Sushnyak - what is it? Several meanings of the word

Hearing the word "sushnyak", one person will imagine a dry, lifeless forest. Another will remember how he wanted to drink water the next morning after a feast. The third will present winter fishing in Siberia, where the dry land is layered ice. How many more meanings of this word exist?

It happens that a dialect well-known in a certain field uses a generally accepted word with a different meaning. In this case, you can explore the root of the word and synonyms for it. Then much will become clear.

Sushnyak is thirst

What dictionaries say

According to the suffix, it is clear that "sushnyak" is a noun. All dictionaries indicate its meaning as "dry trees and individual branches." By the examples cited in the dictionaries of Dahl, Efremova, Ushakov and the Small Academic, it becomes clear that not only a forest that has dried up on the root, but also a fallen tree - dry branches dropped by the wind from the peaks are called dry land. Synonyms for this meaning are “dead wood”, “deadwood”, “brushwood”.

Wiktionary indicates two more meanings. The colloquial word sushnyak is thirst after alcoholic libations. And in youth jargon, dry wine is called sushnak.

Is it possible to collect dried

Not so long ago, a law was passed under which it is possible to collect dry branches from the forest without special permission from the authorities. In this regard, many people have questions: what is dry land and dead wood, is it possible to take a tree felled by a storm, and what punishment is provided for unauthorized cutting?

Gathering brushwood

Issues are not idle, given the fines for the appropriation of trees of valuable species. It turns out that the decree on the need for permission to cut down has not been canceled. Even if the tree is dry, a certificate for deforestation is required. But where the forest is not divided into dead wood and healthy trees, the punishment will be stricter.

Why such confusion? The thing is that for foresters the drylands are not firewood. It can be a linden from which wooden products are cut; larch, going to the logs, and other breeds, very valuable just because they are dried on the vine. For an ignorant person, all this is firewood.

Examples of the use of the word:

  • They scooped up a dry place for a fire, enough for the whole night.
  • The stove was fired up with dried wood, the firewood turned out to be raw.
  • Specialists came to determine the quality of dried sushi. It was decided to transport the trees by helicopter.

Sushnyak - when you are thirsty

Extreme thirst after taking alcohol is one of the symptoms of a hangover. The mucous membranes of the mouth and throat dry up, you feel thirsty so much that it is impossible to get drunk. Some people think that at such a moment the body is very dehydrated. Apparently, this is why this state got the name "dry land". This word describes well how a person feels.

An example of the use of the word:

  • My head hurts, dried up hammers, I'll stop drinking!
  • After yesterday, sushnyak tortured, nothing helps.
  • Although he is not noticed in drunkenness, he obviously suffers from dried mornings in the mornings - he eagerly drinks water from the tap.
Morning hangover

In fact, there is water in the body, but it has moved to the intercellular areas and created swelling. The blood volume is reduced, the brain gives a signal about the need to urgently replenish the supply of water. It will restore the volume of blood, wash the decay products from the tissues, remove swelling, and with them the headache.

Dried poultry happens during food poisoning and intoxication. Symptoms are reminiscent of alcohol. But in this case, there may be dehydration - without edema, because water is sorely lacking to maintain life. Such a situation can occur during a campaign: in the heat, with strong physical exertion, when the body very quickly loses water.

Sushnyak: the meaning of the word among the inhabitants of Siberia

In Irkutsk and Chita, ice of a special kind is called so. It is a layered layer in which there are air gaps and ice layers several centimeters thick. Due to the fact that between the ice layers is not water, but air, such ice is dry and is called dry land. Synonyms of the word - "hollow", "sushanets", "hollow".

Drought forms in winter when the river freezes. After freezing, no water inflow occurs, and the water turns into ice at a lower level. Sometimes a dry land forms under ice after a drain of water under the upper layer of ice. Such ice is not suitable for crossing, it does not withstand the horse and can be dangerous to humans.

Frozen lake

Examples of the use of the word:

  • During fishing, an ice hole was struck, it turned out to be dry land.
  • On Amur, ice was banned in order to avoid breaks due to the sushnyka (hollow).

F. Wrangel wrote about this phenomenon, saying that the horse fell through the ice, but when it was pulled out, it was not wet. The Yakuts claimed that there were several such layers.

Sushnyak: slang students

Young people like to use slang words in a conversation. Psychologists call this a kind of game, the opportunity to join the team and be recognized as "their own." Students begin to express their thoughts in the traditional language - colloquial or literary - when they discuss serious problems. In everyday life, you can often hear words that are difficult to understand.

In the student language, sushnyak is dry wine. Young people came up with a lot of names for alcoholic beverages: “shampusik”, “chatter”, “paint”, “pivasik”. Some people think that the name “dry” wine got for dry mouth after it, but this is not so. In dry wine, sugar was fermented into alcohol, only its residual amount remained.

An example of the use of the word:

  • We bought paints and dried fruit - we don’t know who loves what (we bought red and white wine, we don’t know who loves what).
  • For girls - champagne and sushnyachok, and for men - vodka (champagne is champagne).
  • What have you brought! This is a mess! We don’t drink that. They would take a dried sir, or something (a chatter is a cheap fortified fruit and berry wine).
Dry wine

It may seem that the word has a rude connotation. But this is not so. A lot of words have appeared in the youth environment that are distinguished by a similar formation - with the suffix –ak (-yak). Examples are the words “useless”, “late”, “tough guy”, “dodger”, “hanging man”, “walker”. Well, how could such a figurative word not appear instead of two sour “dry wine”?


As we saw, the word has new meanings. This was probably due to the root meaning "dry." Be that as it may, the word lives and grows in meanings, sometimes very figurative. The development of Russian spoken language is evident.


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