The origin of the name of Alekseev: history, namesakes and qualities of people

A surname is a generic name that is transmitted from ancestors, it individualizes a person along with the name and patronymic. Everyone probably once thought about the history of his family name. What is her origin? Surname Alekseeva is a female form from Alekseev. It comes from the male name Alexei, by analogy with Alexandrov, Ivanov, Sergeyev, Dmitriev and others. It is worthwhile to learn more about the meaning and history of the name of Alekseev.

history of the name of Alekseev

Where did it come from?

The origin of the surname Alekseeva is associated with the church male name Aleksey, which means “protector” or “guardian”. She is Russian, distributed in the post-Soviet space. On behalf of Alexei, many surnames occur, for example:

  • Aleksenko;
  • Alekseenko;
  • Alekseevsky;
  • Alexinsky;
  • Aleshin;
  • Alexov and others.

It is important to mention the spelling of the name of Alekseev in Latin. There are many options. Here are some of them: Alekseeva, Alekseewa, Alekseyeva, Alekseyewa, Aleksejeva, Aleksejewa, Aleksyeeva, Aleksyeewa, Aleksyeyeva, Aleksyeyewa, Aleksyejeva, Aleksyejewa, Aleksjeeva, Aleksjeyewa, Aleksjeyewa, Some letters change. However, there is no significant difference in spelling.

history of the name of Alekseev and meaning


The namesakes can be considered those whose generic name comes from the diminutive form, for example: Lesha, Lech, Lelya, Alyosha. These include:

  • Aleshechkin;
  • Alekhine;
  • Aleshikhin;
  • Aleshkin;
  • Lelikov;
  • Lelkin;
  • Lelyukhin;
  • Lelyakov;
  • Lelyashin;
  • Lenin;
  • Lenkov;
  • Lenkin;
  • Lentsov;
  • Lennikov;
  • Lenshin;
  • Lelkin.

It is worth saying about the origin of the name of Alekseev that it is connected with ancient Russian nicknames that in the past individualized a person. Most nicknames eventually acquired endings (s, -ev, -in) and turned into generic names.

origin of the name of Alekseev


In addition to the origin of the name of Alekseev, it is worth saying a few words about the story. In olden times, it was believed that nicknames that occur on behalf of, demonstrate special respect for their carriers. Such people were called by their full name, expressing great respect. The first time such a nickname was recorded in documents in the XVI century. All Russian residents first received their surnames in 1897 after a census. Before that, instead of surnames, they were called by nicknames and first names. The people who conducted the census did not particularly think about which names to fix, therefore they proceeded from the name of their father or grandfather. Thus, the family name of Alekseev came from the name of the ancestor of Alexei. Such a surname in ancient times was carried by a Moscow merchant.

The Alekseev family was known in all areas, they had a wool mill and a ginnery. They owned a huge number of sheep and horses. The merchant family invested part of the funds in the gold-mining factory, later the production was reorganized and a cable factory was opened. Several noble families of the Russian Empire bore such a generic name. The Alekseev family has its own coat of arms in the form of a shield with a helmet, a warrior is a little visible, he has silver armor on it, and in each hand he holds one golden hammer. On the sides of the shield are two lions.

Famous personalities

Many people with this surname left a mark on the history and culture of Russia:

  • Alekseev Alexander Ivanovich - singer (lyrical tenor);
  • Soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Alekseev;
  • Lieutenant General Anatoly Alekseev;
  • Admiral, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Alekseev and others.
last name alekseeva in Latin

High-quality products of the Alekseyev factories were in demand. A gimp was made at the production - this is a gold or silver thread, which created patterns on brocade. Also, court costumes and some robes for church attendants were sewn from this fabric. Precious metal thread was sold in many European countries. Representatives of the family successfully conducted business and were fond of art, this genus was founded in the XVIII century and exists to this day. There are art historians, historians, musicians, writers, financiers in the Alekseev family.

The families of the Alekseevs always had many children, and almost all of them became famous people. The city of Moscow had two managers with the same surnames: Alexander Vasilievich Alekseev (1840-1841 of the administration) and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Alekseev (1885-1893). Leadership period N.A. Alekseev was called the "golden time" or "Alekseevsky."

Nikolai Alekseev knew and understood that Moscow is a huge city that should always be clean, so he did everything for this. He always achieved his goal. Under him were built museums, theaters, canteens and schools. Also, under the leadership of Nikolai Alexandrovich, a psychiatric school was built, which was completed after the death of the governor. It is curious that Alekseeva was killed by a mentally ill person. Contemporaries claimed that fate played a cruel joke with the mayor.

What kind of people are these?

woman in the photo

Men of this kind were strong, courageous, intelligent, always achieving their goals. They often held high positions. A woman with the surname Alekseeva is a responsible, honest, hardworking, faithful and understanding wife, a loving mother, a wonderful hostess, cleanliness always reigns in her house. Therefore, in our time, a person who bears the name Alekseev must be proud of his ancestors, because they left a bright mark in the history of Russia. Alekseevs were respected and honest people.


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