Roses: planting and care in the open ground, photo

One of the most beautiful exquisite flowers, without a doubt, is a rose. This amazing plant has been known since the time of Babylon. This plant is easy to grow in the garden or in the front garden. The main thing in this matter is compliance with the rules of planting roses, caring for the plant and correctly selected seedlings. We want to talk about all this in our article.

The main types of roses

Before we start the recommendations for planting and caring for roses, consider what popular species exist. The care of the individual varieties of this plant may vary slightly depending on the variety. Consider the main types of roses, talk about their features.

Park roses

Plants are absolutely unpretentious to the soil and care. Heat and frosts are equally well tolerated. Flowering begins much earlier than the rest of the rose group - already in late spring. The duration of flowering is about a month. Among them, we can distinguish several main groups that have a difference in appearance and flowering time:

  • rose hips;
  • modern hybrids;
  • garden roses.
Park roses

Ground cover roses

They are distinguished by a variety of varieties and long plentiful flowering. This type of roses blooms until late autumn, which allows it to be used in the landscape design of a suburban area and for planting in a flower garden. This species is not demanding in caring for itself, the only thing it needs is abundant watering after planting roses.

Hybrid Tea and Tea Roses

Flowers have a magnificent smell and multi-colored coloring of buds. The main advantages are repeated flowering and outstanding parameters of the flower itself - it is a powerful stem and root, rich colors, an unusual aroma. The disadvantages include low immunity to diseases, low resistance to heat and frost.

Climbing rose

One of the most popular types of roses. Plants have long shoots that grow around a fulcrum. They are often used to decorate gazebos, fences, columns and design facades. They are divided by height into three groups:

  • semi-braided - up to 3 m;
  • climbing - up to 5 m;
  • curly - up to 15 m.
Planting climbing roses in open ground

When caring for them, it is necessary to trim already faded shoots. In addition, the plant needs shelter for the winter.

Selection of seedlings

Before you start planting roses at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the variety of varieties presented in a huge assortment. Only after this should you go to a specialized store or nursery. Some gardeners prefer to order this culture in online stores, but in this case it is difficult to check the condition of the root system of the plant, although this is of great importance when planting roses. You can buy seedlings in the following form: in a container or with a bare root system.


When buying in a container, you should pay attention to how densely filled with roots an earthen lump, the state of foliage, and the number of shoots on a bush. High quality seedlings should have a well-developed, branched root system. Two or three strong lignified shoots and clean green leaves without any stains. When buying, pay attention to the fact that there are no insects on the seedlings.

Open root system

When buying seedlings of roses for planting that have an open root system, you should pay attention to the fact that the roots are well branched, have a light cut, are not damaged and dry. Seedlings should be purchased that have strong glossy green shoots with shiny spikes. At a minimum, they should have three full shoots - fresh and smooth to the touch. If the tips of the shoots are a bit dry when you buy in the spring, this is considered the norm.

The open root system of roses

Thin cardboard packaging

Sometimes on sale you can find cuttings of roses that are in packages of cardboard. The roots of such plants are sprinkled with wet peat. Planting such seedlings is necessary along with the packaging. When choosing plants in such containers, you should pay attention to the fact that in imported packages varieties from Poland and the Netherlands are most often sold, those that have remained since the fall. Such seedlings are already quite weakened by long-term storage and it will be very difficult to keep them until the roses are planted in spring.

When to plant roses

The planting dates of this crop directly depend on the region of growth and the type of seedlings. Cuttings of roses that were grown in containers can be planted throughout the season, from May to August. When buying roses with an open root system, planting can be done in spring or autumn. In regions with a mild climate, autumn is considered the best time for planting. Before the onset of frost, plants can take root well and will not freeze. In the middle lane and northern regions, such a planting of roses in open ground is considered not very reliable. After all, before the onset of winter, the root system of roses does not have time to take root and can suffer. It is best to land on these dates: from April 20 to May 20, as soon as the soil warms up to 8-10 degrees.

Rose: photo, planting and care

General recommendations: when planting, it is necessary to pay due attention to the place of vaccination, it should be at a level of 3-5 cm under the ground.

Roses: planting and care

Thus, we protect the plants from the heat of the sun, winter cold. In addition, additional shoots will not be able to develop from the place of vaccination, which will inhibit the growth and development of the main ones. If you notice that the soil has sagged, it is necessary to add the soil mixture so that the holes do not form. Otherwise, water will accumulate in them, which will lead to rotting of the roots. And now we offer to talk about how to plant roses. There are two of the most popular landing methods that have worked well.

Dry way

Recommended for regions with high humidity. At the bottom of the landing fossa we will make a small roller from the ground and we will lay the roots of the plant on it. Planting roses is best done together. The assistant carefully places the bush in the hole, and the gardener carefully spreads the roots and sprinkles with soil, slightly crushing it with his hands. Then the bushes are well spilled with water per 10 liters of water per bush. After 2-3 days, the soil around the plants is loosened and spudded to a height of 10 cm, if you ignore this advice, the seedlings can dry.

Loss of moisture has a detrimental effect on the shoots of roses, to avoid this, it is recommended to give them additional shelter, use moist moss or raw sawdust for this. After planting a rose in open ground, after 10-15 days, the first young shoots appear, in the event that the rose has taken root. Once this has happened, the mounds of the earth can be leveled. Make it better in cloudy weather.

Wet Way

Most of all, this option is suitable for regions with an arid climate. The landing fossa is prepared in advance and 10 l of water is poured into it with a heteroauxin tablet dissolved in it. With one hand we release the sapling into the hole, and with the other hand we fill the soil. In this case, a mixture of water and soil will perfectly fill the entire space between the roots, without forming voids. When planting, it is necessary to periodically shake the bush and thoroughly compact the ground, watering is not required.

If there is a subsidence of the soil, the next day you should slightly raise the seedling, add a little earth and spud to a height of 10-15 cm. In addition, after planting, it is recommended to prune the seedling for a period of 10-12 days.

Planting roses in spring

The subtleties of planting seedlings of various types

Planting roses and caring for them may vary slightly depending on the variety and type of seedlings. It should be noted that the rose can grow in one place for a long period. Therefore, the place for its landing should be chosen with great care. The soil for planting should be loose fertile. Consider the rules for planting the following plant species.

Park. We offer some recommendations for planting roses in the open ground, and caring for them. For park roses, planting pits should be made slightly larger than for the rest: 90x90 cm, and about 70 cm deep. It is very important that voids are not formed in the row of plantings. If nevertheless it happened, it is necessary to plant empty space with annual flowers. Making denser plantings is recommended so that rose seedlings do not give many root processes that will have to be removed.

Teahouses and floribunda. Considered the most beautiful view of this culture, we present the following photo to confirm our words.

Rose floribunda

Planting roses of this species is recommended in the spring. For tea roses, you need to prepare a trellis for climbing shoots. Pits for planting are prepared smaller than for park roses. Requirements for planting holes are as follows: 50x50, with exactly the same distance between plants.

Tea hybrid. Of all the species of plants in this category, they are considered the least moody. However, hybrid tea roses are demanding for heat, so they should be planted only when the weather is stable and stable. The best landing option is wet (we talked about it a little earlier). In addition, it is not recommended that these roses bloom for the first two weeks. Therefore, the first 4-6 buds must be cut.

Ground covers. When growing roses of this species, a very important condition is the complete absence of weeds on the site. To this end, tree bark or sawdust can be used to mulch the soil. These plants cover the surface of the earth everywhere, with prickly flexible shoots.

Climbing rose: planting and care

We will talk in detail about this form. These plants of modern varieties are characterized by long, and very often continuous flowering, have relatively low growth, excellent health, and most often a delicious aroma.

Climbing roses: planting and care


Despite the fact that rose cuttings are sold in containers almost all year round, for this plant it is better to buy a bush with an open root system, and it should be planted in the fall. It is recommended to observe the following climbing rose planting technology:

  • before planting, plants should be placed for one to two hours in water;
  • we prepare a landing hole of such size and depth so that the roots can be well spread;
  • we put a seedling on an earthen mound made in a hole and carefully straighten the roots of the plant along it, it is very important to deepen the place of grafting into the ground with 3 fingers;
  • fill the hole with earth and ram well;
  • around the plants we form a small roller so that the water does not flow, and water abundantly;
  • after the water goes into the ground, we wind up the rose to a height of 15 cm, this will reduce evaporation and will serve as a shelter for the winter;
  • in the spring the rose needs to be knocked out.
Climbing roses

For the rosary, you should choose well-lit, even, dry areas so that rain and melt water flow down. Groundwater should be below the soil surface by at least 2 meters. Regardless of the variety, roses need full watering about 3 times a week. Plants are watered under the root until completely saturated. If there is no drought, roses from the beginning of autumn stop watering, so as not to stimulate the manifestations of young shoots.


As you know, pruning contributes to a more magnificent flowering. Therefore, it is necessary to trim these semi-lianas, starting from two to three years of age, after they reach 2 meters. After flowering, only elongated side shoots, which are up to 3-5 buds, are cut.

Ramblers (once flowering) in the event that their fruits are not needed, it is recommended to thin out annually. New shoots in this case do not touch, because on these roses flowers appear on last year's shoots.

In the event that the plant is old and has not been trimmed for a long time, after flowering is completed, it is necessary to cut half of the lashes to 30 cm above the soil level. Next year, when new shoots appear instead of cropped ones, it is recommended to remove the old lashes remaining from last year.

Shelter for the winter

This type of plant needs shelter for the winter. It can be carried out in two ways: the plant is untied and bent to the ground or fixed on a support.

  1. Non-supportive method: the bush is removed from the support, tilted at a slight angle to the ground, and then covered with spruce branches. They cover and cover well with fiberglass from above, it does not let water through and allows the plant to breathe. The soil under the bush is spudded with dry earth, and then mulched with fallen leaves.
  2. Shelter method on a support: plants take refuge directly on a support with the same spruce. Then they are wrapped with agrofibre or burlap and secured with twine. Experienced gardeners are advised to cover several bushes at a time. With this method, a large concentration of dry air between plants occurs. This provides better warming and helps roses survive the winter without loss.
Shelter of roses for the winter

Cover removal

In early April, rose bushes are released from the shelter for only a few hours, and after the snow has melted, they are removed completely. After this, the plants are subjected to a thorough examination for damage and disease. If necessary, cut the affected areas. If the plants have mold, they are treated with a 15% solution of copper sulfate. After the events, climbing roses are tied.


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