How to get an American visa on your own in Moscow and St. Petersburg? How to get an American tourist visa?

The question regarding how to get an American visa worries many people. In particular, those who plan to pay a visit to the United States. Many people know firsthand that this process is difficult, and many people are left without the desired seal in their passport. Well, it’s worthwhile to talk in more detail about how to get an American visa, and what is needed for this.

how to get an american visa

About visa types

Before you start talking about the list of required documents, it is worth considering what an American visa is. How to get it is another question. So, the first thing you need to talk about B1 / B2. These are the most popular types of visas. The first of the above, that is, B1 - tourist. She is the most sought after. They give it out, respectively, to those people who want to go to the United States for personal purposes, on vacation, to get acquainted with local attractions. Also, it must be opened to persons traveling to America for treatment.

For short conferences or business visits, you need to apply for another type of visa - B2. Often they are combined. And then the person in his foreign passport will have the mark B1 / B2.

A work visa is also often opened. But getting it is not so simple - you need the employer to file a petition in a special form and send it to the US Immigration and Citizenship Service. There are still a huge number of other types of visas, but first I would like to talk in more detail about those that were listed above.

First steps

So, talking about how to get an American visa yourself, you should start with the basic rules. First of all, a person must fill out a questionnaire. This is done on the website of the state department. There is a special form - DS-160. But first, a person goes through registration and confirmation by e-mal-address. In the upper corner, you can select the Russian language and fill in all the fields, guided by tips. Then the paper will need to print and save everything on the computer.

The next step is to pay the consular fee. Then - an appointment for an interview. It can be done on the official website. There must be indicated the number of the receipt, indicating the payment of the fee, passport details, as well as the number of the completed application form. After this, a person should not receive an invitation to an interview by e-mail. It will also indicate the date and time.

American visa how to get

Documents for registration

Talking about how to get an American visa, one cannot but note the list of documents required for the implementation of this process. The first is a foreign passport. The second is the statement mentioned above. You will need an invitation to an interview. You also need to take a new 5 x 5 photo (one is required, but just in case, you can print several). You should also bring along a receipt confirming the payment of the consular fee. And it will not be superfluous to capture documents that could confirm a person’s relationship with the Russian Federation. Among them - a certificate of employment, proof of income, resume or list of scientific publications. This will prove to the embassy that the citizen intends to definitely return to Russia, and does not go to stay. However, it should be noted that the main thing here is not how many people will bring information, but adequate and logical explanations regarding the purpose of his trip.

Filling in the questionnaire

Properly filling out all the lines in the application form - this is what begins with the preparation of such a document as an American visa. How to get the questionnaire, it was said above, and now I would like to describe directly the process of filling.

In order to prevent any errors, it is important to prepare the relevant data. First of all, those contained in civil and foreign passports. It will also be important to provide information about the current place of study or work. In this column write the name of the institution or organization, place, phone, position with responsibilities. Men must also provide information on military service. About spouses and parents, too, must be written - their F. I. O. and date of birth. Also in the questionnaire there is a column where you need to talk about your previous travels - list the host countries. And finally, describe the places that a person plans to visit while in the United States.

How to get an American visa in Yekaterinburg

Photo Requirements

The pictures in the embassy are strictly. If the photo does not meet the standards, then the design will take a long time. So, it is important that the picture is fresh - no older than six months. The head should be visible completely and completely, and the image of the face should occupy at least 50% of the photo area (maximum 70%). In printed form, the size of the image is 5 x 5 cm. If the photo will be sent electronically, it is important to ensure that the resolution is 600 x 600 pixels. And this is the minimum. Allowed maximum is 1200 x 1200.

Another person should look at the camera. The look is open, natural, as in ordinary life. There should not be a smile on the face. Casual clothes. And no hats, headphones, glasses, etc. True, if we talk about glasses, then there is an exception. If a person wears them constantly, then their presence in the photo is allowed, but there should be no glare. The background, by the way, is exclusively white. The picture should be in color.

How to get an American visa in St. Petersburg on your own

About payment

Talking about how to get an American visa, you should not forget about the payment. All public services cost money. A visa is no exception. To get it, you need to pay a consular fee. And this is done before the interview. Even if the person was refused, then the contribution will not be returned to him. And this happens just amazingly often.

The amount depends on what type of visa a person needs. You can pay it by any method, but at the dollar rate. Typically, people send money to the specified details through the Russian Post or at one of the branches of VTB Bank. By the way, both a credit card and cash are suitable. This receipt will be valid for another year from the date of payment. For 12 months, a person has the opportunity to apply to the consulate or embassy. It is important to remember that the fee must be paid separately for each.

How to get an American visa yourself


Now about specific amounts. So, a business visa costs the same as a tourist visa - 160 dollars. A similar amount will need to be paid for transit (C-1) and for that which is opened to crew members of aircraft and ships (D).

Also, $ 160 is worth a visa for journalists and media workers, for participants in various exchange programs, for students and victims of criminal activity or human trafficking. These are the cheapest types of visas. The most expensive is the one that is open to international investors and traders. This is an E visa . $ 240 will need to be paid to brides, grooms, or spouses of US citizens. And finally, the amount of $ 190, it was decided to install on a visa, open seasonal workers and trainees, employees who are transferred to the American branch of any company. The visa costs the same for artists, athletes and cultural figures, for religious ministers and participants in a cultural exchange program.

Stamp in a children's passport

Many parents are concerned about how to get an American tourist visa for their child. So, before you start issuing it without a passport, anyone who is not yet 14 years old needs to be well prepared for the process. In addition to the set of documents specified above, you must have a notarized authorization signed by both parents. It is also important to attach a documented explanation of the purpose of the trip. By the way, the child himself may not be present at the procedure. Moreover, he does not even need to scan fingerprints.

How to get an American visa in Moscow

The most difficult stage

This is the interview. You need to talk about him in as much detail as possible. Many people, puzzled by the question regarding how to get an American visa on their own in Moscow, are interested in this topic. But before you start to worry, you need to at least sign up for an interview. It takes place in one of the four consulates. They are located in the capital, that is, in Moscow, as well as in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg. Usually, a person is scheduled to meet in the village that is closest to him. Residents of the above cities are lucky - you do not need to go anywhere.

At the interview, a person must confirm the duration of his trip, as well as its purpose. It is necessary to bring and a bank statement. This will prove the financial viability. It is important for Americans to know that a citizen traveling to the States can support himself throughout the time he spends there. And, of course, the most important thing is to confirm whether a person in his homeland has a permanent place of residence (his own apartment or house), and people who can help him return to the Russian Federation. Here's how to get an American visa in Moscow and the other cities above.

How to behave in an interview?

Another burning issue. He cares about all people who think about how to get an American visa in St. Petersburg or in another city in Russia. After all, the interview is the main, most important step in approving the petition. So, the most important thing is that all the questions of the consul or ambassador must be answered clearly, confidently and clearly. Not the slightest excitement, lie in words or doubt should slip through. The duration and purpose of the trip must be specified very clearly. When the consul will ask questions, you should answer only to them - you don’t have to spread your thoughts on the tree, that is, say unnecessary, unnecessary information. This will only take the specialist’s time, which he obviously will not like.

If a person has difficulties regarding English proficiency, then this point should immediately be mentioned. This nuance is forgiven, but not for students who are going to study in the States. And if you want to impress the consul, then it is better to abandon this idea. No need to try to surprise him with your dialect, pronunciation or slang. It will not play into the hands.

And finally, you need to provide him with a passport, application form and a foreign passport. The old one is also, especially if it has visas of the USA, Schengen countries or Great Britain. No need to carry a stack of all documents that are available at home in the archive. If there is a request for them, you will have to submit, but do not engage in amateur activities.

Timing and re-receipt

Talking about how to get an American visa in St. Petersburg on your own, it’s worth mentioning a few words regarding the terms. So, the stamp in your passport will be valid for 1-3 years, depending on the type of visa. And a person will have the opportunity to fly to the States at any time.

And how to get an American visa in Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and in other cities again? The procedure is the same - payment of the consular fee, application form. You may not come for an interview, but in some cases. This is permissible if the person applied to the embassy within 47 months after the visa was opened or if he applied in the country of permanent residence. You can still not go for an interview if the person has already taken his fingerprints, or if he is applying for a visa in the same category as last time.

How to get an American visa on your own in Moscow


And finally, another point regarding the issue of how to get an American visa in Nizhny Novgorod or another city. As mentioned at the beginning, many people fail to get the coveted stamp in their passport. Most often they refuse young people and girls who do not have a spouse, children and work in low-paid positions. Pupils and students are also rarely approved of a visa. Especially those who are completing their studies. If the person did not like the consul, that is, did not inspire confidence, he will also be refused. This may be if his answers did not coincide with those indicated in the questionnaire. If previously the citizen’s relatives moved to the United States, he may also be refused. With a weak visa history, do not rely on approval. If a person has visited, for example, Germany, England, Switzerland, then he will be given a visa, most likely.

In general, there can be many difficulties. So it’s worthwhile to carefully prepare for the visa application process - morally, financially, documentarily.


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