What flower, like a camomile, to plant on a flower bed?

daisy-like flower

A beautiful flower is a daisy, simple and clean, symbolizing modesty and fidelity. Flower lovers often breed this plant in their flower beds. But there are many other flowers that resemble the daisy. They have a different color, height, bloom at different times. We will tell you more about them.

The first daisy-like flower is gatzany. She is of South African descent. This "star" will become a real decoration of flower beds. Gatzania is stunted, has dark green leaves, the shape of which varies from long and narrow to cirrus. An inflorescence is one basket with a diameter of about 8 cm. The colors of this plant are very diverse, both monophonic - white, red, orange, yellow, pink, and combined striped. Gatzania looks impressive also because of the dark base of the petals.

large chamomile flower
A flower propagates both by seeds and cuttings. Seedlings are planted in March in a greenhouse, in April - in open ground. Gatsaniya is planted in a flowerbed in May with a distance between plants of about 15 cm. Flowering begins in 2.5 - 3 months. "African" loves the sun, which is characteristic of her homeland. If you take good care of the flower, then one plant can give up to 30 inflorescences. Watering should be moderate, it is also necessary to loosen and weed the soil, remove dried flowers. Gatzania blooms from June to the very frosts.

Surely everyone heard about calendula, another flower that looked like a daisy. More precisely, about its medicinal properties. The people also call it “marigolds” for the characteristic shape of fairly rigid petals. Used in folk medicine for many diseases, all of its useful properties simply can not be found in one story. Dried flowers, folded in a vase, disinfect the air in the house.

Calendula - you could say a garden nurse. With its flowering, it makes the garden unattractive to nematodes. But aphids love it, so it can be used as a bait for harmful insects. The strong smell of flowers discourages pests from cultivated plants.

This chamomile-like flower is also a barometer! If the basket does not open fully, then it will rain soon.

daisy-like flower photo
A very beautiful flower, similar to a large daisy, is a gerbera. Most often they can be seen in flower shops, in beautiful bouquets. Presented gerberas stand in a vase for a very long time, up to two weeks. Gerbera can be perennial in the southern regions, in regions with a cold winter it is more likely an annual. This flower, similar to a camomile, is rather capricious in leaving. Likes partial shade, moderate watering, requires regular feeding. Gerbera blooms all summer, the diameter of the flower reaches 15 cm, and the height of the plant is 20-30 cm. The shades of flowers are most often in red-orange, but white and even green specimens are found.

Chrysanthemum is a daisy-like flower. The photo shows the variety, which is called “chamomile”. This flower can be grown both in open and in closed ground. Chrysanthemum blooms from late August to November. A cut bouquet is pleasing to the eye for a very long time - two, or even three weeks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8287/

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