Prickly rose: description of the variety, reproduction, planting, care and reviews

The prickly feminine prickly rose is a rather unpretentious shrub with light pretty flowers and a delicate pleasant aroma. In our area, the plant is better known under a different name - Prickly Briar (or Spinozissima rose).

prickly rose

What is remarkable about this garden culture? What are the features of growing prickly roses (care, planting and reproduction)? Let's find out.

Species definition

The prickly rose is a sprawling tall bush (up to 2.5 m in height and 1.5 m in the diameter of the crown) with small chiseled leaves and delicate fragile petals.

Leaves, green in the summer and dark purple in the fall, framed by triangular teeth, have a length of five to eighteen millimeters. Silky flowers (up to five centimeters in diameter) are most often impeccably white, less often with a glossy pinkish or yellowish tint.

prickly white rose

The fruits of the prickly rose are also small in size (up to 1.5 cm in length), have the shape of an oval or ball. Their ripening period occurs at the end of August and beginning of September, after which they blacken and harden, and in this state can stay on shoots until mid-winter. Inside, the fruits are filled with hard nut seeds.

All branches of the bush are covered with thin and straight thorns of various sizes, and spines appear not only on the sprouts, but also on the leaves, and even on the pedicels.

Shrub habitat

White prickly rose is found in the central regions of Europe and Asia, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, in Siberia. Most often grows on stony or limestone slopes, in thickets and hollows, in forest glades.

By and large, the bush is undemanding to the conditions of its growth. It easily takes root in arid areas and urban areas, loves light and relatively moist soil.

Where is the best place to plant a prickly rose, planting and care for which are very interested in many fans of this variety?

Landing tips. Seeds

There are two ways to reproduce prickly roses - propagation by cuttings and seeds. The first method is more effective, since shoots emerge from the seeds in only three out of ten cases. Nevertheless, let's discuss the conditions of their landing.

In August, you should collect a certain amount of unripe fruits, remove a thin and soft shell from them, and then clean the seeds themselves from pulp and lint.

rose prickly propagation by cuttings

Mix the resulting nuts with well-dried sand and store in a cool place at a temperature of two to five degrees Celsius.

You can plant the seeds in the ground already in the fall, but still it is better to wait until March.

In early spring, as soon as the soil permits, the seeds are laid out in shallow trenches (two to three centimeters in depth) and covered with organic fertilizers. Above the beds, you can install something like a greenhouse (for the early emergence of seedlings).

When three or four leaflets appear on the surface, the rows of seedlings must be thoroughly thinned out. To do this, first remove small and diseased processes, leaving a distance between the bushes of about eight centimeters, and between the rows - about twenty centimeters.

In the summer, for young seedlings, regular care should be established: watering, top dressing, mulching, weeding, loosening the soil ...

At the end of next summer, the plant should be transplanted to the place of its constant growth.

This we discussed the planting of wild rose seeds. How is it necessary to plant a plant using cuttings?

Landing tips. Cuttings

Since rosehip loves light and does not accept moisture, it is best to plant seedlings in windless, well-lit sunny areas where there is no groundwater and where there is no likelihood of accumulation of melt or rainwater.

rose prickly care growing

Rosehips are best planted in early spring or autumn. What should be done before this?

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the cuttings. To do this, shorten the rhizome and shoot stems as much as possible (their height should not exceed twenty-forty centimeters). The day before planting, the shoots must be soaked, and immediately before planting, the root system of the plant should be treated with clay mash or "Kornevin."

Then they dig rather deep holes (the depth is calculated so that when deepening, the root neck is planted in the ground for five to seven centimeters). The distance between each seedling should be maintained up to fifty to sixty centimeters. If shrubs are grown for healthy fruits, the distance between them should be increased so that each plant is evenly lit by the sun and does not obscure each other.

After planting, the bush must be well watered and mulched.

Other landing tips

There are several secrets to growing rose hips. For example, in order for the bushes to fully bear fruit, it should be planted together not plants of the same type, but various varieties and subspecies.

winter-hardy roses prickly rose

Moreover, since over time the shrubs can grow and form continuous thickets, between each bush you should dig a ditch thirty centimeters deep or install vertical partitions in the ground (from slate or wood).

So, the prickly rose is planted. What needs to be done for its further growth?

Plant care

Since the dog rose is well resistant to both low and high temperatures, it does not need abundant and frequent watering (with the exception of a long and very dry summer period). If this happened, then for each shrub should spend from two to five buckets of life-giving moisture.

Since the plant begins to bear fruit from the age of five, from two to three years it must be nourished. Fertilize the roots best with manure or compost. You can also feed the rose with minerals (three to four times per season).

In the same period of growth, it is necessary to carry out a full pruning of rose hips. Shrub formation is best done in early March. What needs to be done?

rose prickly planting and care

First of all, shoots older than seven years, as well as shoots growing inside, dry or diseased branches should be removed. It is necessary to ensure that ten to fifteen strong stems of different ages remain on the shrub.

The use of rose hips in gardening

Prickly rose is the oldest variety of decorative roses, so common in our time. With the help of this species, many beautiful natural and artificial hybrids have been bred that are pleasing to the eye, adorning modern gardens and parks.

Unfortunately, many now regard the feminine rose as a weed, mercilessly eradicating shrubs from their infield, completely giving preference to modern decorative varieties.

However, this attitude is truly unfair. Prickly wild rose is a charming and fragrant plant that does not require specialized care, bears fruit with delicious healthy berries and delights the eye with its unpretentious beauty. Due to its endurance, it belongs to the family of winter-hardy roses. The prickly rose is able to easily tolerate severe frosts, while not requiring artificial shelter. It has strong immunity from many diseases and is not susceptible to the harmful effects of pests.

Hedges and front gardens decorate the thin-legged rose, strengthen the sloping slopes and slopes.

prickly feminose prickly rose

And the fruits of the femoral hipster have been famous for centuries for their healing and life-giving properties. They make delicious healing broths and infusions.

Attention! Important information

Moreover, one should know that spiny wild rose (or spinosaissima rose) is included in the list of rare and endangered plant species, therefore it is listed in the Red Books of Russia (Kursk Region, Republic of Khakassia, Republic of Bashkortostan) and Ukraine (Lviv Region).

Therefore, before you remove this delicate and healthy plant from its infield, think: what if it still delights your heart with a fragrant aroma, elegant flowering and a delicious vitamin drink?


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