Gable roofs: device, installation methods, calculation, design, photo

When a house or any other structure is built, the question arises: what will be the roof? And the best option is a gable design. The construction process is not difficult and does not take much time. At the same time, each person will be able to independently realize this project, without skills. It remains only to understand the structure of the gable roof.


The main thing is to create a structure from the rafters visually rectangular in shape. Thanks to the height and the construction system, precipitation leaves on its own. It is not difficult to create it, but, according to the masters, there are some nuances. To implement the project we need:

  • Mauerlat.
  • The rafter system.
  • Mares.
  • Little horse.
  • Eaves.
  • Laziness, struts.
  • Puffs.
  • Crate and racks.
gable roof of a private house

To understand what is at stake, it is worth understanding each question:

  • Mauerlat. This is an important element, because its main task is to distribute the load on the walls of the house. For this, the well-known rafter system is used. As the main material stands a bar with a certain section, needles are the most suitable option. It is fixed over the roof area and nailed to the supports, but not to the internal ones. Anchors act as fasteners.
  • Rafter leg. This is the foundation of the future structure. If this is a gable roof (there is a photo of it in our article), then the leg should be in the form of a triangular figure. Because of this system, the load on the first structure is uniform. Such a system cannot be dispensed with, especially in those regions where precipitation falls in the form of snow. For this, a board of 100 by 150 millimeters is taken. It is also necessary to outline a step, but it is most often done depending on the chosen roofing material. The heavier the mass, the smaller the step.
  • Little horse. It is present mainly on all structures, because its task is to fix the entire roof together at the top point.
  • Next come the filly. They are assigned the role of an overhang, if we consider the device of the gable roof of a private house. But they are not always required. If the rafters are elongated, then they are not necessary. To realize this work, boards are taken, the cross section may be less than the rafter. With them, the process of erecting a roof becomes easier.
  • Eaves. It is impossible without it, because the main task is to divert water during the period of precipitation from the walls. An indent of at least 300 millimeters is taken. If this is not foreseen, then the wall will quickly collapse.
  • Sill. It is mounted inside the wall. The main task is the uniformity of the load from the roof pillars. Used in the installation of timber.
  • Racks. Thanks to them, the load force from the ridge on the internal walls is equivalent in performance. In the role of the material is the same as that of the bed.
  • Struts. Without them, the pressure force from the rafters along the bearing walls will go uneven. In tandem, struts and puffs create a special shape, so that the spans can cope with a heavy load.
  • Puff This is an integral element of a triangle. Thanks to him, the rafters are not lost in space, but stand.
  • Crate. Not a single roof can do without this design. For its installation, bars and boards are required. They need to be fixed perpendicular to the rafters. Spans become strong, and they are no longer afraid of any precipitation.

What comes next?

Today, gable roofs can have a different device, the same applies to rafters. So, they are isolated and hanging. To get it firmly, you can use each of this method. When the outer wall is too close, then hanging rafters are used. Again, the whole process is necessary for load balancing, so that the walls can withstand the erected geometric figure.

gable eaves

We continue to study the gable roof structure of the house. The roof rafters are a support beam that is mounted in the center. Its task is to transfer the weight of the entire roof to an intermediate pillar support, which is located between the outer walls. When the outer wall is at a great distance, it is more convenient and better to create such a system. During the construction process, it is realistic to alternate these elements.

How to implement the project?

Gable roofs must have a reliable device, therefore, when making a project without experience, every rule must be observed. And most importantly, it is the strength from precipitation, the weight of the coating material and humans. And it is important to try to avoid the transmission of a high severity to the main wall - the carrier. This is not as easy to create as it may seem to people without building experience. If the technology is selected correctly, the load on the bearing walls will not be large.

What roofing material will become the main coating matters. In addition, there are special requirements worked out over the years:

  • When erecting such a design, you need to know what angle of inclination to adhere to.
  • If there is a lot of rainfall in the region and the roofing material does not fit tightly, then the slopes should be as steep as possible. An angle of 40 degrees is enough for nothing to linger on the surface. Use the attic for living will not work. But the device of a cold attic of a gable roof must necessarily include waterproofing.
  • When constant winds occur, it is necessary, on the contrary, to erect a gently sloping roof. Otherwise, the coating may be torn down. You need to adhere to an indicator of 20 degrees.
  • When developing a gable roof device with an attic, the design should be planned in such a way that there is no high rise. Such roofs are suitable for any conditions. But a gentle stream will not bear effective protection.
  • Another important point - if the flatness increases, then the consumption of material increases, so the budget is changing in a positive direction. The roof area becomes larger, the material used increases.
gable house


In order not to go far from the financial side, it should be noted that all calculations are done in advance. This is not so difficult - you just need to measure some parameters, and the house with a gable roof will be ready in the project plan:

  • It is necessary to find out the area of โ€‹โ€‹one slope and make it double. But how to find her? This is done by multiplying the length by the width.
  • The length of the slope is identical to the wall, but do not forget that the roof overhang is also added to this indicator. Measurements are taken on each side.
  • A rafter leg with an indicator of length - this is the width of the ramp. The length of the protrusion of the structure above the supporting wall is added to the result obtained.

Itโ€™s not so easy to create everything yourself. In order not to be mistaken, you need to find each digit with maximum accuracy, while paying attention to the load and characteristic indicators:

  • If the house is one-story with a standard design, then two indicators must be taken into account. This is the weight of the roofing material and precipitation during operation.
  • To get the weight of the entire roof, each mounted element is added up, and then it is calculated by one meter squared.
  • To make the indicator close to real, you need to do it more by 10 percent.
  • To understand the load from weather events, you need to consider all the conditions created in this region. The slope of the ramp itself is also taken as a basis. The coefficient is applied to the resulting figure. It is different - you need to have an individual approach in this matter.
  • Rafters will give all the burden to the bearing walls, so their performance is taken into account. In order for the strength to be calculated with a margin, the resulting figure is doubled.
gable roof rafters

These simple rules make it possible to organize the device of rafters of a gable roof without error. It will take a lot of time to erect such a design. It will be difficult for one to realize any project, so the work is done with an assistant.

How to fix a Mauerlat?

As already noted, the first step is to install the Mauerlat. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • When the house is built of wood, the same material is required for the Mauerlat.
  • With a brick, you can create a more durable structure by fixing metal rods in the masonry. But for this it is worth considering the fastening process. Elements are fixed in increments of one meter. For reliability, waterproofing material must be used.
  • If a beam is used, then its cross section is large, since the Mauerlat becomes the basis for fixing the rafters.
  • It is worth paying attention to the shape of the roof itself, because it is important how to fix the Mauerlat. It is important to prepare the material and know what and why is fixed. To prevent the Mauerlat from being ripped off by the wind, its position must not be lowered too low.
  • A waterproofing layer is a prerequisite in such works. For reliable fixation of everything together, it is worth using large bolts and metal plates.
  • In order to prevent sagging of the roofing material, the crate is mounted from reliable boards and racks. The angle between the main structures is made as straight as possible.
  • If the rafters are created too large, then you need to build additional support for them. To maximize the shutter speed, you need to fix it with a nearby element. A gable roof rafter device is always included in the roof plan. We will talk about them below.

How to fix the rafters?

The device of a simple gable roof will be reliable if the rafters are combined in an inclined and hanging form. In addition to quality support, the roof is inexpensive. In order not to be mistaken in the main actions, it is worth following the recommendations:

  • To ensure a reliable design, beams are used without cracks and knots.
  • For the reliability of beams with a length of more than six meters, additional reinforcement is worth doing. Otherwise, there is a chance of a fracture.
  • Before starting, a rafter foot template is created. This is done in exactly the same way as in a simple drawing scheme - it is applied, outlined, sawed off.
  • Cuttings are made on the finished part in the upper part.
  • Then the rafters themselves are mounted. There is one rule: when one rafter foot is fixed, then on the contrary, the second is obligatory. This allows you to remove the load.
  • When the slope is too long, then it should be spliced. So that reliability does not decrease, the rafters are joined from the bottom.
  • Nails are required for attaching the rafter leg. In addition, the process requires self-tapping screws. To ensure maximum reliability, metal plates can be used.
  • Rafters can be installed in a hanging position, for this there is no need to create support stands. If layering is planned, then it is worth considering each riser in addition. But before mounting them on the floor, you need to make calculations.
  • If it is planned to make a living space on the roof, then such additional boards will become the frame of the side walls.
  • What should be the distance between the beams, thought out during the planning period.
  • When the whole system is in the assembled position, you need to take care of the appearance of the ridge. It connects the entire building from above into a single whole. In order for everything to be done efficiently and to be protected from precipitation, it is better to connect with a metal corner. This is the most reliable solution, experts say.
gable roof with attic

Keep in mind reliability.

When the gable roof device with hanging rafters or overhangs is completed, you need to strengthen it qualitatively. Masters offer a certain technology by which you can work:

  • If the roof is being erected on an office building or it is of light construction, then tightening from below and a crossbar from above is enough.
  • Sometimes the structure is called light - for it there is no need to mount too complicated gable roof. Because the walls are a support, and they must be designed for extra weight.
  • When the size of the house is more than 6 by 8 meters, then you need to erect a fortified structure. An additional support in the center is quite suitable. These sticks are called "grandmas." To do this, you need to put such an addition on each pair of rafter legs.
  • When the wall reaches 10 meters, then the beam itself should already become rigid. Apply special struts. They should be near each rafter leg. To do this, use puffs or other fasteners.
  • Often make roofs elongated. In this situation, it is necessary to distribute the load on the surface. It is enough to install the braces. To do this, the installation is made in the front angle. From it go to the central beam of the main floor. A beam is well suited, this will completely eliminate the breakdown of the roof with large gusts of wind.
  • Often it depends on the region what additional fixation is required for the entire roof. If strong winds constantly blow, then you need to add diagonal ties. For this, boards of medium section are taken and fixed from the bottom of one rafter and in the middle of the next.
  • According to the masters, the use of nails is not always reliable. Various linings are well suited. They are sold in hardware stores. The fact is that the tree can dry out. As a result, the nails will lose their original stiffness, and the roof will become unreliable.
simple gable roof

The construction of a gable roof with an attic has slightly different aspects, because you need to make a frame for the walls. In addition, you will have to try and create the most reliable design. But today everyone is trying to do just such projects in order to add space for living.

Last step

The crate is considered the last step. These are necessary conditions to create a reliable design and not depart from the requirements of standards and quality. Covering material will already be fixed on the crate. It is necessary to carefully select a tree so that it is free from rot and bumps, cracks. The procedure itself has several steps:

  • To buy a bar is only well dried out. In the process of fixation, the back side is used. In order to avoid a gap, two consecutive materials are used in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the ridge. When the structure is being erected, the workers should calmly walk along the crate, otherwise it will then bend under the roofing material.
  • Soft roof. Under it, it is better to mount a continuous crate. The first row - these are boards that are laid, like a beam. Between them there may be a distance, but not significant. But on top you need to apply a layer without spaces - a simple cut board (not too thick) is enough. After that, you need to go over the entire surface, since you can not allow the presence of knots, hollows and dents on the tree. Nails should not bulge. This method is also suitable for roll coating. The eaves on a gable roof may include plastic panels.
  • Most often, people began to use metal tiles. It is solid and reliable. For this, one layer of timber is enough. When choosing the material for coating, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate step between the bars (according to the TTC in the gable roof device, it is 60-120 centimeters). Fixation of the fastener should occur as far as possible from the middle. Hats are better to slightly deepen into the tree, otherwise they can damage the roofing material afterwards.
gable roof device

These are the main stages of creating a crate. After this, you need to calculate the roofing material, not forgetting that everyone has their own fixing technique. Some overlap, others butt. The reliability of the protection of the entire structure, as well as the money spent on the acquisition, depends on this.


As soon as the rafters are in place qualitatively fixed, and the crate corresponds to the main flooring of the material, you can mount the roofing cake. We must not forget about steam and waterproofing, if necessary, insulation. And only after that you need to qualitatively fix the selected roofing material. These are the main steps in the construction of a gable roof. They are relevant on any building.


So, we examined the design of the roof. As you can see, the device of the gable roof of a private house is not difficult to understand.


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