House made of logs: owner reviews, pros and cons

Since ancient times, wooden huts and a tower were cut in Russia. As construction technologies improved, other, more modern materials began to appear. However, to this day, a house made of timber is considered the most durable, environmentally friendly, reliable and strong. And it is not surprising that it is precisely this type of material that the owners choose when building suburban cottages. At the same time, many prefer to build their house from logs. Reviews of the owners of ready-made cottages claim that this material is affordable and convenient to use. In addition, it has good quality and has a long service life.

Wooden houses

Today it is difficult to find a person who would not dream of living in his own cottage, built from environmentally friendly material. And maybe this is only when using wood. Since ancient times, people have preferred to live in such houses. It was believed that all of its rooms, impregnated with a woody spirit, have a beneficial effect on the mood and well-being of a person. And what can be compared with the facade of such a house? The design of even the most ultra-modern buildings cannot be compared with it.

log house reviews owner reviews

That is why houses built from logs are very popular among consumers. And this despite the fact that their cost is twenty-five percent higher than the cost of frame buildings.

What is a round log?

What is this material? This is an ordinary log, which was processed on a special machine, where the mill-cylinder system is installed. Such mechanisms have been used for over a century. However, initially the logs on them were processed for installation as lampposts.

interior of a house made of logs

After the machine, the material takes the form of ideal cylinders having the same diameter and shape. The main advantage of such logs lies in their surface. After processing on the machine, it becomes round and even. The appearance of the material attracts many consumers, despite the fact that the wood during processing loses a significant part of its most durable layer - sapwood.

For further use in construction, logs trimming. Crown cups and grooves are also created in them. Further mechanical surface treatment of the material is also possible. So, some logs are left convex on both sides, and in others they make the flat part that will be located inside the built house. Further, the material is processed in various formulations to give it fire and antiseptic properties.

Types of Logs

The atmosphere prevailing in a wooden house will be remembered for a long time by those guests who live in a brick or panel cottage. It is characterized by clean air, which is saturated with essential oils.

It is possible to build a house from logs using various conifers. The most durable of them are Angarsk pine, cedar, as well as larch. It is these breeds that are most often used in the construction of wooden houses.

build a house from logs

Angarsk pine logs

You can meet this tree only near Irkutsk. Angarsk pine has a high percentage of strength and good resin content. Using this breed will make a wonderful house made of logs. Owner reviews confirm that during operation, Angarsk pine wood becomes slightly reddish. This shade allows you to avoid additional processing and decoration of the facade and the premises of the house. How much is such a round log? The price per cube of material is within 9000 rubles.

Larch logs

High hardness has a building material made from this breed. In terms of quality, larch is second only to beech, but it is much cheaper. If you wish to purchase such a round log, the price per cube offered by suppliers will be from 11,000 to 15,000 rubles.

houses made of logs prices

Interestingly, larch is gaining its strength after the construction of the building. Such material has a high fire safety and can withstand a large temperature difference. It is also noteworthy that the interior of the house from the logs of larch does not require additional refinement.

Cedar logs

The trees described above have a lot of advantages. However, cedar is still considered the highest quality material for houses. It is highly resistant to rot and organic destruction. Many are inclined in favor of cedar material, erecting a house from logs. Owner reviews confirm that their buildings continue to serve for a long time without any significant repairs. In addition, the owners are satisfied with the stylish appearance of their home, as well as the unusual strength and low thermal conductivity of the walls, which allows you to create a comfortable temperature for the person in the room.

Cedar wood is also distinguished by the presence of essential oils. That is why people living in such a house feel better, suffer from colds less and rarely suffer from headaches. Thus, the construction of rounded logs of cedar is a very profitable option, although relatively expensive. The cost of one cube of such material is in the range of 13,000-17,000 rubles.

Initial stage of construction

Before proceeding with the construction of a dwelling, you will need to review the projects of houses from the logs and choose the option that suits you. Today they are presented in a wide variety. It should be borne in mind that the log house of a log made of logs is assembled similarly to the designer. That is why the drawings should not have any inaccuracies. A mistake can lead to the collapse of all construction work. In order to prevent this, one should order projects of houses made of logs only from serious organizations with highly qualified employees. Experienced architects will draw up competent drawings and put the necessary marking on the materials. All this will allow the construction team to easily assemble the house you ordered.

When is the best time to start building a home?

After the approval of the project, you can begin to build a house out of logs. Responses of owners and professionals are advised to start these works in the winter. This time is best for starting construction. The construction will end in the spring, and in the fall, after complete shrinkage, the house can be finished from logs.

Buying logs

An important factor for the construction of a high-quality and durable home is the right choice of material. In this matter, you need to adhere to criteria such as diameter and length of the log. You need to decide on the type of wood used.

round log price per cube

So, the large diameter of the log will indicate that it is already fully formed, and therefore not deformed. As for the length, a six-meter log is considered standard. However, you can order a beam both longer and shorter.

Assembly house

Logs are laid very quickly, since the connecting elements and the necessary parts are produced at the factory. At the construction site, the material gets ready. The construction of walls is carried out according to the logging technology. It consists in laying crowns. Round logs on top of the foundation are placed on a backing board, the thickness of which should be more than five centimeters. Then the timber is stacked on top of each other, using a checkerboard pattern. Their fastening is carried out using pins. Due to the fact that the structure will shrink, its support pillars are equipped with jacks in advance. In the openings, they arrange special screeds.

projects of houses made of logs

Warming of houses from rounded logs is carried out using tow, moss, jute or flax. Some nuances arise during the construction of the roof. The fact is that between its rafters it is impossible to lay a heater. In this regard, lining is sewn over them and a vapor barrier is pulled. Next, a rigid insulation is laid out on this design, and then a crate and a layer of waterproofing. After OSB-plates are beaten. This installation technology is maintained regardless of what type of roof is selected at the design stage.


Houses made of logs may have different prices. Everything will depend on:

- type of foundation ;

- type of wood;

- diameter of logs;

- area of ​​the building.

One-story log houses will cost less. For them, it will not be necessary to deliver a large number of floor beams.

log house made of logs

Sometimes the first two crowns are made of the most expensive material - larch. This will protect from rot and moisture at home from a log. Prices for larch timber are quite high, which will immediately raise the cost of construction. In a preliminary estimate drawn up by specialists, you can familiarize yourself with the prices for the manufacture and installation of the building’s power kit. All this will also have a direct impact on the amount that will have to be paid for a log house. On average, with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters, you will need to pay 1 million rubles.

Pluses of houses made of logs

The main advantage of such cottages is the use of safe and environmentally friendly materials. Natural wood has a positive effect on human health, creating a favorable indoor microclimate. An important advantage of using a rounded bar is that it does not contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Such a house will be completely safe even for young children.

According to the reviews of the owners of wooden cottages, the advantage of such a construction is a significant saving on the purchase of climate equipment. The unique properties of wood help maintain optimal moisture levels, as well as create coolness on the hottest days and give warmth to the cold.

The tree species used to build the house are distinguished by their durability, reliability, increased strength and density. In addition, their natural beauty allows you not to spend extra money on interior decoration.

When building a house on a standard project, the construction time is minimal. A log house made of logs is easy to assemble. The erection process is greatly simplified by the grooves and bowls specially arranged in the material.

An important advantage of houses made of logs is their lower cost compared, for example, with brick. That is why the wooden structure is considered to be a budget option.

decoration of the house from logs

The advantage of log houses is their unsurpassed appearance. The design of such buildings will certainly cause the enthusiastic looks of the guests. In addition, houses made of logs have excellent heat and sound insulation properties. This allows you to save on the purchase of insulation materials.

Cons of houses made of logs

The main disadvantages of such structures include the construction period. Experts recommend that during the construction of houses made of logs take a break in work for six months. This time is necessary to complete the shrinkage process.

In addition, wooden buildings have low fire resistance. In order for the house to be as reliable as possible and have a high level of security, the surface of the rounded logs must be treated with special solutions.

Natural wood also needs protection from the negative effects of the environment. For example, increased moisture will certainly lead to the appearance of fungi and mold, and also cause the process of decay of the beam. Destroy the tree and various pests. That is why the timber must be treated with special protective equipment.

Natural phenomena in the form of wind can lead to twisting of logs. This is also a disadvantage of such houses. Deformation of the logs may occur under the influence of precipitation and sunlight. In order to prevent these unpleasant phenomena, the material must be constantly monitored, covering the cracks with special compounds. Otherwise, moisture will easily penetrate through the gaps inside the house.


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