Museum "City" in Barnaul: what kind of place, how to get?

The city of Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Territory, which is filled with various interesting museums, cultural monuments, and architectural structures of past centuries. Any tourist should visit Nagorny Park, October Square, Lenin Avenue, the Drama Theater and many other attractions. One of the iconic places is the Museum "City". Barnaul is proud of this place, and even residents from all over the region constantly supplement collections and photo materials with their exhibits.

History of the museum

Museum "City" Barnaul

In Barnaul, the City Museum is one of the youngest. The official opening took place in 2007, but the idea of ​​creating such an institution was born back in the 2000s with the mayor Vladimir Nikolayevich Bavarin. He signed the corresponding decree, after which a small room stood out in the library building. It was there that the first archival documents and exhibits dedicated to the development of the city began to gather: acts of local authorities, various cultural institutions and departments under the administration.

In 2005, Natalya Vladimirovna Vakalova came to work as a director, who organized an active collection of materials, determined the specific directions of the museum. Together with researchers, Natalya Vladimirovna came to the conclusion that the history of the city is the fate of the people living in it, so Barnaul in the faces of the 18th-20th centuries was one of the first collections.

On September 1, 2007, in honor of the city's day, the museum opened its doors to the general public. By this time, the institution acquired more spacious areas, in the building of the City Council that was significant for Barnaul, which was built in the early 19th century.

From the beginning of the work, the site was visited by hundreds of thousands of people, and none of them was left without impressions and emotions.

Exhibit collections

interesting museum

As you know, a museum without exhibitions and collections cannot be called a museum. The richer the exposition, the more information each guest who comes culturally and spiritually to get rich will receive.

At the moment, the municipal museum "City" has more than 6 thousand different items on balance.

The most significant exhibitions include:

  • cameras assembled by Alexander Grigoryevich Ponomarev;
  • exposition “Barnaul. From the origins to the present ";
  • interior exhibition "Life of citizens in the XVIII-XX centuries.";
  • “Glory to the Red Army!” - An exposition dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

In addition, the City Museum in Barnaul has huge funds deposited by the city administration, the V. Bashunov youth library, objects from archaeological excavations conducted in various historical places of the city, photographs from historians, art historians from both the and all of Russia.

The main theme of this interesting museum, of course, is the history of Barnaul. Expositions dedicated to the period of the foundation and formation of the city work constantly, they include archival documents, household items, clothes, accessories, photographs, starting from the time that Akinfiy Demidov began to found mining and silver-smelting industry in a small village of the 18th century.

Events held by the Barnaul Museum “City”

municipal museum

Employees of the institution are actively working and developing the museum in accordance with the requirements and interests of the modern public.

Everyone can take a virtual tour of the exhibition halls on the official website of the City Museum in Barnaul, Altai Territory.

In addition, excursion work is being actively conducted. Reviews of the city are devoted not only to history, but also to World War II, the industry of the city, and architectural sights. There are programs designed for young listeners, and there are also for adults.

Also, scientific work does not stand still. For all comers, museum researchers give lectures on various topics.

A wide range of entertainment events: chocolate festivals, art marathons, master classes, adventure games and much more.

Museum Facts

Museum "City" in Barnaul address

The staff of the institution totals 25 people.

In total, the museum has an area of ​​about 700 square meters.

The museum has published publications: “Barnaul Chronograph”, “Everything is just beginning ... The history of Barnaul in photographs”.

The institution takes an annual part in the Museum Night action.

The average attendance per year is about 15,000 people aged from one year to 80 years.

How can I get to?

All the necessary information about the City Museum in Barnaul (address, contacts, e-mail, work schedule and ticket prices) can be found on the official website of the institution.

The location of the museum is very convenient from the point of view of transport: you can get there either by bus (1, 24, 25, 27, 35, 47, 53, 78, 110 and others), or by a trolleybus (1.7). The nearest stop is “Leo Tolstoy Street”, from which you must proceed to building 24 on this street. If the guest follows from another settlement by car, then you should go to Lenin Avenue from the entrance to the city and get to the intersection with Leo Tolstoy Street.


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