What are government programs? State medical, educational, economic programs

In the Russian Federation, a lot of work is being done to develop and implement government programs. Resource capabilities are a limitation and the main criterion in choosing problems for the development of each program. Often this leads to the coming to the fore of current problems over strategic ones. Every year, when forming a budget at the federal level, dozens of programs are approved that are to be financed from the federal budget.

State program: definition and significance

The Russian state program is the most important means of implementing domestic state policy, targeted impact on the development of social, economic spheres of life and should be aimed at implementing large scientific and investment projects that are responsible for solving complex problems that are the focus of federal, regional and local authorities. In addition, it is a combination of production, economic, scientific, research, social, economic and a number of other activities related to timelines, contractors and resources, which are aimed at organizing and ensuring the development of the state in various fields and fields of activity.

State programs are developed and implemented by executive authorities or other main managers of budgetary funds, whose powers include the implementation of state policy directions together with other executors and program participants.

government programs

Program structure

Each program in the Russian Federation includes:

  • federal government programs and / or routines;
  • main activities and / or departmental target programs;
  • specific activities aimed at solving a particular program problem.

The standard structure of the program is as follows:

  • formulation of the problem and proof of the need for its solution by program methods;
  • goals, objectives, dates and stages of the program;
  • a set of program activities: technical, economic, procedural, research, etc .;
  • size and sources of financing, resource support of events;
  • implementation mechanism;
  • organization and control of the implementation progress;
  • determination of the effectiveness of the consequences and results of the program;
  • passport.

Be sure to determine the parameters that the program must meet, create a forecast of the final results that characterize the change in state, for example, the social sphere, the quality and standard of living of the population, public safety, the economy, health care, etc.

State programs are based on the directions of activity of the government of the Russian Federation approved for a specific period; provisions defining the concept of social and economic development of the Russian Federation; decisions of the president and government of the Russian Federation; federal laws.

Classification of government programs

Government programs can be classified on various grounds:

  • by direction and source of allocation of funding (federal, regional, municipal);
  • according to the level of problems being solved (intersectoral, sectoral, local);
  • by the nature of the problems being solved (comprehensive, research, socio-economic, scientific-technical, etc.);
  • by implementation period (short-term, medium-term, long-term).

The trends of recent years are such that the state program is aimed not only at one level of solution to the problem, for example, federal, but also local or even in some cases local. Therefore, simultaneously with the program at the federal level of implementation, a regional program is being developed taking into account local peculiarities and problems.

State program development stages

A part of any state program is the careful elaboration of its regulatory component. Any event, subprogram is supported by a legal framework. It should be noted that the purpose and content of the program cannot violate, enter into conflicts with the basic laws and regulations of the country, violate anyone's rights and freedoms.

The process, content and status of the state program are established taking into account existing legislative and regulatory acts, legislative and executive authorities, scientific and public organizations and associations take part in their development.

It is unacceptable to include wording containing selfish goals in the main provisions and contents of the program.

state medical programs

State programs in their development undergo several interconnected stages:

  1. Fixing the problem. For a program to have a right to exist, it is necessary to justify its significance and identify the content of the problem, which must be solved using software methods;
  2. Concept development. The concept is an integral part of any program, it is necessary to formulate it and justify the most effective options, ways or solutions to the problem;
  3. Preparation of proposals. At this stage, a careful study of specific proposals to solve the problem is carried out, the target group is determined and financial and economic analysis is given;
  4. Decision-making. The Government of the Russian Federation or other authorized body decide on the start of the program development process.
  5. Create a project. Organizational work begins on the development of a draft program, goals and objectives are formulated, stages and timelines for implementation, resources and implementers;
  6. Event design. The substantive part of the program, a preliminary budget application are directly compiled and a business plan is created;
  7. Expertise. Taking into account the type and nature of the program, an examination is carried out: economic, legal, technical, etc. The draft program is coordinated with the ministries, departments, government bodies of the entities involved in its implementation.

Developed program life cycle

After conducting an examination, making amendments, the draft state program goes through several life cycles:

  • The decision of the public authority. The government of the Russian Federation, the ministry or another authorized body of authority, by an official document, makes a decision on the start of the program;
  • Implementation. Responsible for the implementation of sections of the program are appointed, control over the event and the use of funding is carried out. If necessary, a decision is made on its adjustment;
  • In the process of implementing the program, financing is carried out only in accordance with the budget application.
  • Evaluation of results and effectiveness.

Implementation of state assistance programs

Government assistance programs are becoming increasingly popular. Monitoring social problems allows you to identify priority areas of work. So, for several years, the program “Promoting Employment” (since 2012) has been operating, which is aimed at ensuring the institutional, legal and economic conditions for the effective development of the labor market. The results of the program should be the reduction of tension in the field of employment, the preservation of the qualifications and health of workers, the protection of their labor rights.

No less relevant is the program “Social Support for Citizens”, designed to improve the forms and methods of social assistance to various categories of people in need, increase the level of well-being of the population, fulfillment of state obligations for social services and support for citizens.

Implementation of educational programs

State educational programs are a mechanism for reforming this sphere. One of them - “Development of education” - was developed until 2020. Thanks to the planned measures, it is planned to achieve the development of all levels of education, make it accessible and of high quality, and develop a system of quality assessments. The tasks also include the optimization of education management mechanisms, the creation of a network exchange of data between educational institutions. Workers should be provided with the necessary information, educational, methodological tools for working with students - these are also key activities that the state program implies. Education is a chance for the younger generation to secure a good future.

federal government programs

Health programs

State medical programs are designed to solve urgent problems in the field of protecting the health of Russian citizens. Since 2012 implemented "The state program for the development of healthcare in Russia." According to the developers, it represents completely different approaches to improving the infrastructure, creating a unified professional environment, increasing the efficiency and quality of medical care, and training. In addition to it, a government guarantee program was approved, the essence of which is to create conditions for the free provision of medical care to citizens. Within the framework of the measures taken, a list of conditions, forms and types of medical care is being approved, a list of diseases in which medical care is provided free of charge is being developed, tariffs are being set. It was approved for 2014 and planned 2015-2016.

government assistance programs

Implementation of programs in the field of economics

Taking into account financial instability and the crisis, state economic programs are becoming significant means for Russia to overcome difficult situations.

Since 2013, the program “Economic Development and Innovative Economics” was launched, aimed at state regulation, solving priority tasks in the field of socially-oriented and innovative economic development. At present, it is planned to create favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship, to ensure the growth of the effectiveness of state forms of government, and to attract additional investment in the development of the economy. Another program is “Development of foreign economic activity” for 2013-2018. - It is aimed at strengthening Russian positions in the global economy, improving quality indicators of activity in the external economic environment.

implementation of the state program

Other types of government programs

State development programs have about 40 items. Each meets current demands of the macro- and microeconomic levels of the state’s development, is aimed at solving urgent issues in the narrow areas of the national economy and Russian society: ecology, nature management, military service, law enforcement, the Internet, forestry, etc. For example, as part of the program “ The development of agriculture and regulation of the markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020 ”measures are being taken to achieve food independence of the state, higher uw competitiveness of national products and the development of financial stability. The program “Reproduction and use of natural resources” is aimed at organizing the rational use of natural resources of the country, supplying industries with mineral raw materials and searching for information on the location of rich deposits of minerals.

state educational programs

Program Performance Factors

The implementation of the state program is not complete without development, and the formulation of evaluation tools to determine its effectiveness. The parameters of the developed state programs should be reflected in the forecast of the economic and social development of the state for the medium term. Their complex nature implies that at the stage of development of the federal budget, appropriate conditions are envisaged, which are considered as components of the effectiveness and efficiency of budget programs.

Factors ensuring the effectiveness of the state program:

  • clarity of the main goal of subprogramme subgoals;
  • the presence of a logical structure;
  • distribution of responsibility for the implementation of the planned activities of the state program of each ministry involved in the implementation;
  • creation of a system of incentives for achieved indicators.

state Russian program

Program Performance Criteria

The main criteria for the effectiveness of the implementation of budget programs are:

  1. Profitability: achieving the lowest possible costs for all types of resources used by the program.
  2. Productivity: establishing the ratio of the number of works performed with the amount of funds spent on it.
  3. Efficiency: completeness of the achievement of the set goals, compliance with the size of public expenses and the results obtained when using them.

It should be noted that, in addition to general criteria for a specific type of program (social, medical, economic, environmental, etc.), specific indicators are developed that meet the stated goal. If, based on the results of an evaluation of effectiveness , decent results were obtained, then the program can be extended for a further period, but only after appropriate corrections have been made.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8374/

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