Universal gypsum putty "Fugenfüller"

If you are going to make repairs, then you can not do without plaster. Currently, the building materials market can offer a huge range of this material. But today we would like to present to your attention, undoubtedly, the best option in this segment. We are talking about putty "Fugenfüller" from the famous company "Knauf". I must admit that this is an outdated name, but experienced finishers are very used to it, so we will call it that.

putty fugenfueller
The dry mix is ​​available in three versions:

- The usual "Fugen";

- "Fugen GF";

- “Fugen Hydro.”

The mixture goes on sale in bags of five, ten and twenty-five kilograms. Putty "Fugenfyuller" is used to seal joints between sheets of drywall, using a sickle, to repair damage to gypsum board, putty with a thin layer of concrete substrates, fill joints of concrete elements, glue sheets of drywall, etc.

Fugenfüller putty is incredibly easy to use. But it must be borne in mind that the color of this material is predominantly gray, and after processing it, the surface becomes spotty: in places it is darker or lighter. Therefore, it is better to choose a wallpaper thicker so that they do not shine through. The main thing is that the surface will be perfect to the touch.

putty knauf fugenfüller
Dry putty "Fugenfyuller" is applied to the walls with a layer of not more than three millimeters. A thicker layer will provoke furrows and sagging. Putty dries very quickly - thirty minutes, and the material is no longer suitable for work. Therefore, do not knead the solution in very large volumes. Knead a new portion of the putty when you have used up the previous one.

The consistency of the putty “Fugenfüller” is significantly different from “Sitrok” and “Vetonit”. These mixtures are more viscous, and the mixture from Knauf does not reach for the spatula.

Like any building material, Fugenfueller putty has its drawbacks and advantages. Its advantages include:

- high strength;

- minimum consumption;

- high quality of the processed surface;

- affordable price.

The disadvantages of this material can be considered:

- quick drying (sometimes this can be a plus);

- hard to grind;

- the impossibility of applying a layer of more than three millimeters;

- the danger of dark spots on light wallpaper.

Putty "Knauf" ("Fugenfüller") is mixed in compliance with certain rules:

putty fugenfüller knauf characteristics

- Pour the mixture into the water very slowly and over the entire surface. Doing this is better not with a trowel, but with your hand.

- Let the mixture stand a little (after two to three minutes it will swell a little).

- Mixing the composition is advisable by hand - at first the mass may seem too liquid, but do not rush, after a few minutes the mixture will become the necessary consistency.

- Do not dump the rest of the composition into a container with a total weight. This will reduce the time you work with it and lead to the formation of lumps.

The dry mix from the world-famous producer is putty "Fugenfüller" ("Knauf"). The characteristics of this material have made it popular with builders around the world. Affordable price (a bag of 25 kilograms will cost you no more than five hundred rubles) attracts buyers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8448/

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