Heat-loving Salvia. Growing seeds from its seedlings.

Surely, you have ever admired the flower beds on which salvia burns. The fiery red flower, no matter how it is surrounded by flowers, leaves an indelible impression on itself. This is a real find for landscape designers. Where you need a bright framing of the garden space Salvia will come in handy.

However, in order to provide such beauty to your garden, you have to work hard. And you have to start long before you get the result. After all, salvia is a heat-loving annual of a long growing period. So, in order to please your eyes with its flowering (and a well-developed plant blooms from June to September), you need to take care to grow strong seedlings. Since for such a plant that does not tolerate cold like salvia, growing from seeds in open ground is impossible.

How to grow salvia from seeds:

  • prepare the ground and seeds;
  • sow seedlings in a box;
  • carry out top dressing and watering;
  • make a pick;
  • drop off to a permanent place.

And now we will describe in detail the process: salvia - growing from seeds.

How to grow Salvia seedlings and get healthy plants that will delight you with bright lights of their flowers all summer. First of all, seeds need to be prepared for sowing. In order to avoid damage to seedlings with a black leg, before sowing, they must be etched with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse and dry. Having prepared the seeds in this way, in late February, you can sow seedlings of salvia. It is also important to pay attention also to the composition of the soil, which is intended for sowing. It should not be excessively enriched with humus. Providing the necessary temperature for seedlings 18-20 degrees, you can expect them to appear in 10-15 days. Then, salvia seedlings will need to be fed at least three times for the entire growing period. Top dressing is carried out mainly with mullein infusion, which should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. It is best to spend it in the morning. The same applies to watering.

In order to get high-quality seedlings, you need to twice pick, followed by planting in separate cups. In no case do not neglect these measures, because it is from the thickened crops that she will come out weak and sick, because the plants are forced to stretch. Also, when picking, it is recommended to pinch the roots a little to develop the branching root system of the plant.

And only at the beginning of June, when the threat of frost seedlings of the beauty of Salvia, which also has the name sage sparkling, passes, can it be planted in a permanent place in the open ground. However, this should not be rushed, since even the slightest frost can kill the plant.

Thus, if you decide to decorate your garden plot with a plant that has stunningly bright flowers, and their color will allow you to implement any design tricks, then take care of this in advance. Since for a plant such as salvia, growing from seeds is only possible by sowing seedlings, it is necessary that you have prepared both the ground and the seeds for this. Therefore, from the fall, prepare a box in which you will sow flowers and fill it with earth. When the time for sowing comes, you just have to warm it. Also, take care of the purchase of seeds in advance and conduct their timely processing.

Although in order to grow salvia, you have to take a little trouble, its luxurious appearance on your site will pay off all your worries handsomely. It doesn’t matter at all that our salvia, growing from seeds of which takes time, is so moody in weather conditions. After all, salvia is a beauty, and beauties, as you know, are allowed a lot.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8255/

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