Ring on the toe. How to choose the toe ring

Today it is often possible to meet a girl who wears at least one ringlet on her toe. However, few people know where the fashion came from putting on a toe ring, what it means, and how to wear it correctly. But such an ornament can say a lot about its mistress. Therefore, the owners of such an accessory as a ring on a foot on a finger will not be amiss to learn the features of its proper wearing.

Ring on the foot: where did his story begin?

One of the customs of Indians is to put a ring on their toe. It was believed that this jewelry was able to make a woman more desirable and more beautiful. The history of the foot ring goes back centuries. There are references to him in the sacred epics of the Mahabharata and Ramayana. It said that a foot-to-toe ring emphasizes the beauty of the girl wearing it.

toe ring

Talking about the ring on the foot, one cannot but mention the civilizations of Mochenjodaro and Harappa, because it was they who significantly influenced the development of jewelry in the countries of India and the East. Many portraits of the gods with similar ornaments have survived to this day. The leading supplier of jewelry and gemstones since the third millennium AD is India. In this country, such an accessory as a ring on a toe, meant only one thing: the woman who wears it is married. Neither the image of the bride, nor the wedding ceremony were complete without this decoration. The wedding ceremony itself included the moment when the groom put the ring on the toe of the bride. In India, it was customary to wear one ring on the second toe of the left foot or two rings on both legs. In some cases, the ring on the foot on the finger could be attached to the bracelet, which was located on the ankle. A similar accessory made of silver is a habit in India.

Who and why wears rings on the leg?

Girls begin to wear such an original decoration for various reasons. For example, those people who are engaged in Eastern spiritual teachings or yoga, the Buddha ordered to wear a ring on his leg. For those who are engaged in a variety of esoteric practices, such an accessory has become very popular, as it gives them an additional charm.

slimming rings

However, not only magicians and yogis wear jewelry in this way. Rings on legs also fell in love with self-confident individuals who want to stand out from the gray mass, and glamorous ladies, since this accessory has repeatedly appeared on world catwalks. One of the most famous fashion designers - Jean-Paul Gaultier - used this jewelry in his collections. He came up with a false toe-ring on the big toe .

This accessory was not left without men's reviews. Representatives of the stronger sex recognize that jewelry enhances the sexual energy of its owner, attracts her eyes, and, oddly enough, adds her points on the attractiveness scale.

toe ring

Psychologists also spoke about the owners of such an accessory as a ring on a leg. They believe that the girls who chose this jewelry for themselves, try their best to stand out from the crowd. They often exalt themselves above the people around them.

What material to choose a toe ring from?

Precious metals (gold and silver), of course, take first place. What is their main advantage? They are not oxidized, and therefore they can not be removed throughout the season. Silver has another advantage: it can be bent without any problems and give it any shape. It should be noted that in combination with tanned skin it will look very impressive. Such an accessory will be the highlight of your image. These jewelry are also made from other metals, for example, from bronze, brass and aluminum. Swarovski crystals have also found application in the rings on the leg.

Toe ring shape

The most popular and practical form of such jewelry is torn. It will allow you to choose the size of the ring for your finger. In addition, there is another popular and bewitching form of accessory - serpentine. Rings of a similar shape beautifully wrap around the fingers and also make it possible to choose the size.

A great option is a silicone-based accessory that extends in size. Such rings, as a rule, are inexpensive, and a large decoration on an elastic band attracts attention. An ordinary accessory can also be worn on the toe, however, its shape cannot be adjusted to the required diameter. That is why it may not be suitable for everyone.

silicone toe ring

Toe ring: how to wear

The best option for this accessory is open shoes. In this case, nothing will bother you. The finger or the location of the ring does not matter, as well as the number of decorations.

Do not forget about the pedicure, because if you are going to put the ring on your leg, then it should be perfect. The color scheme must be selected so that it is combined with the image as a whole.

An interesting fact is the following: wearing a ring on a toe has a positive effect on the mood and state of health of the owner. This accessory is useful for the senses (eyes and ears), as well as for the nervous system. Decorate your legs!

Magnetic Slimming Rings

Probably, in the world there is still no such woman who would not want to have toned muscles and a slender figure without any significant expenditure of strength and energy. Yes, confess, and men are not far from them. That is why "magic" and "secret" ways to lose weight will always be in demand. The search for a magical means that the princess would make of a frog does not stop . Slimming rings are contenders for this title.

magnetic toe rings reviews

They have been known for a considerable time in their inventor country. Our compatriots also managed to test their effect on themselves. However, magnetic rings on toes, reviews about which are very controversial, have not yet gained such popularity as in Japan.

Magnetic rings were first proposed by the Japanese. And in our opinion, nothing surprising, because they love energy points, magnets and stuff like that. We are not very strong in acupressure and magnetic massages, but throwing a couple of extra pounds with their help is not against. But is this possible?

The magnetic ring for weight loss affects certain biologically active points. Depending on which finger this accessory is wearing, the effect may be different. That is, if you wear rings on different fingers, you will be able to control its action and adjust your body parts.

Wearing a magnetic ring

If you wear jewelry on your thumb, then your face will lose weight, on your index finger - your hands, on the middle - your stomach, on your nameless - your waist, and on your little finger - your hips.

In order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to wear several rings at once, which should tightly clasp your finger. In addition, it is advised to supplement the program to get rid of excess weight with physical activity, as well as nutrition correction. Although, you must admit that even without magnetic rings it can give the desired result.

big toe ring

Silicone protective ring

Various silicone and gel inserts for shoes are a separate category of orthopedic appliances. These, in addition to the silicone shoe pads, interdigital septum, insoles and semi-insoles, include a silicone ring on the toe. This silicone gasket is perfect for those who tend to suffer periodically from corns, corns and various abrasions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8258/

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