russian children (this was written in an interview with the managers of Angry Birds. The park in Europolis (photos of playgrounds confirm this) looks very impressive.

angry birds park europolis reviews

Interactive Zones

All the playgrounds of the complex are closely intertwined on the subject with the game itself. For example, one of the difficult levels is Shipwreck Reef. In the mobile version, you need to kill four pirates on board the ship in turn. Something similar is recreated in real life.

In the "Bamboo Forest" you need to find treasures, and in the "Pig Mines" - to find a way out of the maze. There are also familiar sites “Bird Galaxy”, “Cobalt Plateau”.

angry birds activity park europolis

Separate attractions are the Tower of Fall and the Climbing Wall. On the first, you can test and study the force of gravity, and on the second - try your hand at close to real mountain conditions. Children also enjoy the fascinating Water Table, Fanball, Zipline.

angry birds park in europolis photo

This is not all the interactive sites that Angry Birds Activity has (the park). Europolis is a large complex, its visit is designed for you to spend all day there. It is offered to relax in children's cafes, and so that parents do not get bored, they can go shopping, which are located on the same floor.

Holidays and events

In the park, children and adults have fun not only on weekdays, but also on holidays. In stock, the organizers have a large arsenal of items and services to help parents celebrate any children's celebration. A choice of 4 banquet rooms for a different number of guests. Among the workers there are real professional animators who will entertain children with an exciting game. And the main guest of the evening is one of the heroes of the game "Angry Birds".

Angry Birds, a park in Europolis, will do everything possible to keep children happy. For convenience, parents are immediately offered a separate banquet menu with dishes for the kids and a huge selection of cakes to order.

Regularly on the site of the park, children's master classes in various fields are held. If you follow the news on the site or in a social group, then you will definitely stay up to date with all the interesting and exciting activities. Moreover, they are carried out for free, and meanwhile, parents can safely go shopping.

Special events are held for the holidays. Visitors have already appreciated the level of organization of the matinee for the New Year. By the way, a contest is now being held to participate in the Beauty Day project for mothers. Any woman or girl can try their hand.

angry birds park in europolis cost

Age restrictions

In general, Angry Birds, a park in Europolis, can be visited by everyone. But there is one limitation: children after 12 years old will not be very interested here. So the organizers think, and therefore introduced an upper limit. As for the lower border, it is not.

But, according to visitors, it is best to go with children from three years old. There is no entertainment for the smallest here, and they are unlikely to understand the features of the organization of certain attractions, and what needs to be done on them. So if your child is another two years old, then look better at another park, so as not to be bored with this.

Public opinion

People on the forums write a lot about Angry Birds. The park in Europolis receives very diverse reviews. In general, children like to relax here. Almost all rides are designed for the knowledge of the world. This is not just shooting and racing, these are small logical tasks, which are very exciting to solve.
The room is quite spacious, but still on weekends and in the evenings there are almost always large lines. You need to be prepared for this.

You can’t do without a fly in the ointment. Parents complain that they have to wait a long time for their turn to the wardrobe and cash desks. Due to the large concentration of children and adults, these two zones are always the most congested.

Among the reviews there is an opinion that, despite the fact that the park opened a little less than a year ago, many attractions are not working or are being repaired. This creates additional inconvenience.

Those children who are not spoiled by trendy and sophisticated amusement parks will surely be satisfied. Most of the dissatisfied visitors are people who can afford to go on a weekend trip to Finland and play there in the similar Angry Birds complex. Amusement Park in Europolis is a great way to spend free time for the benefit of the child. At least once, but worth a try.

angry birds amusement park in europolis

Price of rest

When buying an entrance ticket, you take a subscription for the whole day, regardless of how much time you spend inside. Many people think that pricing is a little overpriced, and this affects the rating of Angry Birds (park in Europolis). The cost of tickets depends on the day and time of the visit. So, on weekdays, children and adults can come here by paying 750 rubles. By the way, we draw attention to the fact that if a child is less than 9 years old, then he must definitely come with one of the adults. Thus, a vacation for two, from Monday to Thursday for the whole day from 10:00 to 22:00, will cost 1,500 rubles.

Entrance Ticket Discounts

On weekends and holidays, the cost rises by 200 rubles and amounts to 950 rubles per person, regardless of age. But children under 3 years old and children with disabilities can take place for free. In addition, there are some categories of citizens with benefits. These are accompanying children with disabilities (they pay half the cost), the same amount is for children from large families and grandparents who are 55 years old.

By the way, there are two more small benefits. After 8 pm on any day, children and adults for two can pay the cost of only one ticket. So, on weekdays, the dad with the child after 8 pm will pay 750 rubles, and on the weekend - 950. One adult accompanying person receives a 50% discount on any Wednesday.


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