Andrey Butorin: biography, books

Andrei Butorin is a famous domestic writer working in the science fiction genre. He has been engaged in creativity since the mid-90s. The author of a large number of short stories, short stories and novels. He became famous for participating in the literary projects Metro 2033 and STALKER. In this article, we will talk about his biography and creative career.

Childhood and youth

Andrey Butorin

Andrey Butorin was born in the Murmansk region in 1962. He was born in Monchegorsk. He lives in a small hometown even now, although he has already become a famous writer lately.

In 1979, he graduated from high school and entered the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation. He received a diploma in the specialty "Electrical Engineer".

After high school I got a job at the Izmeritel plant in Smolensk.

Labor career

Writer Andrei Butorin

Andrey Butorin worked for a long time in his specialty, not seriously engaged in creativity. After working for some time on the "Meter", he returned to his native Monchegorsk in the Murmansk region. He became an employee of the Severonickel plant. He worked in the nickel electrolysis workshop as an electronic engineer. In the early 90's, he became a software engineer, having begun to master the specialty that was fashionable at that time.

In 1997, he left his job at the plant, where by that time practically no salaries were paid. I got a job at Monchebank in the commercial department.

In the 2000s, when the situation in the country and industry stabilized, Andrei Butorin returned to the plant. By that time, the enterprise was part of the open joint-stock company Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company. The hero of our article was a leading specialist in the Information Technology Center that existed under this organization.

He remained in this post until the summer of 2008, until the division was reorganized into a separate company - InformKolaService Limited Liability Company.

In 2013, the company again became part of the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company. Butorin still works in the same position.

Literary debut

Fantast Andrey Butorin

Andrei Butorin began writing books at school age. At first it was poetry, but the hero of our article quickly cooled off to poetry, in principle considering it to be a frivolous occupation, nothing more than gymnastics for the mind.

His early works participated in competitions held by regional and local publications. In 2000, he won a television show at the political ditty contest "Wait a Hour!" Hosted by the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.


Artworks by Andrey Butorin

Butorin has been experimenting with prose since the mid-80s. It was during that period that he wrote the first work, which, in his opinion, deserved attention. This is a fantastic story "Time Slit".

Soon, he received an order for a fantastic environmental story. So his second work appeared, entitled "Revenge of the Dead Lake". It told about a reservoir contaminated with industrial waste, in which a mutant fish appeared, which began to eat people.

After this a long break in his literary activity followed. Only in the late 90s prose again began to occupy a significant place in the biography of Andrei Butorin. Since then, he is seriously interested in literary work. But so far only relatives and friends read his works. It is not published anywhere.

Finally, in the early 2000s, he decided to submit his stories to the public in order to hear public opinion. Andrei suggested that he would be able to improve his skills. On the Internet, they collected a lot of positive reviews. He decided to continue creating in the same vein.


Today, the list of books by Andrei Butorin looks very impressive. It all began with the distribution of their stories to the editors of various magazines publishing fantastic works. In 2001, Star Road magazine first published his work. It was called "Mother of the astronaut." After that, about a dozen journal publications were published. And not only in Russia, but also in Canada, America, Great Britain, Israel, Latvia, and Ukraine.

In 2004, AST published its first novel, Work on Mistakes. After that, in various Moscow publishing houses, one after another, his other novels and collections of short stories are published. In particular, the writer took part in the literary projects "STALKER" and "Metro 2033".

Butorin is a participant in various literary contests. In 2006, his series of science fiction short stories reached the final of the Cherished Dream Award in the category "Best Science Fiction Work".

Also on his account participation in popular festivals of fiction "EvRosKon", "Silver Arrow". In 2009, Butorin was admitted to the Union of Writers of Russia.

Currently, his novels “The Heiress to the Throne”, “Beyond the End of Heaven and Earth”, “There Are No Miracles”, “Wedge”, “Stronger than Pain”, “Wormhole”, “Play or Die”, “Fallen into the Zone” are popular. Emergency landing". His novels "Confused Souls", "Name for the Unborn", "Letter to Nowhere", "Shell", "Three Times in One River ..." were published.

You can also get acquainted with his stories “One Meanness Less,” “Sensational Interview,” “Tract of Fire Spirits”.


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