Grozny - City Day, history, celebration features and interesting facts

The heart of the Chechen Republic, its capital, is a city with a speaker, judging by its history, the name Grozny. Founded on the banks of the Sunzha River (which is a tributary of the Terek), it occupies the second place among the cities of the North Caucasus (324.1 sq. Km) in its area. On the fifth of October it is customary to celebrate the birthday of the city of Grozny. In the article, we consider the history, administrative and territorial structure, sights and how residents celebrate City Day.

terrible city day

History of the city

The city has a rich almost two-century history. The Grozny fortress was founded in 1818 and played the role of an outpost that protected the borders from raids by wild Chechen tribes. After almost half a century, it lost its strategic importance and was renamed the city of Grozny, which was part of the Terek region.

In 1890, large oil fields were discovered on the territory of Grozny. This was a new round in the development of the city, oil refining and refining plants began to be built, roads laid.

During the years of Soviet power, the planned development of Grozny begins, its main regions, existing to this day, are formed.

From the very beginning of World War II, one of the priorities of the Nazi troops was the capture of oil fields in the North Caucasus, including Grozny. Thanks to the dedication of Soviet soldiers, the enemy was unable to approach its walls.

After the war ended, the city quickly restored industrial production, and by the end of the 80s of the XX century it was the largest industrial center of the Caucasus.

The event that had a devastating effect on all spheres of the city’s life - its economy, culture, was the Russian-Chechen war. The fighting that took place on the territory of Grozny destroyed it almost to the ground. Everyone who had this opportunity moved to the less affected areas of the Chechen Republic. There was even a question about moving the subject’s capital to Gudermes, the least destroyed city, but Akhmad Kadyrov, the first president of Chechnya, spoke out against this.

Thanks to him, as well as his son Ramzan Kadyrov, who later became president of Chechnya after the tragic death of his father, the accelerated restoration of the city, the construction of industrial enterprises, roads and social facilities began. On the fifth of October it was decided to celebrate the Day of the city of Grozny. The program is compiled annually and includes celebrations of achievements over the past year, building plans for the future.

menacing day city events

Population and ethnic composition

Since the founding of the city in Grozny there has been exclusively population growth. And this is not surprising - the discovery of oil fields at the end of the 19th century, the accelerated construction of roads and factories, soon made the city one of the most developed centers of the North Caucasus.

The situation changed radically in the 90s of the XX century, when as a result of the hostilities in the Russian-Chechen war, Grozny was almost destroyed. According to the All-Union Census in 1987, 404 thousand people lived in the city, and in 1996, according to the statistics of the Russian Statistical Yearbook, only 186 thousand people. Russians, Ukrainians, Ingush hastily left Grozny, often leaving all acquired property in place.

Only at the beginning of the XXI century did the situation begin to improve, the population began to increase both due to an improvement in the demographic situation, and due to the competent policy of the authorities, attracting labor to the city. According to the data for 2017, 291 thousand people live in Grozny, who are looking forward to the celebration of the Day of the city of Grozny annually.

The ethnic structure is homogeneous: about 95% of the population are Chechens, 3% are Russians, the remaining 2% are Kumyks, Ingush, Avars and other small nations.

Administrative and territorial structure

The city of Grozny in administrative-territorial division is a city of republican significance.

It has 4 districts, each of which includes 5 territorial districts.

  1. Leninsky (founded in 1938). It is considered the largest in terms of population (about 88 thousand people as of July 2017). This is the center of business and cultural life of the city, it is here that the majority of business centers, shops, and social objects are concentrated.
  2. October (founded in 1936). The second most populous urban unit of Grozny (71 thousand people), located in the hilly southeast of the city.
  3. Factory (established in 1960). It arose as a result of the merger of the Ordzhonikidze and Stalin regions. This is the second largest and largest population unit (69 thousand people) urban unit; most industrial enterprises are located here.
  4. Staropromyslovsky (founded in 1936). The first name of the district is the Staropromyshlenny district, the population of a part of the city (63 thousand people).

The structure of local governments does not differ from that adopted in most cities of the Russian Federation.

  1. The Council of Deputies is a representative body.
  2. The city hall is an executive and administrative body led by the mayor.
  3. Chamber of Control and Audit - the control body.
  4. The head of Grozny is the highest official of the city.

City Hall organizes holidays, including the planning of the Day of the city of Grozny.

celebration of the city of Grozny

Economics and education

The city in the full sense of the word can be called industrial, there are many enterprises operating both heavy and light industries. Of course, the key industry here is oil production and refining (Grozneftegaz and other plants), as well as the industries derived from it - petrochemistry, production of oil equipment, mechanical engineering and much more.

Before the Russian-Chechen war, Grozny was second after Rostov-on-Don in terms of industrial production (a total of 160 enterprises functioned). Unfortunately, the military operations of the 90s of the XX century caused devastating damage to all spheres of the city’s life, and especially to the economy. Most enterprises were destroyed to the ground, there were no roads and social facilities - hospitals, kindergartens, schools.

After two civil wars, the city was completely restored, all structures are functioning and people are glad that they can live peacefully and celebrate the Day of the city of Grozny. In the process of construction, the construction of modern residential areas and infrastructure: shopping centers, museums, mosques was launched. Some of them can be compared in size to European ones.

You can get higher education in Grozny at universities.

  1. Chechen State University (ChSU), founded in 1938 - a university of the classical type;
  2. Chechen State Pedagogical University (CSPU), founded in 1980.
  3. Grozny State Oil Technical University, named after the famous academician M.D. Millionschikova.

University students and schoolchildren are actively involved in the Day of the city of Grozny.

the birthday of the city of Grozny

The city's attractions

The sights of Grozny are only a few decades old. As mentioned above, after hostilities in the 90s of the XX century, the city in the literal sense had to be revived from the ashes. But this does not mean at all that he is scarce in the cultural sense, but rather, on the contrary.

The city's attractions.

  1. In Grozny there is an analogue of Moscow City - a complex consisting of seven skyscrapers. Here, as in the capital, all business life was concentrated.
  2. Guests should definitely visit the heart of Chechnya mosque, which is considered to be the main attraction of the city. It was erected in honor of the President of Chechnya Akhmad Kadyrov who was tragically killed in 2004 and is an exact copy of the Sofia mosque (Istanbul), as well as the largest Muslim mosque in Europe. The area occupied by the complex is fourteen hectares; ten thousand people can pray at the same time in the mosque.
  3. Sports complex "Akhmat-Arena", built in two years. In its power and functionality, it is not inferior to leading sports facilities and has already been accepted into the European Association of Stadiums.
  4. A tourist visiting Grozny is recommended to walk along the two central streets of the city - Putin Avenue and Kadyrov Avenue. And also see Lenin Square and the “Minute” Square, on which the train once passes and stopped for only 1 minute. Celebration of the day of the city of Grozny take place here.

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Features of the celebration of the City Day and interesting facts

In 2017, 199 years have passed since the construction of the fortress, which served as the basis for the formation of the settlement, which later grew into a city. On October 5, the population celebrates the Day of the city of Grozny. Events to celebrate the authorities begin to develop in advance, trying to make the program delight both the indigenous people and guests.

Usually on a festive day in the morning, music is heard on the streets and flags with national symbols flutter. The main square of the city is decorated with a stage where pop stars invited to the festival perform and folk groups present their creativity. And at the end of the celebration, residents become witnesses of enchanting fireworks.

In 2017, on City Day, Grozny received the Colosseum, a sports complex with a capacity of five thousand seats, as a gift. This will help the city to be on a par with the major sports centers of Russia.

The history of the capital of Chechnya has many interesting facts in its piggy bank, among which the following can be noted:

  • When planning an atomic war against the USSR, the Americans included Grozny in the twenty cities for an atomic attack;
  • writer and poet Mikhail Lermontov served in the fortress of Grozny in 1840;
  • 1854 was the year that Leo Tolstoy visited the fortress;
  • the unique monument “Walk of Fame” was opened in 2010 - the site under the memorial complex stretches over five hectares.

Despite the difficult trials, two civil wars, the people managed to establish a peaceful life and restore the heart of Chechnya - the capital city of Grozny.


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