The game "Black pea jackets": walkthrough and useful tips

The Second World War is a topic that has already been covered in more than a dozen computer games. Almost all genres were noted by the presence of such projects. Naturally, the most popular are shooters that allow you to plunge into the patriotic atmosphere, pick up weapons and go to defend your homeland from invaders. Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Battlefield - all these games are very famous all over the world, millions of fans, they are sold everywhere and continue to impress gamers with their realism and magnificence. However, you should not think that only shooters can give you a way during the Second World War - other genres also actively support the brand. There are role-playing games, and simulators of military equipment, and even quests. But strategic games should be noted separately, since they offer you to take the place of a general or at least a squad leader who manages all the events on the battlefield, as, for example, in the game "Black jackets". It is not as easy as it may seem.

Strategy Games for World War II

black pea jackets

To date, there are quite a few strategies created in the setting of World War II. As already mentioned, "Black pea jackets" is one of the most striking examples. They all tell different stories on behalf of different people. Therefore, if you are a fan of this genre, then you will always have something to choose a game from. But it is worth noting that in this genre one can distinguish subgenres, and each of them has its own specifics, if we touch on the theme of war.

First of all, real-time strategies are recalled - here you have the opportunity to build your own base on which various units will be produced. It is them that you can use in the fight against the enemy. All actions take place in real time, which follows from the name of the genre, that is, you cannot stop and think about what to do next - decisions will have to be made spontaneously. But at the same time, of course, realism is of secondary importance here.

Very often you can meet military strategies of a different type - global. Here the world is divided into small areas owned by various countries. You must act as the leader of one of these countries and manage its actions during the war. You must decide where your troops will go, what relations you will maintain with this or that state, and so on. At your choice, you can control the course of the battle yourself or just find out the result - this is not the most important thing in such games. The most important thing is global control, and isolated battles are a secondary task.

But one of the most popular subgenres of strategy when it comes to World War II is tactical strategy. Here everything happens in real time as in the first example, but you do not have the opportunity to build your base. You are given a certain number of soldiers and pieces of equipment, after which you are assigned a specific task or several tasks of varying degrees of importance. As you progress through the level you can be sent reinforcements, provide support, and so on. But the most important thing here is to demonstrate your vision of the battlefield, the ability to give the right orders. One of the most popular games in this direction is "Behind Enemy Lines: Black Pea Jackets". It is about her that will be discussed further, and her passage will also be considered.

"Behind Enemy Lines"

black pea jackets game

This project offers the player a unique chance to look at the war on behalf of certain units. In the version of "Black jackets" you get control of the Soviet naval infantry - this experience was not in any other game. You will be able to live a large number of hostilities that took place on the Black Sea front, and understand what the Soviet Marines of the Second World War are so remembered for - this is what the Black Jackets project is about. The game consists of five chapters, each of which includes several unique missions.

"Do not give Odessa!"

black jackets behind enemy lines

Next, the passage of the missions of this game for each of the five parts will be described, and it all starts with the chapter "Do not pass Odessa!" The first mission is “Baptism of Fire”, it is an introductory one and therefore does not bother you much, but rather gives you the opportunity to experience the game dynamics of the “Black Jackets” project - the game will definitely capture you.

So, the action takes place near the village of Grigoryevka in Odessa region. First you need to take the first line of defense of the enemy, which is entrenched there. After that, you will receive reinforcements and will be able to attack the village itself - this is your main goal. After this, the mission “A strike from the skies” begins, here you are informed that the foreman Kuznetsov is your main character, and he must survive this mission. You also need to capture a Romanian officer, destroy a convoy that will try to pass through the pass, and also get to the road. In the next mission, "They will not shoot in Odessa," you have to capture the anti-aircraft battery and use it to cut off the enemy’s sky. Then you need to destroy the enemy artillery and take the next village, which will lead you to the new chapter of the game "Behind Enemy Lines: Black Pea Jackets".

"Give Crimea"

black pea jackets 2

In the game, the tasks are divided into five chapters, each of which relates to the years of the war, from 1941 to 1945. Accordingly, the second chapter of the game “Behind Enemy Lines: Black Pea Jackets" "Give Crimea" is 1942. It all starts with the “Last Handful of Ammo” mission, in which you will need to keep the defense of the field hospital until the wounded are evacuated. The mission "Theodosius: debut" will have more tasks - to capture the lighthouse, hold it until the arrival of reinforcements, then clear the bridgehead and again take up the defense until the main forces arrive. With their help, you can already destroy enemy anti-aircraft guns and artillery. Another difficult mission is Theodosius: Endgame, where you will have a hard time. With a small number of fighters, you will need to repel a serious German attack, and then move along the embankment and capture the railway station - it is impossible not to admit how impressive the Black Jackets project is, 2 times you will complete this mission or more.

"The big guns of Manstein"

black pea jackets walkthrough

In the mission "For the front line" you will need to destroy enemy anti-aircraft guns and aircraft, while defending your pilots - they must survive in order to later evacuate your forces and continue the game "Black jackets" 2 mission of this chapter. The task “Paid with Blood” differs from the previous one, since now you have to act in the enemy’s camp - to get important documents, take the captured soldiers out of the cordon and have time to reach the forest with minimal losses. All missions, including “In pursuit of Bruno”, are united by motives of sabotage - here you will need to find mines, capture the station, mine roads and get rid of enemy tanks that will send you the artificial intelligence of the game “Black jackets”. Passing will not be easy, but from this it only becomes more fun.

Blue Line Breakthrough

Kontorovich black pea jackets

In 1944, in the chapter “Breakthrough of the Blue Line”, the missions were unified differently - everything is presented on the offensive level here - in variety and is one of the many advantages of the game “Black jackets”. Passing will never make you bored. In the task "Tanks for battle" you will need to destroy the enemy’s large-caliber guns, break through to the village and knock the Germans out of it. The Breakthrough to Kunikov mission is different from the previous one, but its main goal is the same - you need to break through the enemy’s forces, driving him out of his occupied positions. "Broken trident of Neptune" is a mission in which you will need to fight off the Germans' counterattacks, but still your main task remains to move forward, as well as keeping characters like Kontorovich alive. "Black pea jackets" is a game in which you will constantly need to complete a wide variety of missions.

"The end of the war"

This chapter is final, but the tasks in it will be more difficult. The most impressive, of course, is the final mission, in which you will have to defend both the oil rigs and the military archive at the same time, while making your way along the pier to the enemy ranks and destroying motor gliders, freeing up the landing site for the Allied forces.


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