A monument is ... The most famous monuments of the world

Since ancient times, people have erected monuments and various monuments in order to perpetuate the memory of outstanding personalities or events. A monument is a monument that is notable for its significant size. Today, thousands of monuments of various sizes and shapes are installed on different continents of the world.

A monument is ...

What is a monument? There are several types of memorials, one of which is a monument. This is a special monument, which is characterized by the large size and monumentality of forms. These two features distinguish it from an ordinary monument. Although in architecture these two terms often act as synonyms.

What is the meaning of the word "monument"? So, this term has a Latin origin and translates as "memory, reminder" (monumentum). In general, any monument can be called a monument, if it is large in size.

A separate variety of monumental structures can be considered the Glory monument. This is a monument that is being erected to perpetuate victory in a war or an important battle. So, in our country the monuments of Glory, established in honor of the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, are very common.

the monument is

In the post-Soviet countries, the most famous monuments of Glory can be considered the Rodina-Mother memorial complexes in Volgograd and Kiev, the Glory monument in Novosibirsk, the Obelisk of Glory in the city of Dnepropetrovsk and others.

In urban space, monuments, as a rule, occupy a very important place. Often they are the centers of squares, as well as starting points for subsequent urban development.

History of Monuments and Monuments

The very first monuments in history were ordinary funerary slabs and complexes on graves. But the first monuments that performed specifically the memorial function appeared already in the Ancient Roman state. These were commemorative arches, columns, as well as statues of emperors of ancient Rome.

meaning of the word monument

Actually, the first monuments in Europe began to appear only in the XIX century. These were the so-called triumphal arches, as well as columns and obelisks (like ancient Roman monuments). In eastern countries, religious monuments are widespread - huge Buddha statues, gilded or made entirely of gold.

The most famous monuments

We list some of the most outstanding monuments erected in different parts of the world and most often found in photographs of travelers and tourists.

Perhaps the first place in this list of monuments is deservedly occupied by the Statue of Liberty in New York. Its height is 93 meters, and the statue itself was installed back in 1886. Hundreds of tourists visit this outstanding monument daily. What is noteworthy, the monument also performs a navigation function, being an excellent reference point for sailors.

monument of Glory

No less attractive for tourists is the Statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro. The monument, 46 meters high, located on a high hill, annually makes a pilgrimage for about two million travelers.

Well, the highest statue in the world is the Buddha statue of the Spring Temple in China. Its total height is 153 meters, and the Buddha was created in 2002.

Among the most famous and largest monuments in the post-Soviet space, it is worth mentioning the monument to Lenin in Volgograd (57 meters high), the famous sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" in Moscow (58 meters high), as well as the Independence Monument in Kiev (61 meters high).


Thus, there are several types of monuments: sculptures, statues, memorials, memorials, obelisks. Among them, a monument stands out separately. This is a monument of especially large sizes, which is installed in honor of a particular person or a specific historical event. As a rule, such structures are distinguished by monumentality, scale and solemnity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8513/

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