Fuchsia Potted - A Popular Home Flower

Fuchsia indoor is a very popular and original plant. First of all, it causes genuine interest due to prolonged and abundant flowering. You can admire its beautiful flowers from spring to late autumn. To date, so many varieties have been bred that no one counts them. Distinguish between ampel and bush varieties. Almost all gardeners love Fuchsia due to the fact that it grows equally well both at home in pots and in the garden in hanging baskets. This is a great plant for decorating balconies and verandas. Like all other indoor flowers, fuchsia requires certain conditions of detention. In order to enjoy most of the year with beautiful bright numerous flowers, it takes a little effort.

fuchsia room

So, there is no more beautiful and original plant than indoor fuchsia. Care for it consists of regular watering, top dressing, cultivating and observing the necessary temperature regime. The first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out at the end of March. After that, in order to maintain the plant during the flowering period, ready-made mixtures are regularly introduced into the soil weekly according to the generally accepted scheme. You can buy them at any garden store. If during the summer period the flowers are transferred to the open ground, then they also need to be fertilized with organic substances (humus). In winter, fuchsia is not fed. The plant should rest during this period.

Fuchsia indoor does not tolerate high temperatures. In addition, she needs constant ventilation. Therefore, in the summer, it is better to take the plant out into the fresh air, say, on the balcony. The optimum growth temperature is 20 degrees. If you do not follow this rule, the flowering period is reduced.

A temperature above 30 degrees negatively affects the condition of the plant: fuchsia drops leaves. In hot weather, they are especially affected in the rooms. Therefore, if it is not possible to carry them out into the open air, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room.

indoor flowers fuchsia

In hot weather, the plant dies from overheating of the root system, so fuchsia needs to be grown in clay pots - plastic ones glow too quickly. The volume of the pot should be large. Fuchsia Potato prefers partial shade. It grows best on the eastern and western sides. She does not like the bright sun. Watering is plentiful. At rest (in winter), moderate. The plant is watered as the earthen coma dries. Fuchsia during abundant flowering is watered once a day. With the advent of autumn, watering is reduced to two times a month.

indoor fuchsia care

Since fuchsia indoor loves moisture, it is useful to spray it in the spring during the period of growth of fresh foliage. If the humidity in the room is not very high, then you can put a cuvette filled with water nearby. It is placed next to the pot, but is not used as a pallet. So during the day the water will evaporate, and thereby the humidity will increase. It is better not to place the plant on the south side - the flower will feel constant discomfort. Only observing all of the above rules, you can provide fuchsia with the necessary conditions for lush flowering.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8281/

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