Topping up currants in autumn: timing and fertilizer

For bushes growing in the garden or in the garden, it is very important to maintain the fertility of the soil. After all, no one transplantes them from place to place, and for many years they have been in the same place. The nutrition of garden shrubs, including the feeding of currants, is especially important in autumn.

feeding currants in autumn
After all, these nutrients should help the plant survive the cold period. The most demanding soil quality are raspberries, gooseberries and currants. And this has its explanation. This consumption of nutrients is due to the fact that the fruits are formed exclusively on young shoots. In this article, we will figure out how to fertilize currants and gooseberries in the fall. What fertilizers are used for this? And how important are clear deadlines for these activities?

Black currant. Top dressing in the fall

Once the entire crop is harvested, experienced gardeners immediately begin to think about the following. After all, everyone is interested in making the bush happy with good yield indicators from year to year. Any bush on your site should be properly prepared for the next crop. Including blackcurrant. Top dressing in the fall will help you in this matter.

During the season, the plant uses absolutely everything that can be drawn from the soil on which it grows. Therefore, it is quite obvious why he may no longer have enough strength to form berries.

currant top dressing in the fall
And he needs to replenish these forces in order that, as soon as spring comes and all the plants begin to wake up, the currant is almost ready for fruit formation.

Topping currants in autumn is very important so that the plant can survive the winter period. After all, it is precisely the substances accumulated in advance that will help to maintain health in the period of severe frosts. If the bush has grown a sufficiently thick stem, then it is able to endure frost at minus thirty degrees.

Fertilization dates

So that next year a good currant is born, top dressing in the fall should be done strictly on time. Do not hesitate with this matter and begin to mix a little nitrogen fertilizers as soon as you remove all the berries from the bush. Because you should get the most grown stems by the end of November. This means that you need to speed up this process as soon as possible.

black currant top dressing in the fall
But if you do not stop such fertilizer before September ends, then the currant will freeze as soon as the first frost appears. But lay compost and humus at the very end of autumn. Since its decomposition will occur no earlier than three months later, it will begin to nourish the plant just in the spring.

What is humus and when to make it?

Humus is essentially manure that has already been quail. Ready to use humus should look like a loose, homogeneous and free-flowing substance of brown color. Experienced gardeners are advised to contribute it even in December. Of course, if the weather allows you to. Composting is also used in several stages, namely in three portions. The first portion is introduced in October, the second portion occurs at the end of November, and the last time fertilizer is added in the winter, when the thaw sets in in December.

How to apply fertilizer?

In order not to carry out the actions that may result in your currant dying, top dressing in autumn should be carried out not only technically correctly, but also using the right components.

The very first to add components containing nitrogen. In a week you will be able to see the result of such top dressing. This is due to the fact that such fertilizers act very quickly, and on the growing bush, buds wake up in front of the eyes, and the shoots of one year are well compacted.

Mid-October - time for manure. The first part should be buried deep enough. Such top dressing of currants in autumn begins with the fact that manure is scattered around the bush, and then digging is carried out to a depth of about twenty centimeters.

top dressing currants and gooseberries in autumn
After such manipulation, the soil surface should be smoothed out with a rake. The next portion is no longer needed to be buried, but simply placed around the bush.

Is it possible to fertilize currants in winter

So, in the previous sections it was considered how and what is the feeding of currants in the fall. But what to do in the winter? By the way, feeding these bushes in the period of frost will not be superfluous. For this purpose, manure or chicken droppings are used. But in the latter case, you should be careful not to place the litter close to the trunk, as this can lead to burns of the plant. The time intervals between the application of manure or compost should be about a month. Thus, nutrients will come in new portions during the entire growth, development and fruiting of black currant.

Gooseberry dressing

In the autumn, organic fertilizers are added to feed gooseberries, as well as substances containing potassium and phosphorus.

top dressing currant bushes in autumn
The calculation of fertilizers is as follows. For one square meter of soil, half a bucket of organic fertilizers, forty-five grams of phosphorus and fifteen grams of potassium are used.

Digging in the fall, about seven kilograms of manure, which should be very well rotted, as well as twenty grams of phosphates and thirty grams of potassium are brought into the soil.

Under the gooseberry, fertilizers are scattered neatly by hand and then with the help of a hoe they are buried to a distance of about ten centimeters from the soil surface. Do not forget to use rubber gloves in the work so that the skin of the hands does not suffer from contact with the fertilizer.

This article examined how top dressing of currant bushes is performed in autumn. We found out what fertilizers and in what way are applied, and also talked a little about feeding gooseberries. When applying fertilizers, it is important to remember the sequence in which nutrients are added to the soil, as well as try to adhere to the timing of feeding as much as possible. And then the harvest of currants and gooseberries will please you for more than one year. And the plant will be healthy, hardy and will survive well any, even the coldest winter.


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