How to make a tree from napkins with your own hands: master class. Tree of happiness, flower tree made of napkins

A cozy house is everyone’s dream, but meanwhile it does not always require large financial investments. You can do something yourself. For example, if we are talking about how to make a tree of napkins with your own hands. Its prime cost is very low, and the result will be amazing. You can make such a tree with a child, accustoming him to creativity, or as a gift for any holiday. So, we figure out how to make a tree from napkins.

do-it-yourself napkin tree


Such flowers are otherwise called topiary. They are made not only of napkins; ribbons, fabric flowers, and coffee grains, beads, rhinestones and so on can be used. Such a tree can stand on the floor or on a pedestal (depending on its size). It is believed that it brings comfort and tranquility, filling the atmosphere of the house with harmony and warmth. It will not be out of place to verify this, so we will begin to create our own topiary from improvised means.

tree of happiness from napkins

Source materials

So, to make a tree of napkins with your own hands, try looking in your stocks for the following:

  1. Multi-colored three-layer napkins. They can be monophonic, but must be in harmony with each other. It will not work out very well if they are all the same color.
  2. Newspaper and scissors.
  3. PVA glue and glue gun.
  4. The wire is about 40 cm long, so thick that it can hold its shape.
  5. Gouache, acrylic lacquer and flower pot.

It turned out not so little, but all these components are easily found in almost every home. Having collected everything, you can already begin to create your own masterpiece. For the master class, we will choose the most economical production option - from napkins. Such a topiary is a little inconvenient for its impracticality, because dust settles on it, it is afraid of water, but it can beautify a holiday with ease. Moreover, it does not last long, and practically does not require financial investments.

Tree made of napkins: master class

tree of happiness topiary

  1. Let's start with the basics of our flower. To do this, we roll up a ball from old newspapers, and to keep it in shape, wrap it with threads as tightly as possible. You won’t get an even ball, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, we apply the papier-mâché technique. We will tear newspapers or napkins into small pieces and glue them to the ball on the diluted PVA glue. This will help at least a little, but smooth out the roughness. To dry the ball faster, it can be put on the battery.
  2. Let's move on to the wire. If it is fat in itself, then it does not need to be processed at all. Give it a spiral shape by wrapping it on a rolling pin or other suitable diameter cylinder. If the wire is small, then it will need to be decorated. For this, the option with a newspaper and scotch tape is suitable, after which the wire is wrapped in a beautiful ribbon. Or you can just wrap it with a decorative thick cord. It will also look beautiful.
  3. Now the ball needs to be attached to the trunk to get a real tree. To do this, make a hole in the ball. With an office knife, this will turn out much faster. You can use a wooden skewer. We fix the ball in the base to hot glue.
    wood from napkins master class
  4. Let's start painting. If you remember, now it resembles a newspaper. You can cover it with acrylic primer. Such soil is often white, less often black. If you do not have a special coating, you can replace it with ordinary dark gouache. Top with a single layer of acrylic varnish. This will give shine to our base. Although, it should be noted, it will hardly be visible.
  5. If we talk about flowers on a tree of happiness, then the scope for imagination is so great that it is difficult to advise. We will deal with them in more detail a little later. So, at this stage we are preparing everything that will decorate our tree.
  6. Now we collect the tree from napkins with our own hands together. Glue the flowers on the glue gun. Alternating colors the way we like it. Now fill the empty seats with leaves from green napkins. You can do this in the "trimming" technique. To do this, green napkins are cut into small squares. Each square is put on the base of the pencil, dipped in a glue mixture and pressed against the ball. We fill all the free space.
    master class topiary
  7. Now it remains to root our tree of happiness from napkins. To do this, put it in a pot and fill it with gypsum. In order not to hold the tree until the gypsum dries, we fix the tree differently.
  8. The gypsum surface is masked with paint.
  9. We can additionally decorate the tree with rhinestones, pearls, sequins.

Talk about flowers: roses

Technologies for creating flowers from paper or napkins - a great many. For example, roses are made very simply. You can cut napkins into strips, fold these strips in half without forming creases, and twist them into rolls, forming a rose bud with your hands. A tree of roses from napkins is the most common version of such works, but far from the only one.

tree of roses from napkins

A few more options

You can make a chamomile tree. For him, you take white and yellow napkins. Cut them into strips, and then cut the strips themselves with small “noodles”. It remains to twist the strips into a roll, and then straighten them so that they spread wide. We make the middle in the same way, but from yellow napkins. Peonies and other flowers with large leaves are the longest. Napkins need to be cut into leaves, which are then collected in a flower. Such flowers will have to be made longer than all. The fastest and most neutral option for making such a tree is when you do without flowers at all. To do this, simply bend the napkins with triangles, fluff the ends and glue them in the middle to the tree itself. To make such a tree of napkins with your own hands look beautiful, you need napkins of the brightest colors and a lot. However, this option will fit into the modern youth interior.

how to make wood from napkins

Children's crafts

You can use the manufacture of such crafts as the tree of happiness from napkins as a developing children's activity. Your child will not only be involved in a useful business, but will also be engaged in a creative process. At this time, he will develop fine motor skills, thinking and aesthetic feelings. With babies, you can make more simplified options, using plasticine and coffee grains, pumpkin seeds and so on instead of napkins. If you make such a tree with a baby who is not even a year old, then even at this age he can put his hand to creation. He can tear the napkins into pieces, and you will stick them on the moment glue to the base. This is a useful activity for the child, and it will allow him to captivate him for half an hour at least.


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