Human material needs - examples, features

A poorly saturated creature, a person has a constant need for certain conditions and circumstances. Otherwise, his life turns into a suffering existence and loses the feeling of harmony and comfort. What is the material needs of man? Examples and features, as well as the opinion of scientists on this subject, we will consider below.

Distinguish social, material and spiritual needs of a person.

  • Social - dependence on communication, contact, implementation in society.
  • Human material needs (biological) - ensuring the preservation and continuation of life.
  • Spiritual - the realization of the instincts of worship and reproduction. Creative realization, addiction to pleasure.

human material needs examples

Human material needs - examples of real and imaginary needs

Real - needs that are caused by a sincere independent desire of a person.

  • Breath.
  • Food.
  • Water.
  • Shelter.
  • Creative hobbies.
  • Religious beliefs.
  • Sleep, rest of the body and brain.
  • Intimate needs.

material and spiritual needs of man

Imaginary - dependence on the opinions of others and the resulting requirements:

  • imposed hobbies;
  • imaginary beliefs;
  • inclinations and fictional abilities.

Human material needs - positive examples

A person needs certain conditions for a comfortable existence. This does not mean that he will not be able to live without warm water in the apartment or without a hot breakfast. Of course he can. But what will be his moral condition, how much his psyche will suffer from this, it already depends on internal spiritual needs, which are closely interconnected. If a person does not need much for happiness, then his material world is limited to a healthy body and a cheerful spirit, but, alas, such people practically do not exist.

human material needs

The usual average Homo Sapiens for a comfortable life needs some conditions.

  • Convenient housing.
  • Nutrient diverse food.
  • Various clothes, utensils, appliances and tools that facilitate his livelihoods.
  • Means of transport.

Human material needs - negative examples

  • Dependence on narcotic and mind-fogging substances.
  • Drug Dependence.
  • Dependence on the costly attributes of life, due to the social need for self-realization in society, but resulting in the physical problem of the constant pursuit of increasingly improved material goods.

Primary and secondary needs

The American psychologist A. Maslow divided the material needs of a person into primary and secondary.


  1. needs without which life ends;
  2. needs that provide a person with confidence in the continuation of his life, insuring against death.


  1. social - contact with people, mutually comfortable relations, the manifestation of mutual care, love, interests;
  2. prestigious - the realization of a person’s ego, affirmation of his personality in society, exaltation, growth, respect and recognition by others;
  3. spiritual - the realization of spiritual impulses that are in no way connected with other people and contacts with them (worship, creativity).

The material needs of a person accompany him from the first seconds of life to the last. Only the womb of the mother is able to organize the fetus the totality of its material needs. Leaving him, a person is faced with a constant struggle to ensure their material rights and dependencies. Otherwise, he simply ceases to live fully. Even if his life is maintained in the body, without comfortable material benefits (due to spiritual and social needs), the collapse of the human material world occurs.


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