Student visa to Austria. Higher Education Abroad

Often young people dream of getting an education abroad. However, the financial side of the issue does not allow the dream to develop into reality. In this case, you can try to get education in Vienna. So, if knowledge is available, language is at the level, a student visa to Austria will not be a problem, then we begin preparation.

student visa to austria
Where to go

According to the opinion poll of the German publication Spiegel, the ranking of the best European universities includes 4 faculties of several Austrian higher education institutions. If you plan to study law, then you should go to Salzburg, for a good knowledge of the economy it is better to go to Vienna. A student visa to Austria for technical education will require you to indicate your place of residence - Graz. Postgraduate education is best at Danube University, located in Krams. Students in law, management, economics, international relations in Europe, mass media, ecology, and medicine improve their qualifications here.

Throughout training in Vienna, there is the possibility of internships in various European companies. Even during the training, a work permit is issued for the European project of the Leonardo Corporation.

visa to austria
Student visa to Austria

To design it, you will need to be patient and time-consuming, since the process is not entirely simple. Visas to Austria are only possible in Moscow (for citizens of the Russian Federation) with a mandatory personal presence. Pre-registration in this case is not required, but it is better to engage in such a process at least 12 weeks before the start of the school year.

Student visa to Austria will require the collection of the following documents:

- The original and photocopies of all pages of the passport;

- application for stay in the country as a student;

- color photo;

- confirmation of your studies in Austria;

- confirmation of the availability of housing;

- a certificate of sufficient finance - from € 5 551.2 (€ 462.6 x 12) and up to € 10 051.56 (€ 837.63 X 12). As well as confirmation of access to this money.

- birth certificate;

- medical insurance policy.

visa to austria alone
Student Aufenthaltstitel

To enter and leave the country only once allows a student visa to Austria. You can move independently and without time restrictions after the student Aufenthaltstitel is issued - a kind of temporary residence permit, which will need to be renewed every year. Such a document allows you to travel throughout the Schengen area, but staying more than 90 days in a certain country, except Austria, is not allowed.

To receive the Aufenthaltstitel after entering the country within 3 days, it is mandatory to come to the local magistrate and pick up the ready-made plastic card.

Cost of education

Having heard the phrase “free education”, you might think that studying abroad is really free. However, this is not the case. In Austrian universities, the cost of studying for foreign students will cost about 726 euros per semester. From 450 to 700 euros per month will be required to stay in this country. This amount includes accommodation (250 - 300 euros), food (200 euros), transportation and small expenses (100 euros).

Therefore, before making a responsible decision, weigh the pros and cons.


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