Tank for a shower heated to the cottage or to a private house

The best escape from the heat in the middle of summer is a cool shower. In apartments it is taken in the bathroom, and in private houses or cottages special cabins are built directly in the open air. At the same time, a plastic (or other) water tank is installed on top, which is filled from a garden hose. Water is heated in it due to solar heat.

heated shower tank

Such showers are usually installed in an open space. For their manufacture, wood is mainly used, since it is quite light and easy to process. Watering can and crane can be purchased at any hardware store or in the market. There you can buy a plastic shower tank. Moreover, they are sold in various colors and come in different capacities.

However, it should be noted that such a design can satisfy user requests only in the summer. This is due to the fact that with the onset of cold weather, the opportunity to heat water from solar heat disappears, which means that such a shower will no longer be in demand.

plastic shower tank

Therefore, most summer residents and people living in private houses prefer to install a special tank for a heated shower. It can be used even in cool weather, as well as in spring and autumn.

The device of such a tank is quite simple. It is a container in which a heating element is installed that can operate in a humid environment, and a special thermal relay that will control the level of heating. However, it should be borne in mind that electricity is used to use such a device, which means that the installation precautions and safety rules must be observed. It is best to purchase a heated shower tank in the store or use a boiler for these purposes.

One of the most important characteristics of such a device is coloring. The fact is that to save electricity, it is worth painting the container in black. Even a heated shower tank, painted black, will be able to raise the temperature much faster, and to maintain a certain value, it will need less energy.

plastic water tank

When buying such a tank, one of the most important parameters to consider is the capacity volume. It must be calculated from the number of people living in the house, and the frequency of use of the shower. It should be borne in mind that a heated shower tank is not a boiler, which means that its capacity should be one and a half times larger. This is due to the fact that in the apartment we breed hot water cold, reducing its consumption. At the same time, the outdoor shower uses only water from the tank, which means that it should be much more.

Thus, an outdoor shower is a real find on hot summer days. At the same time, it saves money on heating water, and when using a heated tank, it can be used even in autumn or spring. However, you must follow all safety precautions when working with electricity and to purchase such devices is only in specialized stores.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8383/

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