"Mushroom basket" - tomato for decorating your table

In our article, we will consider one of the most popular varieties of tomato - "mushroom basket". This type of tomato has gained a solid place on the table not only due to its special appearance. Here, the taste qualities of the tomato played a significant role. Gardeners who cultivate this variety actively praise it for its unpretentiousness and excellent productivity. To get such beauty, you just need to study the features of growing and caring for a tomato.

Tomato "mushroom basket": description

mushroom bast basket tomato
This variety will be interesting to those who like to experiment with vegetables and prefer non-standard forms. This tomato is considered a greenhouse option, but if the location and climatic conditions allow, you can plant it on the open ground, but using a film.

Initially, this species was the brainchild of breeders from Russia. Greens grow on the principle of creepers, therefore, they need special facilities for convenient growth and development. Reaching a height of about two and a half meters, the branches need a strong support. The tomatoes themselves are distinguished by their large size, bright red tint and excellent transportation properties. The ribbed shape made the tomato a wonderful table decoration. A tomato can weigh between 250 and 500 grams, with larger fruits usually growing below. Many gardeners fell in love with the “mushroom basket”. A tomato can produce up to three kilograms of fruit from one bush per season, and this is a very high indicator. But in order for the entire process to be successful, one must not forget about proper care.

Tomato mushroom basket: pros and cons

mushroom basket

This variety has enough advantages so that even a novice gardener thinks about growing it in his own area:

  • non-standard fetal shape;
  • high yield;
  • excellent transportation properties;
  • ability to be stored for a long time;
  • high immunity and resistance to attacks of diseases and pests.

Tomato “mushroom basket”, reviews of which can be read only positive, still has a number of features. They can not be called minuses of the variety, but still it is worth knowing about them, because these facts can be perceived as a disadvantage by some tomato lovers.

  1. The fruits of this variety do not differ in juiciness, so those who prefer an abundance of tomato juice should think about the feasibility of planting.
  2. Tall branches, like a liana, curl high, and they need high stable supports. If you are not able to do such, then you should not start the process.
  3. The variety requires constant heat, so it is mainly grown in greenhouses. And only in very warm regions you can try to grow it on open ground, otherwise you will not get a normal crop.
  4. Tomatoes are not suitable for use in canning, as there are too many voids inside the fruit.

Planting varieties

tomato mushroom basket description
Those who decide to grow this variety need to know how to plant a “mushroom basket” correctly. The tomato should be placed at a distance of about 60 centimeters, while leaving between the rows up to 80 centimeters. Seeds need to be sown for seedlings around the beginning of spring. It is recommended to take soil loose and light with an admixture of turf and humus. Soak seeds before planting to soak. Each seed needs to be planted two centimeters deep, then cover with a film and provide a temperature of about 25 degrees. Only when the sprouts acquire two leaves can they be dived into separate pots. You can plant seedlings in the ground around the end of the spring period, after feeding it with a mineral complex of fertilizers.

Care Features

As for the care, the tomato "mushroom basket" is not particularly capricious. Watering mode - about once a week. The main thing is to provide heat, but do not allow excessive humidity, ventilate the greenhouse. Do not forget to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers. It is enough to do this three times for the entire period of growth and development. Pay particular attention to branch formation. Follow their development and help, directing them in the right direction. Otherwise, instead of properly formed rows, you will have real jungle.

Possible problems

tomato mushroom bast basket reviews
There are a number of problems that may arise during the cultivation of the “mushroom basket” variety. The tomato is quite resistant to various diseases, but nevertheless such troubles as late blight or gray rot can hit it. In order to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to regularly treat the plant with special solutions, and this should be done, starting with seeds. Seeds must be disinfected in a solution of manganese and subsequently irrigated seedlings with the same solution or Fitosporin. Pests can also harm the plant. Aphids, spider mites, whiteflies are the most frequent guests in the garden with a tomato. For prevention, you need to constantly ventilate the greenhouse, mulch the earth and constantly inspect the branches. Having discovered the presence of the pest, immediately take measures: remove the parasite, treat the plant with soapy water or celandine and save the plant at the initial stage. This is how you will be able to get a rich harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E835/

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