How many articles are in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? How does it differ from the previous ones? The rights and obligations of citizens today

In the Russian Federation there are laws that must be followed. Disobedience entails responsibility. The Constitution of Russia is the fundamental and main law throughout the country. This is the most important state document. Those who first learn about it, wonder, how many articles are there in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? This question can only be answered after reading this article.

Supreme normative legal act

Constitution of Russia

Every day a person fulfills his duties to the state. Many do not even notice this, but Russia is doing its work in relation to the people. Rights and obligations of a citizen, which are prescribed in the Constitution:

  1. Respect the rights of another person.
  2. Protect the environment.
  3. Respect for natural resources.
  4. Obtaining compulsory secondary education.
  5. Pay government fees and taxes.
  6. Preserve historical and cultural heritage.
  7. Protect historical monuments.
  8. Know how many articles are in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and comply with them.
  9. Take care of minor children.
  10. Take care of disabled parents.

The rights and duties of each citizen of Russia are listed above. It is also necessary to consider in more detail the structure of the basic law of the state. Many think, but how many articles were in the Constitution of the Russian Federation several years ago? But it is worth noting the fact that making changes to it is quite difficult.

How many constitutions were there?

In order to answer the question, how many articles are in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to recall the past. Over the past century, the basic law has changed five times:

  • 1918 - consisted of 6 sections, 17 chapters and 90 articles;
  • 1924 - 72 articles of an agreement on the formation of the USSR;
  • 1937 - 15 chapters included 151 articles;
  • 1978 - 185 articles;
  • 1993 - 137 articles.
Constitution of the Russian Federation

Differences of the current Constitution from the past

Recall that the last adopted Constitution differs from others in that:

  1. It was adopted at a referendum on December 12, 1993.
  2. Articles 8, 9 and 35 state the full right to own property (i.e., use and dispose of it).
  3. The terms for deputies and the president have been increased.
  4. The Upper Arbitration Court was abolished.
  5. New entities were introduced into the composition of the country (today there are 85 of them).

Thus, it is possible to answer the question of how many articles are in the Constitution of the Russian Federation - 137. They are all interconnected with each other. The basic law affects the entire structure of power, explains the rights and freedoms of citizens, the goals and objectives of local self-government, the structure of the Federal Assembly and the Government of Russia. It consists of 9 chapters and 2 sections. The second is dedicated to the anthem, coat of arms and flag of the country.


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