Polite words. List of the most important beauty

It is said by the classic that in people both thoughts and clothes should be beautiful. But where does the sixth or seventh sense come from in a person, by which he distinguishes what is beautiful and what is ugly? It is brought up by the beauty of interpersonal relationships. From the wealth of the inner world of our distant ancestors, polite words appeared in the Russian language.

Verbal garbage, from which souls languish

polite words list
When we hear from people of other nationalities the assertion that the Russians are unpleasant because they communicate abusive words with each other, we want to distribute to each Russian a phrasebook in which a hundred ordinary polite phrases would be entered. But many would not have taken it. They would be offended because they are proud that the whole world is cursing with “Russian mats”. This is scary. A nation that has generated from its midst the beams of universal human culture uses the obscene, dirty word in all spheres of human activity.

But in Russian there are polite words. The list, a list of them can be made quite long. Why not renew, bring back into use the beautiful Russian word "sir"? (And in addressing a woman, this word sounds even better and more harmonious - ma'am). But many souls managed to wither away in an atmosphere of verbal garbage. “Hey, you bald one, pass it on the ticket!” - such a phrase will darken the mood not only to the one to whom it is addressed, but also to many others who have heard these words. And to imagine what can be said differently, many can no longer. “Be so kind as to pass on a ticket” - which of us has heard such a treatment in transport?

“What difference does it make!” They exclaim, not even ask. But let me! Really really appeal "Hey you!" hear more pleasant than "Sir"?

How do others perceive us?

The sensitive souls of poets have already noticed changes in the mentality of the Russian people, and this happened because sentences with polite words left our everyday life. We read the verses of our contemporary from Poland (interlinear translation): “Russians cannot create their world, because, like a banner, they carry mate with them.” But the poet is talking about us, about ordinary Russian people. He didn’t see politicians in his eyes.

And the conclusion made by a simple layman is terrible: you need to send to Kolyma for such verses.

sentences with polite words

No, sir, you are wrong! These verses need to be heeded. And change yourself, and then, slowly, the world will begin to change around you. And just a little is required: you just need to say polite words to each other. A list of them can be compiled, for example, from the works of A.S. Pushkin:

- Be nice.

“Glad to serve you.”

- I wish you hello.

- your prayers.

“Ma'am, I am glad to tell you that you are lovely.”

- Sir, and my husband says the same.

Some will say that this is all about counts and princes. But Pushkin grabbed and immortalized the phrase from the thick of the people: "The ignoramus is looking for a fight, and the polite - for friends." This thought is commensurate with his novel in poetry.

Adults give birth to children, but they learn from adults themselves

There is a website where children express their thoughts about the benefits of courtesy. Good idea.

polite words in Russian
But she lacks an attentive adult who has at least compiled a list of polite words for the children. The poverty of the children's vocabulary in poems could hit a person of the nineteenth century. Three expressions: “Thank you,” “Hello,” and “Goodbye,” crawl from one child’s creation to another. But they are not to blame. Children learn from us, but there’s nothing to learn, sorry. And the childish delights about how good and wonderful it is to be cultured and polite give falsehood. But the adults who oversee that site are also deaf. They have the same polite words in their heads, like their children. Nobody compiled a list for them, and they also do not see, like their children, the need for it.

The beauty of relationships

The beauty of human relations is narrowed, it does not find its expression and fades. And the 12-year-old girl’s verse that “words are not important, but feelings are important” doesn’t sound like an adult sincerely.

list of polite words for children
Deception of one’s own feelings is heard in phrases that speak of the “non-importance” of words. The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that this bad taste, which the little poetess heard from adults and introduced into her work, adults did not notice and noted the girl’s ability to choose rhymes from the best side. But technology is not poetry. Not technology creates poetry, but vice versa. Polite words ... A list of them does not need to be specially made, they must come from the depths of the soul. Moreover, they should be in place, not in rhyme. It would be better to fill the site with children's poems with words of gratitude to parents, grandmothers, friends, even toys! And examples ... let it be like a technical tool, so that children and adults learn to express their best feelings and please them with loved ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8421/

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