How a nut grows: varieties, breeding, planting and care rules

One of the most healthy foods that almost everyone loves is walnut. In everyday life, they call it the fruit of some plants, most often shrubs or trees, consisting of an edible kernel and shell, which is a hard shell. In this article, you will get acquainted with the varieties of some types of nuts, their cultivation, planting rules, care, and also you will learn how the nut grows.

Peanuts or peanuts: varieties

The homeland of the nut is considered South America. For active fruiting, this type of nut needs warm weather with an air temperature of at least 20 and no more than 27 degrees, and in addition moderate moisture and a lot of sun. Conventionally, peanut cultivars are divided into:

  • Runner - this group of varieties has become popular since the 40s of the last century. Productivity is high, and the fruits are universal. They are used as a salty snack and for the manufacture of butter.
  • Spanish or Spanish varieties. This variety is grown mainly in America. They are especially tasty in salted and candied form. Most are processed to produce peanut butter and paste.
  • Virginia - used mainly for confectionery purposes. Large fruits are fried and added to cakes, cakes or sweets. It has excellent taste.
  • Redskin or Valencia - belongs to the Spanish grades. It has a bright pink skin and a large core. Each pod has three nuts that weigh about 0.5 grams.

Before studying information about how nuts grow, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with Russian varieties:

  • Krasnodar 14 - resistant to disease. The fruits have a sweet taste, their size is about a centimeter.
  • Valencia 433 - the fruit is quite large, oily, in the pod they contain only two.
  • Klinsky is an early ripe variety.

The preferred areas for its breeding in Russia are the Kuban and Stavropol. Seeds are sown in an open area when the earth warms up to 14 degrees. In other parts of the country, seedlings should be used or cultivated in greenhouses. In this case, it is necessary to protect young shoots from frost.

Rules for planting and caring for peanuts. How does nut grow in different conditions?

Seeds are prepared for planting in May, only healthy and large ones are selected. In order to disinfect, they are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then it is washed and soaked in water at room temperature for 15 hours. Then they are dried in the shade and make sure that mucus does not form, since it will prevent germination. The first sprouts appear after about a week. They are tempered by placing the seedling container in the refrigerator, and taken out at night and left in the room at room temperature. This manipulation is carried out three times, after which the seedlings are ready for planting in the soil. Below we will see how peanuts grow in:

  • The apartment. For a plant, a wide container is chosen and placed on a windowsill on the east or south side. If there is not enough sunlight, fluorescent lamps are used. Drafts should not be.
  • Greenhouse. It is best to plant them closer to the walls of the greenhouse and next to the tomatoes. Seeds are planted in a mixture made of sand and humus, taken in equal parts. Watered once every two weeks. After the appearance of the first leaves, thin out, leaving the most healthy and strong.
  • Open ground. Sowing is carried out in May. They do this in two ways: square-nested or wide-row. In the latter case, the distance between the bushes is about 20 cm, and between the rows - 60 cm. In the first case, the distance between the holes should be 60 by 60 cm. No more than five beans are placed in each hole, the depth of which is 9 cm. They are covered with soil and immediately watered.

For successful care, plants need heat, light, top dressing (at least three times), watering, and hilling.

How does walnut grow?

For reproduction, seeds, grafting or seedlings are used. For planting, preference is given to well-lit sunny areas. The distance between the trees is about 5, and when planting on the slopes - up to 3 meters. When choosing a nut place, it should be taken into account that after 30 years the crown will grow and take about 12 meters.

Unripe fruits of walnut

With the exception of deep sandy and boggy soils, any land will do. Groundwater must be at least 1.5 meters away. Planting seedlings is carried out in the spring (mid or end of April) to prevent damage by frost. A pit, 50 cm deep, is prepared in advance. Manure mixed with ash is introduced into it and superphosphate fertilizer is added. The root neck is deepened into the ground by 5 cm. The lateral roots are straightened and sprinkled with soil, then watered abundantly.

Walnut Care

You now know how a walnut grows, a photo of which is in the article. Next, we will understand the intricacies of caring for him. Before fruiting between walnut seedlings, it is allowed to grow other crops. Water the plant twice a month, per square meter requires 30 liters of water. In spring, nitrogen is introduced, and in autumn, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied. When applying them in the spring, they are careful, because there is a danger of a bacterial disease that provokes top dressing.

Walnut tree

Experienced gardeners recommend abandoning it in the first years of fruiting. Pruning is mandatory, the main thing is to lay skeletal branches of the first tier. Lateral branches do not shorten. In the future, the tree is formed independently and only sanitary pruning is required, which is carried out in the spring. For the first wintering, the tree is covered with straw. Subsequently, to increase winter hardiness, ash is introduced into the trunk circle. Fallen leaves do not clean.

Walnut varieties

Having become acquainted with information about how walnuts grow, when choosing a variety, one must take into account the climatic conditions in which the planting will be carried out. A fairly large number of varieties are found in the gardens of our country. Here is some of them:

  • Dessert - grows well in the southern regions, easily tolerates drought. Severe frost can destroy the plant. Fruits in the fourth year. Harvested in September.
  • Abundant - the most productive. Prefers only a warm climate. Even the most insignificant frost leads to the death of the tree.
  • Elegant - resistant to disease. It withstands hot and dry weather. About 20 kg of fruits are removed in one season. Suitable for growing in any field.
  • Harvest - resistant to disease, tolerates winter conditions. Planted in all regions.
  • Voloshsky - unpretentious, well tolerates both heat and frost. It grows in vivo and in culture.
  • Ideal - characterized by high frost resistance. Widely distributed in the northern regions. Harvest in early October.

Almond varieties

In order to better understand how almond nuts grow, let us get acquainted with its varieties. Hardy refers to:

  • Nikitinsky 62 - suitable for cultivation in all areas and is considered the most unpretentious variety. It has a high yield. It is endowed with large broad fruits of a sweet taste, having a dark brown shade with a wrinkled surface.
  • Paper-shell - the most resistant to spring frost. Large fruits have paper shells. Rough to the touch core light brownish tint.
  • Seaside - has a high yield. Ripening fruits - November.
  • Petiole - recognized as the most frost-resistant. Endowed with excellent taste and productivity.

Of the southern varieties, the most popular are:

  • Yalta.
  • Fragrant.
  • Rims and others.

Growing almonds

Now let's see how almonds grow. It is not difficult to grow a nut, but there are some features that should be taken into account. When propagating, the following methods are used:

  • Seeds - used mainly in nurseries.
  • Vaccination - inoculate on fruit trees (bird cherry, cherry plum, plum). Most often, three-lobed almonds are propagated. Despite the fact that it is not winter-hardy, it easily and successfully hardens on winter-hardstock stocks. Seedlings grow quite quickly and when they reach 30 cm in height, they are transplanted to a permanent place. In the third year, the bush begins to bloom.
  • Layering, offspring and cuttings. In the last days of June, partially or completely lignified cuttings of about 20 cm long are taken, which are cut from young shoots. They are soaked in a solution containing growth stimulants and after 17 hours they are transplanted into containers filled with peat-sand (in the ratio of one to one) substrate for rooting. Put the container in a cold greenhouse covered with a film. Roots appear after 25 days.
Flowering almonds

In a permanent place, it is preferable to create the following conditions:

  • Fertile soil with good drainage. Fragmented, stony and slightly clay soil is suitable.
  • Open and bright areas.

Disembarkation is carried out in November. Drainage is necessarily laid at the bottom of the pit, which is covered with a layer of sand on top. Contribute in equal parts superphosphate and decayed manure. The root neck is buried by about 15 cm. Under each seedling, the soil is mulched with peat and a bucket of water is poured.

Almond Nut Care

Having learned how the nut grows, we will study the rules for caring for it:

  • Water the plant as the soil dries.
  • In spring, they feed chicken droppings or manure. In the fall, superphosphate fertilizers are used.
  • Sick and old shoots are cut in early spring.
  • To prevent the attack of pests - they are treated with special means.
  • Loosening regularly.
  • To protect against frost, pinch the ends of the shoots. If reproduction was carried out by vaccination, then the almonds are covered.

Rules for Growing Cashew or Indian Walnut

Where and how does cashew nut grow? He hails from Brazil and grows on a small tree with evergreen foliage. Currently, walnuts can be found in different countries with a warm climate, including in Russia. However, in our country it is grown only at home or in greenhouses. Reproduction is carried out by seeds that are pre-soaked in water for a period of not more than two days. Water is periodically changed. Resins of the upper shell of the nut are poisonous, so all manipulations are carried out with gloves. The capacity is taken small, the soil should be loose and light. Pallets are filled with pebbles. One nut is planted in a container. Three weeks later, the first sprouts appear.


The formation of a tree is required, the image is shown already in the first year of life. A prerequisite is high humidity, sunlight. For feeding use universal ready-made fertilizers. In the shade, the plant may be a short gap. Fruiting occurs after three or four years.


Even in antiquity, it was noticed that the nut well removes the feeling of hunger. And thanks to the shell in which the fetus is enclosed, it does not plunge, which allows it to be stored for a long period. The main advantage of all nuts is the presence of a large number of vitamin substances in their composition and high calorie content. With caution, it is necessary to use them for children and individuals with a history of food allergic reactions. And how nuts grow, photos of which are presented in the article, you now know.


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