Analysis of Fet's poem "The First Lily of the Valley"

One of the most sensual Russian lyrics is Athanasius Fet. He very finely and accurately feels nature, notices all its features, subtle moments that the other person would not pay attention to. An analysis of Fet's poem allows not only to learn more about the beauty of Russian nature, but also to reveal the versatility of the poetโ€™s inner world . All the verses of the author are very vibrant, colorful, overflowing with sounds. Quite often, he endows inanimate objects with the qualities of living beings, which also affects the feelings evoked by the work.

Analysis of Fet's Poem
The theme of nature is the main direction of the poet. An analysis of Fet's poems makes it clear how much he loved his native land, how he was reverent about plants and animals. A striking example of his love for the world is the poem "The First Lily of the Valley." This small, but very bright and memorable work by Fet wrote in the spring of 1854. Then he returned home after a walk through the spring forest and was struck by the beauty and richness of nature, which only woke up after a long hibernation.

Only 12 lines, and how accurately and emotionally the author described the beauty of the spring forest, a fine sunny day, the charm of a fragile lily of the valley and elevated human feelings! An analysis of Fet's poem shows how well the poet notes the tiniest details of the world. After reading this work, a picture of a beautiful forest glade immediately appears on my eyes, on which snow lies in some places, and the first lilies of the valley timidly peep through it. The author did not just call this flower a harbinger of spring. The first snowdrops talk only about the outgoing winter, but the lilies of the valley openly declare that spring has come and has become a full-fledged mistress. The image of spring flowers is complemented by a bright sun, giving its warm, but not yet burning rays.

Analysis of the poem Feta First lily of the valley
An analysis of Fet's poem shows that the poet in his work sought to convey not only the beauty of nature, but also human feelings. In spring, not only nature wakes up, but also a romantic mood. This time is associated with youth, strength, joy, love. Therefore, the author compares the spring lily of the valley with a young girl who sighs timidly from previously unknown feelings. She herself still can not figure out herself, but she is waiting for some happy and joyful changes in life.

The poet skillfully uses metaphors, and analysis of Fet's poem โ€œThe First Lily of the Valleyโ€ proves this once again. The author specifically draws a parallel between a spring flower and a young girl, thereby proving that everything in nature is one. The flowering period of the lily of the valley is transient as well as youth. At the end of the poem comes the regret that time spares no one.

Analysis of Fet's Poems
An analysis of Fet's poem makes it clear that the author encourages everyone to rejoice at every moment of life, and not to spend it on worthless thoughts and actions. After all, everyone can be happy, you just need to learn to love the world around us. Communication with nature makes a person kinder and calmer. The singing of birds, a meadow in the spring forest, flowering lily of the valley - these are small miracles that bring joy and peace to a simple person.


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