How to calculate the height of the roof? Calculation procedure, instructions and recommendations

Any type of building at the end of construction is clearly emphasized by the roof. But you should know how to calculate the height of the roof correctly, because many factors depend on this. The comfort of a person from living in this room will depend on how correctly the calculations are performed and the type of material selected. Also, this nuance directly affects significant savings at the time of the purchase of lumber.

To determine the calculations, you need to understand what shape of the roof is necessary for the construction of the building. It should not only protect the building from the external environment, but also complement harmoniously the whole building as a whole. The most popular and widely used form of roofing is gable. It is simple both in calculations and in installation.

how to calculate the height of the roof

The hip type of roof is significantly different from the classic version, since it has not two slopes, but four. The slopes of a triangular type, which are located on the sides, are called hips. Also, one of the most popular roofs is called hipped roof, which also contains four slopes. So that they all have even sides, you should know how to calculate the height of the roof from the slopes to the ridge.

The main parameters of the roof

When carrying out the construction of his own house, each owner asks himself a question about how to calculate the height of the roof. The answer is actually simple: it is imperative that you pay attention to certain nuances at the time of calculation. Consider them:

  • number of stingrays;
  • there is an attic room or not;
  • the slope of the slopes;
  • type of material used in roofing.

how to calculate the height of the roof of the house

How to calculate the height of the roof can be affected by the location of the house. Having determined the direction of the wind and other climatic factors, the height of the ridge can be calculated using the dimensions of the building frame using geometric calculations. To do this, you should know the width of the structure and the angles that determine the slope of the roof slopes.

Roof height with attic

If you plan to install a roof with an attic, then you should know how to calculate the height of the roof of the house accurately. To do this, the first thing to do is determine what type of roof will be built:

  • a roof with one or two slopes;
  • to calculate slopes of slopes, special attention should be paid to wind strength, the rate of rainfall of various shapes;
  • when choosing roofing elements, it must be remembered that the slope must correspond to the characteristics of the materials.

how to calculate the height of the roof ridge

The type of roof should be planned, since the attic should have a spacious area. It is important that the room located on the roof is bright. To do this, install windows on the sunny side. The height of the roof should not be too large, as it will require a lot of building material on its device. In this regard, significant financial costs will be incurred. In the case of a hip roof device, the attic will be spacious, bright, and the height of the ridge will be small.

Points to consider when calculating the height of the roof

According to experts, the roof is the most important part of the building. If its installation is carried out correctly, then it will also give an aesthetic appearance to the whole house. In order to correctly determine how to calculate the height of the roof ridge, several factors must be taken into account, such as:

  • number of slopes, as well as angles of inclination;
  • form;
  • the height level of the entire structure as a whole;
  • climatic conditions;
  • types of building elements;
  • owner’s desire.

how to calculate the height of the ridge of a gable roof

In addition, the size of the roof can be increased with the help of a ridge, since the number of rafters on the roof depends on it. Therefore, the first thing in the calculation is the length of the ridge, and then the size and number of rafters in the roof system are laid off from this size. Due to these calculations, the total coverage area will be known. These data will help to calculate the amount of materials that will be required for construction.

Materials for the construction of the roof

Many owners who do not have experience in construction work, want to do it with their own hands. But many do not know how to do it right, and what materials will be required to perform the installation of the roof. The list of required materials includes:

  • crate;
  • nails
  • rafters;
  • truss;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • roofing;
  • wood screws.

If all the calculations are carried out correctly, then the whole structure will not only complement the house, but also protect it from the external environment.

Landmarks for determining the height of the ridge

A ridge is a horizontal rib on which joints of the lateral planes are formed. With his help, you can understand how to calculate the height of the ridge of the gable roof of the building. These parameters are the main value in the calculations. If the roof height is not calculated correctly, then in addition to violations in aesthetics, there will be technical problems during the operation of the building. It often happens that the owner wants to implement such ideas that are prohibited for technical reasons in the construction of the roof.

how to calculate the height of the hip roof

To make the roof structure easier to make uniform, perform it in the form of a triangle. This option is widely used in construction. Also, gable roofs with asymmetric sides of slopes are often erected. The angle of inclination is most often the same for such roofs, because the level of the height of the ridge is calculated using the standard version.

Hip roof system

In order to carry out the installation, you should know how to calculate the height of the hip roof, and what material is required. The main components of this type of roof:

  • Skate board. It is located at the top of the entire structure and is located in the center. This element is considered an important part in the rafter system.
  • Rafter guides are the basis on which the crate is fixed.
  • Rafter rafters are designed to perceive the main part of the structure.
  • Hip rafters are elements in a complex roof system.

Having decided on the elements of the rafter system, you can safely begin the construction of a hip-type roof .

Calculation of the gable roof

The device of a roof of a four-slope type can have two types: hip and tent. Therefore, many ask themselves the question of how to calculate the height of a four-gable roof. First of all, such a coating is used in buildings of a square type, that is, all sides of the bearing walls should be equal. It is also quite convenient to plan an attic room under such a roof. It will turn out quite large and bright due to dormers. They can be placed on either side of the ramp, as they have almost equal sides.

how to calculate the height of a gable roof

The only minus of the construction of this type is the difficulty in installation. The cost of materials is slightly more expensive than that of the gable version due to the volume of the area. This type of roof is not recommended for installation in climatic zones with increased windiness. Strong gusts can damage the roof due to the slight slope of the ramps.


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