Zantedesia: home care, description and recommendations

Zantedesia is a charming plant of the Aroid family, popularly referred to as calla or calla. Such an interesting name for the flower is due to Kurt Sprengel, a German botanist who gave it in honor of his Italian colleague Giovanni Zantedeschi.

Santedesia home care
The birthplace of perennial grassy culture is South Africa, namely its wet marshy territories. In the natural environment, it can be observed that part of the stems and rhizomes of zantedesia are often completely submerged in water.

Description of Zantedesia

The height of the zantedeskia, home care which requires certain knowledge and skills, reaches from 1.0 to 2.5 meters. The leaves of the plant are large (about 40 cm long), heart-shaped, located on long massive petioles. Coloring is green, with variegated cream or white spots. The stem is erect, branched rhizome, powerful. Zantedesia, home care which brings a lot of pleasure to true lovers of indoor floriculture, is popularly called home calla.

Zantedesia flower at home care

The tropical plant blooms very elegant, large flowers, located on straight high peduncles. The inflorescence is a yellow cob, with a long (about 15 cm) bedspread. Its color is diverse: cream, yellow, purple, white, pink. Breeders have bred varieties characterized by a two-color bedspread. Most often, the cover inside is painted a few tones lighter than on the outside. The flowering of Zantedescia is a long phenomenon, it begins with the onset of autumn days and lasts until spring. After flowering, yellow berries are formed in diameter of about 1 cm. The dormancy period is usually 2 months and in the homeland of the plant falls in the summer.

Features of growing home calla lilies

In amateur cultivation, the Ethiopian zantedeskia, care of at home which requires some investment, is somewhat capricious; the plant loves the abundance of light in both summer and winter, but is able to optimally adapt to a variety of conditions.

calla zantedescia home care
In winter, you can arrange additional lighting for your pet using fluorescent lamps. Being a heat-loving culture, home calla (Zantedesia Ethiopian) feels comfortable at a temperature not lower than +18 Β° C, optimal for the normal development and growth of the flower is +22 ... + 23 Β° C. Temperature differences and drafts are factors that are extremely Zantedescia is negative.

Flower at home: care, cultivation

A key factor in the successful growth and development of a flower is air humidity. For this, leaves of the plant must be regularly sprayed and wiped with a damp cloth. A resident of the marshes, Zantedeskia needs regular plentiful watering from the beginning of spring until the very fall.

Santedesia mix home care
Irrigation water should be settled, soft, room temperature. Very favorably the pet reacts to the presence of a 3-5-cm layer of water in the pan. During rest, the moisture supply must be reduced, and some varieties stopped altogether.

Feeding home calla lilies

During the period of active growth, from February to June, an excellent zantedescia, care at home for which does not cause much trouble, needs to be fed: mineral (with Pocon, Agricola, Fertica-lux, Bona Forte preparations) ) and organic (compost, humus, rotted manure, β€œGiant” preparation). Organics pet is required for the formation of a lush bush and active growth of leaves and is carried out once every one and a half to two months. Mineral preparations contain a high percentage of phosphorus and potassium, which are the key to successful flowering.

Transplantation of zantedesia

It is required to carry out an annual plant transplant, since during the vegetative period, calla (zantedesia), home care for which is not particularly difficult, greatly depletes the soil.

Santedesia Ethiopian home care
The landing capacity should be spacious, with a nutrient substrate and a mandatory five-centimeter drainage layer, for which ceramic shards or large expanded clay can be used. Depending on the size, the tuber is planted to a depth of 5 to 10 centimeters. The optimal soil composition - two parts of turf, one part of leafy, peaty soil and sand with compost or humus - also one part.

When Zantedescia Blooms

Zantedeskia bloom, home care for which gives a lot of pleasure to gardeners, begins two years after planting. The first flowers are pale (sometimes greenish) in color. Over time, the color of the bedspread becomes more saturated. The flowering period is quite long and sometimes lasts several months. With good lighting, home calla blooms in late autumn and can delight you with charming flowers throughout the winter period.

calla zantedescia flower care at home

After flowering, the zantedescia needs rest; the recommended resting period is one and a half months. The plant needs to reduce watering, in the middle of summer to clear of the remnants of leaves, air dry and transplanted into a new, nutritious substrate. You can temporarily plant the plant in open ground, for example, in the garden, and in August return "home". Leaves enter a new growth with the beginning of the autumn period.

Reproduction of Zantedescia at home

Tuberous varieties of zantedeskia are propagated by children, which can be separated in the process of annual plant transplantation. Also, two to three times a year to ensure abundant flowering and in order to rejuvenate the zantedesca, it is necessary to divide tubers or rhizomes, depending on the plant variety. It’s better to break them with your hands, without using a knife and other cutting tools.

There is also a seed reproduction method, less popular among gardeners. The seed germination is quite high, but the method requires some patience: plants grown in this way will please flowering only after 4-5 years from planting. If the plans of an amateur gardener lack a desire to grow zantedescia from seeds, then break off the arrows of flowers that have already faded. This will save the plant a large number of forces required in order to easily survive the dormant period of calla (zantedesia).

Flower Care at Home: Pest Control

In indoor conditions, calla may be affected by a spider mite, overcoming a plant in a room with an excess of dry air. Affected leaves become flabby and after some time dry up. Therefore, in order to prevent defeat by such a pest, periodic spraying with water is required.

Santedesia home care

Thrips, whiteflies and aphids pose a great danger to house culture. Numerous colonies of such pests discolor zantedesia and deform its leaves, sometimes leading to the complete death of the flower. You can try to remove them by the folk method, wiping the plant with cotton pads soaked in a solution of laundry soap. In case of more serious damage to the home flower, spraying with insecticides should be used: 1 ml of Karbofos, diluted in 1 liter of water, or Actellik.

Zantedesia mix, home-based care for which cheers up and brings pleasure, is a unique plant that looks great both in a single form and in a floral arrangement. It can be planted with other flowers, for example, ivy and bindweed.


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