Willow (tree): description. Willow tree or shrub?

The population of most of our country believes that willow is a tree, but they call it willow more often. It is found in almost any corner of our homeland, near water bodies and in river valleys, along roads and in the forest. In addition, the ability to take root quickly and easily, as well as rapid growth, allow this plant to be widely used for landscaping cities. In this article, we will tell clearly and clearly about the willow plant: what tree is it, its qualities and properties.

Willow tree

What is it called?

There are many names for this plant, and all of them were invented by a people who subtly noticed its features. Unlike ordinary people, botanists do not know such a tree - willow. For them, this is one of the varieties of plants belonging to the genus Willow, in which there are about 300 species. But the people who fell in love with this tree gave it many different names, however, those plants that are located on the banks of ponds or near water are called willows, but shrubs or trees growing in drier conditions are considered to be willows. People living in various regions of Russia came up with a lot of names for willow:

  • rakita;
  • reddish;
  • milkwort;
  • nonsense;
  • slit;
  • winds.

As a rule, when we say that willow is a tree, this will mean such species of willow as holly, white, goat and wolf. All these species, under favorable conditions, can grow up to 30 meters in height.

Botanical features

Understanding the issue of whether willow is a tree or shrub, let's look at the characteristics of plants that we call willows. All willows, like other representatives of willow, have a long root system that can grow to a depth of 15 meters. A person uses this feature by planting a variety of willows along river banks, thereby strengthening the coastline and preventing erosion of the soil. Young willow plants really look more like shrubs than trees. But over time, growing up, a thin sprout turns into a large tree, the trunk diameter of which can reach 1.5 m and which is covered with sulfur, which has cracked bark. The hue of the cortex depends on age. So, a young willow is a tree with a light gray trunk, but an older plant will have a dark color.

Willow tree
The sprawling crown of this tree consists of drooping, thin and flexible branches, the length of which can exceed 2 m. Young branches of it are drooping, thin, with a delicate silver fluff on the tips. Old shoots are more exposed and painted in a reddish-brown or yellow-brownish color. On the branches there are regular lanceolate silky and silver leaves, the length of which can reach 12–15 cm. In spring, simultaneously with the development of leaves, flower earrings, consisting of very small flowers, unfold. Willow blooms in April, and by May the fruits ripen - small bivalve boxes with small seeds covered with hairs.


Willow is a tree widely distributed in the European part of our country and growing in the south of Western Siberia, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Quite often found in the floodplains of such large rivers as the Urals, Volga, Ob, Kuban, Dnieper and Don and forms willow forests there. Usually, both willow and several other species of willow grow together, forming among themselves various hybrids.

Willow is what a tree

Optimal conditions

Well-moistened areas with acidic soils, plenty of water - these are the conditions the willow tree prefers. Its description will be incomplete if you do not mention that this plant is the first to actively develop abandoned or unused land. In the forests, however, quite rarely, you can find this tree growing next to other species. A distinctive feature of the willow - in contact with water or land, its branches take root quite quickly. Thanks to this, trees grow rapidly and form entire forests, occupying vast areas.

Willow tree: description and features

As noted above, the plant forms a fairly powerful root system, which, in addition, is highly branched and forms subordinate roots.

Willow is a tree or shrub
Thus, willow can propagate both by cuttings and root layers. In addition, it should be noted that trees of this species:

  • picky about soils;
  • well tolerate environmental pollution ;
  • resistant to most diseases and pests;
  • winter hardy.


The ancient Slavic tribes, which were absolutely all the same, the willow - a tree or a bush, dedicated it to one of the supreme gods - Perun and called it β€œperunovy vine”. The plant associated with such a powerful creature was endowed with mystical and magical properties. Many household items were made from this tree. Small children were bathed in willow broth. Willow twigs in the house prevented the intrigues of dark forces against the owners, and stuck in the ceiling - protected from lightning. To obtain a plentiful harvest, it was customary to scatter the buds of this tree in the beds, and also separate branches were stuck in the field to protect the crops from inclement weather and to drive away rodents. In the spring, for the first time driving cattle into the field after winter, they did it with willow branches to protect animals from diseases, help them grow and produce healthy offspring. In the crib there was also a place for this plant, which, according to popular belief, was able to protect cattle from diseases. With the adoption of Christianity, part of the pagan rites and rituals turned into a new religion. Due to the lack of palm trees in our climate, one of the main Christian holidays (Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem) acquired a new symbol - pussy-willow branches with blossoming buds.

Willow tree

Healing properties

In folk medicine, willow bark, as well as other willow trees, is used in the treatment of various infectious diseases. In the XIX century, the French researcher Leroux isolated from it such a substance as salicin. In the future, scientists were able to synthesize it, which allowed us to create acetylsalicylic acid, better known to us as aspirin.

Today, decoction from willow bark is used for rheumatism of joints and gout. The infusion made from leaves and bark helps with various skin diseases. It is important to remember that for pregnant women any infusions, decoctions and potions with any components of willow are strictly contraindicated.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8279/

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