Resident Evil Zero: walkthrough, review, secrets

Everyone knows the Resident Evil series. Since 1996, she pleases all her fans with an extraordinarily thought out and deep "horror". Some in it amazes the gameplay, others - the plot. A lot of controversy and discussion is caused by the romantic lines of the series, which is absolutely surprising for such a project. Since the release of the first part and until 2000, four parts were released, and all of them were inaccessible to owners of personal computers - you could play them only on consoles and consoles.

resident evil zero walkthrough


After the appearance in 2001 of the next part called Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, which continued the well-known franchise, the fans began to look forward to the next chapter of the story. After all, according to the developers, the new adventures of all the famous heroes should have been released in a new format and with updated graphics on the PlayStation 2. However, everything happened far from what was planned.

In 2002, the next part was announced - Resident Evil Zero. Passing this part allowed players to learn about the events preceding the adventures of the heroes of the very first RE. Fans received the long-awaited prequel, but you could play it only on the GameCube console. And if the next part of Resident Evil 4 was later ported to both PS2 and a personal computer, then Zero remained exclusive to Cuba, and PC-schnicks could play it only after a long time using the emulator and a long fine-tuning.

And on January 16, 2016, Resident Evil Zero Remastered is released. Passing through the remake is absolutely identical to the original, which raises a lot of questions, but why was this done in an era when the Cuba emulator can be run on almost any computer? However, this did not bother the fans, everyone rushed together to buy their favorite game in a new wrapper.


If you missed the moment and did not play Resident Evil Zero, the HD version will be a real gift for you. In "Steam" it is sold for only 500 rubles, not considering the additions. By the way, in this part of Resident Evil, mods are just sets of costumes and do not carry any semantic load, but they cost almost half the cost of the game itself. Of course, this does not compare in price with such "flagships" of the gaming industry, such as, for example, Dark Souls, each worth 2,000 "wooden" ones, but it makes you think about expediency.

It will also be useful for a domestic user to know that the game Resident Evil has no Russian voice acting more than completely and completely. Only fans took to localize this version, so when you buy a game through Steam, you won’t even have a Russian menu. What can I say about notes in the game itself, which may contain useful information.

However, it is worth noting the work of the Russian fandom. RSV 7 studio quite successfully translated the remaster of the first part for the “cube version”, and in the Steam community you can find a mediocre but playable translation of the new Resident Evil. The crack is installed even on the Steam version of the game, the only thing is that after this you can not update the game or check the integrity of the data. So we download the original version, put the DLC on it and only after that we use the user patch.

resident evil zero hd walkthrough

Fair passage

Of course, not everyone wants to play the game honestly. Someone has already played it 100 times and just wants to quickly get acquainted with the new version, someone cannot pass a certain moment, and someone is trying to pass the game to the "S" rank.

For such users, there are special programs that can help. Resident Evil's trainers are very simple and monotonous. In most cases, they differ only in compatibility with the player’s operating system and version of the game.

It’s worth noting that many of them are suitable for both pirated versions and official Steam versions. To use this help, disable the antivirus and install it on your computer. After that, launch the game, after it the trainer and activate it. Most of these programs have a special indicator that allows you to understand whether the trainer found a working version of Resident Evil Zero. After that, open the inventory and switch back to the trainer. After that, you can enter the desired code.

As already mentioned, all trainers are similar to each other and provide the same opportunities:

  • invulnerability to one of the characters or both at once;
  • endless ammo, sometimes comes with a lack of reloading, sometimes separately from each other;
  • one hit kill;
  • modes that speed up / slow down time are also very popular;
  • adding items to inventory cells.

If you do not want to try and spend three or four hours on the full passage of the game and opening suits and additional weapons, you can download the Resident Evil Zero save. They may also be suitable for both the pirate and the official version, however, note that in this case you will not receive the Steam achievement, since they are activated at the moment of receipt, and not through the full passage.

For those who want to master Resident Evil Zero HD on their own, passing may not be easy, so we present to your attention a complete guide to the plot of this game.


So, we are starting. The events taking place in the prequel happened two months before the plot of the game Resident Evil 2 (or rather, the explosion in Raccoon City), as well as a day before the invasion of the mansion in the very first part of the franchise.

The STARS Bravo squad goes to the Arkleysky Forest to investigate a series of mysterious deaths - people are torn to shreds, while large predators have never been found here. One of its members is rookie medic Rebecca Chambers, familiar to the player from the previous installments. She will become one of the characters for whom we will need to play.

Due to a helicopter malfunction (oh, how not random), the squad is forced to make an emergency landing. Not far from the crash site, a prison van is discovered, which was transported by a certain Billy Cohen, but the guards are dead, and he himself disappeared. Based on the situation, the squad leader orders to split up.

Rebecca, lagging behind her comrades, stumbles upon a train that stopped in the middle of the forest and decides to examine it. Here you have to take control.

resident evil 2

Locked up in the kitchen

The whole game can be divided into several stages. In order to make it more convenient for you to search for the necessary information, we divide them into digestible items. Immediately it is worth noting that Resident Evil is a game in which a person has always lacked free space in his inventory. But if earlier you had at your disposal a magic chest in which you could put all unnecessary junk, then this time you will not have it, and you will have to throw the necessary objects directly onto the floor.

But we were a little distracted. Once in the first carriage, immediately go left, since the passage is still closed to the other side. Depending on the difficulty on which you play, some actions may vary. This will mainly concern the survivability of zombies and avoid skirmishes with them. Therefore, once in the next car, after a small splash screen, do not spend too many rounds, but simply kill the nearest enemy and run on.

This is a compartment carriage with two rooms - in one of them you can find cartridges and a file. And since Resident Evil is a game? true to its traditions, in the second compartment you will find a typewriter with which you can save (do this only if you could get here without significant loss of health and ammunition, otherwise it would be easier to start again).

Reach the dead end and look around the corner. There, pick up the key and inspect the two locked doors. For one you need a "Plastic Card", for the other - "Conductor Key". This will be followed by a small cut-scene of Rebecca and Cohen's acquaintance, and then you have to repel the attack of the Cerberus. After defending yourself and picking up a new corpse, go to the starting location - now you have the door key to the right.

Another screen saver in which Billy offers Chambers to work together. Pick up another file from the table and look at the door to the kitchen. It will be locked, so feel free to go upstairs. Go through the car and when the enemy appears, just run away from him. Watch another scene during which a very controversial duo Resident Evil Zero HD is formed. The passage will imply a parallel game by both characters, so you can rejoice - instead of a chest you now have two inventory.

Now your task is to stop the train. Playing as Rebecca, go to the open window and get out onto the roof. After going through it, turn off the electricity and watch the scene. Once in the kitchen, completely search her. Found the "Conductor Key", lower down on a special elevator and wait for help.

Now switch to Billy. Get down and go to the kitchen, which was previously closed. Take the key and some useful items there. With him, return to the car, where the first skirmish with the Cerberus occurred. In the conductor's room, pick up the card and briefcase (open until it works). Press the button and go up. Do not miss the ice chopping knife. The only room has a lot of useful things, including a gun.

Now you have the first hassle with the boss. The main thing is to shoot him in the head, and for this, get as close as possible. Use a gun. After that, pick up the hook (Panel opener) and go to the kitchen. Send the knife with the lift to Rebecca. With it, she can get out of the kitchen.

Station "Last"

Using the hook found, open the hatch near the refrigerator. For ventilation, get to the luggage compartment and kill the Cerberus there. In addition to ammunition, be sure to pick up the golden ring near the door and exit through the door. This will be the last car. Take away the harpoon (use two characters at once) and remember the path here, it will come in handy.

Return to the car where Rebecca was attacked for the first time (in front of the conservation room and a dead partner). Using the harpoon, you will again be on the roof. Go through it and jump into the compartment. After killing the carrion, take the jewelry box and carefully examine it in the inventory. The result is a silver ring. Use it and gold on the briefcase - inside you will find a blue plastic card. Remember where is she from? Go to the car in which you first encountered the "dogs" and open the last locked door.

Watching the video. We leave Rebecca here, and Billy, taking the magnetic card, as the most hardy, goes on a death tour throughout the composition to the room where they took the harpoon. Fight along the way from the crowds of zombies, but do not waste too many cartridges. Where you can, better run.

When reaching the end, enter one of the following codes, after which control will go back to Rebecca and she will also have to enter one of the codes:

  • 67: 9,9,9,9,9,5,5,5,5,5,2.
  • 36: 5,5,5,5,5,5,2,2,2,1,1.
  • 81: 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,8,1.

The train will crash and you will find yourself in front of an unknown building. Raise everything you need (be sure to harpoon) and go to a new location.

resident evil game

Training center

The largest and richest location. It reminds one of the mansion from the first part. Resident Evil Zero, the passage of which we are considering, also does not differ in the variety of opponents. In this building you will meet crows, dogs, zombies and larvae. You can’t name them serious opponents.

So you are in the lobby. Here you can find several healing herbs and a typewriter. You can also throw off all the junk that is currently unnecessary, including the harpoon. Now you can act.

Climb the main staircase to the second floor and go all the way to the left. You will be taken to a living room in which there is no other way out. Take the cartridges (only at an easy level) and a note. Only then lift the handle with the head of a lion. We do not touch the raven that has appeared, but simply run away.

Now, on the second floor, we pass through the front double doors. There is another typewriter, cartridges and a note (notebook). We go to the first door to the left, since the rest are closed. Once in the corridor, immediately move to the double doors on the left. This is a library. Take the card and microfilm A. Then put Rebecca in the elevator, and Bill using the "handle" lift it up.

In the watch you do not need anything. Run around infected cockroaches and stomp on. In the recreation area with a fountain, a flock of ravens. Pick up the herbs and also keep running. Go out into the large room. There are valves here that only Billy can turn. In the eastern part of the room, go down the stairs and open the passage to the main hall. Switching to Cohen, leave the library through the readership back to the central hall, and without going down to the first floor, go to Rebecca. From the corridor, go into the next room, where you need a "white statue" and ammunition with a grenade launcher.

Go up to the gates again. let Billy drain the pool and Rebecca go down and pick up the Key of Fire (opens the red door). There will be another boss. The centipede will grab Chambers, and you will have to free her.

Return to the entrance to the estate. From here, go east to the dining room. From it you can get into the kitchen. Here you can refuel Billy's lighter. Now back to the kitchen and the boiler room. As soon as you enter - to the right to the pantry. Take away the black statue and the shotgun. Climb the stairs to the balcony and run straight. From the conference room, go back to the library and light the lamp with a lighter. In the cache, find the "Book of Goodness" and explore it. Get Angel Wings. Go out into the corridor and go along it to the left into the room of the deputy. directors. read the file and take the hour hand out of the deer's eye.

Return to the third floor, where they fought with the centipede and go to the room with the clock and the elevator. Kill the cockroaches and set the time in hours to 8.15. After that, go back to the second floor and in the main hall go through the balcony immediately to the left. You should be in the lower eastern room. Take microfilm B there.

Go down to the hall on the first floor and go to the left door. You can search the toilet, but first go to the projector. Watch two films and get a floppy disk and a tape with the numbering of the conference room tables. There we go. Insert the disk into the computer. Two codes will appear. They indicate tables in the hall. Place characters next to them and click buttons in turn. Three doors will open.

After the video, go to the last ones that opened in the conference room. There will be an infirmary on the right. With the help of Chambers, collect everything you find there (be sure to pick up the “green chemicals”), and Bill at this time go to the next room. There, arrange the figures in the center of the room in the same way as on the blackboard on the table. Take the diary and the Book of Evil from the cache. Having examined it, you will receive a black wing.

In the main hall, combine all the statues with the wings and lay them on the scales. A cache will open. To you there.

resident evil code


In the basement, we immediately go to the far door to the observation room. We take the file and move on. We climb into the ventilation room and find ourselves in the next room. We regulate the energy supply on the shield - up, up, down, up, up. We are watching the cut scene.

For Bill, we run through the kitchen to the boiler room. Go downstairs. Run straight in the room with the statues, and then to the right. Billy saves Rebecca and receives a reward.

We leave the collapsing room and turn right. We go down the underground corridor. Then again right to the room with the waterfall. We take the key.

We go into the double doors opposite this room. There we open the locker with the key and pick up the case - code 385. We put Bill into the experiment room and we control the levers with Rebecca. We take the key of water. After killing the hunters, we get out of here.

In the room with the statues, light the torches in the following sequence: deer, wolf, horse, lynx, snake and eagle. Search the rooms behind bars and be sure to pick up the metal plate.

Return to the hall and dump everything here. With the Water Key, go to the second floor to the antique room (where you took the white statue) - the first door to the right. We open the blue door to the corridor. Now fast.

First right to the broadcast room. We take the adjustable wrench from the shelf and run out.

The next room to the right is the piano bar. We play on it, and in Rebecca’s cache we pick up the magnum cartridges and the battery. Billy plays again and pulls out Becky.

We pass through the next door and find ourselves in a new corridor. On the left is a laboratory with hunters and a bunch of drugs, on the right is a service room. Using an adjustable wrench, we get the second plate from the vise.

Go to the main hall, and then to the street. Insert the battery on the right. From the arrived elevator, pull the box and slide it to the post. You can pick up the third tablet from it.

Go to the third floor. Another double door to the observatory opened there. Feel free to transfer all the valuables there, including the harpoon.

Go down to the telescope and set up three plates. A passage will open further.


Run straight. The door to this building will be closed. So take Rebecca and go right into the small utility room. When she gets to the floor, the front door will open. Leave her here and switch to Cohen. With a shotgun and a harpoon, go inside.

Go to the little cell and save. Come out and kill the next boss. The main thing - do not let us grab ourselves, and there will be no problems.

Get out of here with the harpoon and walk along the roof. Outside, open the gate and turn on the power to the elevator. Bring Rebecca and head down.

save resident evil

Marcus Laboratory

So, you are below. The path forward is blocked by a flap, so we go through the only door. We read the diary fragment number 2 and save. At the end of the room we use the harpoon Rebecca. Now quickly pick up the map of the area and the flask with a blue leech. Still here you can find many useful items and the diary of a researcher. We go out into the corridor.

Immediately press the button on the wall to open the passage below. Then we stomp to the end of the corridor - to the next laboratory. There, around the corner you can use the bottle to get the red chemical. If you went to the infirmary, in the research center, then you should already have a green chemical. They automatically mix and you get the Stripping Agent. Using it on the flask, you will get a blue leech.

Go to the next room, send the leech on the elevator down and switch to Billy. Open the elevator and pick up the package. Now run out and in a straight line to the end past the enemy. Insert a leech on the door and enter. Take the lever and view the notes. In the next room, get a green leech and send it up in the usual way.

Rebecca open the door to the morgue and pick up the sterilizer. In the laboratory, insert it next to the gas chamber and, after cleaning, take the key. While the zombies are trying to get up, run out into the corridor and go to the breeding room. There you will have to kill a couple of hunters and pick up the dial (dial with a scale). He will have to be sent to Billy.

Go out into the corridor and use the drive on the safe door. Enter the code 4863. You will be taken to the machine room. Pick up the second lever here and raise the ladder. Now you can combine the characters. For those who have a harpoon, go down to the first floor and use to climb into the control cabin. Open the door, locked from the inside. Insert the levers - you are ready to escape.

Immediately discard the harpoon (he doesn’t need you anymore) and give the bill unnecessary things, but take the weapon more powerful. Get down to the funicular. Watch the video - Billy falls into the water, and Rebecca is left alone. Ignoring the enemy, return to the control room and put the levers in place. Now get down to the funicular and leave.

Umbrella Laboratory

This is a fairly short part of Resident Evil Zero. Passage will take very little time. Get out of your vehicle and go through the door, right and up. You will find yourself in a place familiar from Resident Evil 2.

Not far from the monitors, by the platform in the utility room, go down to the elevator and pick up the key. Go back upstairs and go straight to the control room. Use the key there and wait for the freight elevator. Get down on it and watch the next screensaver.

After it, pick up the key and return. There is another elevator. Activating it with two keys, you will call him to your floor. Until he arrives you will have to defeat the Tyrant prototype. He is slow and clumsy, so there should be no problems.

Sewage treatment

Going down the elevator, you will see Cohen's body, which carries a stream of water. Go across the bridge and get into the save room. Then we solve the puzzle to turn on the power in the complex, the task is elementary.

We go up the elevator. We pass through the room and exit into the corridor. carefully run through it and exit through the last door to the rest room.

Here you can find a map of the complex. We go down the stairs and remember this room. A freight elevator is still useful to us. We run through the door. Past the pool to the next door with stairs. After the descent, turn left and follow the drainage compartment. Here you will find Billy Cohen.

Go back and climb the stairs. Leave Rebecca at the console, and lower Billy down into the tank. Solve the puzzle and pick up Cohen. Then fill the tank with water and go through the boxes. There you can pick up the valve.

We return to the rest room and exit into the corridor. There remained one locked door. We open it with the help of the obtained handle. In the generator room, go up the stairs and pick up the red chemicals. We get down and stomp further through the bridge and past a couple of hunters into the conservation room.

Once in the control room of the gondola, go down to the elevator. On the new floor, walk along the water and when you almost reach the stairs, Tiran will attack you.

After the battle, lower the stairs and climb Rebecca. Take away the motherboard and return to the gondola control room. Fix the control panel and go only Chambers on a journey. After reaching the end, loosen the water supply.

Now go through the only doors. Kill the cockroach. Mix the red chemicals to get sulfuric acid and take industrial water. They also need to be mixed. As a result, you should get a battery fluid. We unlock the door leading to the north, this is a drainage compartment, but so far there is no need. Go down the stairs and switch to the second character.

resident evil Russian voice acting

The Adventures of Billy

Now it was the man’s turn. We get down from the gondola, near which we parted with Chambers, to the site of the battle with Tyrant. The flow of water has weakened, so we calmly pass through the dam, not paying attention to Lurker.

In generator zombies you can not touch, but boldly go north. Here you will team up with Rebecca. Plant it and remove the battery from the cabinet. Now we return to the room that you had to remember (you can go down there from the billiard room). We put one character on a box, and the second we install the battery and turn on the loader. We pick up the plastic card.

Return to the generator room (which is behind the dam) and use the card to open the last door. In the corridor you can find some cartridges for magnum. Then enter the next door.

After the cut-scene, you will battle with the final boss - Dr. Marcus. The first phase is quite simple, the main thing is to dodge special attacks and shoot him with a shotgun and magnum.

Take the keys to the mine and at the same time open the door. After that save. Pass all the most destructive weapons to Billy, as well as a good supply of "healers" and begin to climb the elevator. Almost at the very top, the second phase of the battle will begin. After taking certain damage, the heroes will understand that light is bad for Marcus. Rebecca rushes to open the valves, and you have to play for Billy.

We distract and do not allow the monster to the girl. Try to move as much as possible and not come close. Also, do not let him go to Chambers - the boss has the ability to spray acid around. When all the valves are open, you can enjoy the final clip.

This concludes the plot of Resident Evil Zero. Passing should take no more than 3.5 hours for you to get an S-rank. This will open up endless ammunition for a lot of weapons at a completely legal level. In the worst case, the player will go through Resident Evil (PC version) for about 9 hours.


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