KV-4: guide. Guide to the USSR heavy tank KV-4. World of tanks

Many gamers believe that a heavy tank is a kind of machine for destroying all enemy combat units, which does not even need to be able to be controlled, because it is a cut above the rest. In fact, this is one of the main misconceptions. The fact is that here each tank has its pros and cons, and the winner is not the one who has the coolest car, but the one who knows how to handle his model better than others, uses the pros, smooths the cons, and so on. That is why even for such a powerful tank as the KV-4, a guide is simply necessary. Because with it, you can easily find out information that will help you formulate tactics in battle and win the battle, even if you are not a favorite.

Pros of KV-4

square 4 guide

So, the KV-4-guide will include a review of the pros and cons of this model, as well as tactics that need to be built on the basis of what advantages you can use in battle. You can also find out which modules are best placed on this machine. Naturally, it’s worth starting with consideration of the advantages, because they are the determining ones in the game - but you need to learn how to use them to the full. The most important advantage of this tank is its reservation. The thickness of the armor is extremely large, which makes you not very susceptible to damage. Moreover, a very good gun with a high penetration rate and an impressive rate of fire can be installed on the tank. And all this is adorned with a total mass of one hundred tons, which will give you an advantage in close combat. KV-4-guide, of course, is not limited to listing the advantages. You will also learn about all the shortcomings of this machine, so that later you can smooth them in the right places.

Cons KV-4

square 4 characteristics

The most important drawback that this KV-4 guide makes is very poor mobility. It is clear that a heavy tank cannot fly like a butterfly (well, or at least like a light tank), but it’s the KV-4 that has practically no mobility, so you should always take this into account when you go on the attack. It is also worth noting the fact that the vertical angle of the guns of this model leaves much to be desired - naturally, this is compensated by armor penetration and rate of fire, but this drawback should be remembered, especially in battles on rough terrain. Well, do not forget that the armor is strong, but not on the tower - there are several vulnerabilities here that can be aimed at by an enemy who knows how to fight against your tank. As you can see, the KV-4 has very good characteristics, but you should always remember that this is not an ideal tank, and it has its drawbacks.

Battle tactics

guides world of tanks

Well, now you have familiarized yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this tank - but what do you do with it? The World of Tanks guides almost always provide information not only about the characteristics, pluses and minuses, but also about how to use the tank in battle. Naturally, a lot can be written about this, but it is most important that you yourself understand how to act in battle. Here you will learn the main points that will help you in the future. For example, many players make a fatal mistake - relying on thick and strong armor, they headlong go into open battle with any number of opponents. But do not forget - the maneuverability of the KV-4 is simply terrible, and any light tank can spin you without problems, and together the opponents can split your thick armor and take it in quantity. Another tip - do not forget about the mass of your tank, it will help you in certain moments. Be creative - you can try to take a gapeous opponent on a ram, which will give you certain advantages. As a matter of fact, there is no universal recipe for how to play KV-4 and always win. You just need to be able to use its advantages, hide disadvantages from the enemy, and then your chances of success will increase significantly.


how to play on sq 4

As a rule, you have the opportunity to install three modules on your tank, and it makes no sense to reinvent the wheel. Install the standard kit for a heavy tank - rammer, ventilation, and aiming drives. Such a combination will have the most positive effect on your car, also smoothing out some of the disadvantages that can catch the eye of the enemy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8365/

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