Quote about loyalty and love

"Is there anything in the world that deserves fidelity?" - wrote Boris Pasternak. Yes, and a lot, but to each - his own. Some are ready to serve faithfully in the homeland, others are for love, and others are for duty. All the same, the great Russian writer Pasternak believed that such things were actually very few and offered his own option - immortality, otherwise - "to another name for life, a little strengthened." Undoubtedly, a deep understanding. But what will the other greats of this world tell us? A quote about fidelity is the protagonist of this article.

quote about fidelity

Fidelity as a concept

What is it? According to the philosophical dictionary, namely the words of Cicero, loyalty is equated with justice, in other words - in the obligations assumed, there must be truthfulness. The Soviet psychologist and philosopher Brudny A.A. suggested that this concept be understood as socially affirmed trust, which is expressed in devotion. In family psychology, loyalty is the main condition for maintaining stability in marriage. With reference to military and political psychology, this thesis is understood as a necessary requirement for a person, which is verified and supported by a symbolic act - taking the oath. Here he deduces an amazing regularity: the value of fidelity directly depends on the degree of risk.

But all this is the reasoning of learned minds: it is logical, specifically, without unnecessary digressions. Writers and poets think differently - vividly, vividly, figuratively. So let’s listen to them: welcome, quote about fidelity!

quotes about fidelity and love

Fidelity with a plus sign and a minus sign

As a rule, the lexical unit "devotion" is used in a positive sense. But let's see: is a “loyal” beauty really so good? A quote about loyalty will certainly help.

The English writer Oscar Wilde placed the desire to be monogamous in everything along with lethargy of habit, lack of imagination and powerlessness. He explained this by the fact that people with great joy would have thrown a lot, if not for the fear that someone else would follow and would surely pick up the thrown ballast. A bit cynical, isn't it? On the one hand, yes, but on the other, no, and that’s why.

Quite often, fidelity is used as a bright white background to create a positive image: “I am honest, faithful - that means I love”, “I am devoted to the Motherland - then I am a patriot”, etc. This can be either self-deception, unconscious behavior, or quite a deliberate, deliberate act to hide your true essence. Pascal Bruckner, a French writer, distinguished between two types of fidelity - for the sake of decency and inner conviction.

And the American writer Terry Goodkind said that this deep feeling turns into an everyday desire if it serves only to fulfill its own, selfish needs. Maybe that's why Paolo Coelho always offers, in all cases, to ask themselves the question of what fidelity is, and whether it is at present just a desire to possess a body and soul that does not belong to us ...

quotes about loyalty and devotion

Quotes about loyalty and love.

However, the more you read fiction, the more obvious becomes the inextricable link of love and fidelity. Frederick Begbeder once remarked that love is akin to music, which in turn makes fidelity natural. Mark Tullius Cicero, who believed that young people measure love by the power of passion, does not lag behind him, or rather, steps ahead. But they are young, naive, what to take from them? Then they will understand that love is measured by its desire to be faithful and reliable.

Yes, to be betrayed in love is not easy, and the point here is not even in the many trials on the path of lovers. The greatest work is the daily acceptance of those unexpected discoveries that a person makes both in his soul and in the heart of another. Discoveries are not always pleasant. Proof of this is another quote about loyalty from George Sand. She wrote that we should ask God for eternal life with those whom we love, as a reward for honesty and constancy in our short perishable life.


Undoubtedly, quotes about loyalty and devotion are a true golden foundation of wisdom. But I want to conclude with the words of Osho: “It must be the fidelity of two hearts. It does not even need to be expressed in words, because to express it in words means to defile it. It should be silent devotion, the complete unity of one heart with another, the complete commitment of one being to another. It must be understood, not proclaimed. ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8256/

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