God of the sea in myths and legends

The myths of ancient Rome and Greece tell readers the stories of deities and heroes. They contain descriptions of the life of the gods of Olympus, the Titans, sea gods, Cyclops, nymphs and other characters, for example, Hercules, Odysseus, Achilles, Jason, etc.

Pontus - pre-Olympic ancient Greek deity - the god of inland seas. Pontos (other Greek) means the sea. He was the son of the goddess Gaia, personifying the earth and the god Ether (air). According to Hesiod, who wrote Theogony, Pontus gave birth to Gaia without a father.

god of the sea

The god of the sea Poseidon (other Greek) was also considered the god of earthquakes. Poseidon was the brother of Zeus and Hades, and was born of the titanid Rhea and the titan Kronos, who were the supreme deities.

Zeus, Hades and Poseidon shared dominance over heaven, the underworld and the seas, respectively. The sea god lived with his wife Amphitrita in a beautiful palace at the bottom of the sea. When he swept in a chariot drawn by horses with long thick manes and waved a trident, a storm began at sea and coastal cliffs collapsed.

According to legend, the sea god Poseidon all the time disputed the supremacy of Zeus, participated in conspiracies against him, for which he was punished by serving the Trojan king Laomedont. King of Troy was a cunning deceiver. He did not make the sacrifice promised by Poseidon, for which the god of the sea sent terrible monsters to the city, devouring people.

The surviving ancient Greek sculptures depict the mighty, athletically built Poseidon with a curly beard and a shock of curly hair. He holds a trident in his hand.

god of the seas

The ancient Roman god of the sea - Neptune. In the images, a muscular Neptune with a crown on his head holds a trident and is identified with Poseidon. The planet of the solar system - the blue giant - is named after him. Neptune is associated with river and sea holidays. On ships, newcomers are ordained as youngsters and sailors by dipping in a barrel or in sea ​​water. Celebrate the day of the sea god on July 23.

The travelers, setting off on a pilgrimage, brought gifts to Neptune, trying to propitiate him so that there were no storms and storms. Farmers revered Neptune for giving rain in a dry sultry summer. Huts were built from branches and leaves, in which people left offerings to God, thus showing that they needed protection from the scorching sun.

sea ​​god

In Slavic mythology, the owner of water is water. He lives in ponds and is considered dangerous for bathers and people who drink water from wells, as he can drag them to the bottom. The wife of a water king becomes a water maiden - a water vortex.

The owner of the water is a depicted old-eyed man with a big belly, a green beard and a mustache, with a fish tail.

At the summer holidays associated with water, the characters of the gods are always accompanied by the characters of nymphs and mermaids.

Water spirits of nymphs are called mollusks, nereids and oceanids. Naiads relate to forest and mountain springs, oceans to the ocean, and Nereids to the sea.

Mermaids are mythological creatures, as a rule, the spirits of drowned girls or simply spirits associated with ponds serving the waterman.

The images of mythological gods and spirits in human memory are still alive, and holidays associated with their names are celebrated.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8468/

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