Indoor and garden drought-resistant plants: names, examples

There are plants and flowers that can endure severe dehydration, but at the same time do not lose their fertility and abundant flowering. Today we will consider which drought tolerant plants can be determined by ourselves.

The presence on the representatives of the flora of a small cannon, thorns or wax coating indicates the ability to tolerate drought well and not die from dehydration. Most of them are intended for indoor cultivation. And for the garden, the plants are drought tolerant and loving shade, mostly in the form of shrubs.

Immunity to drought

You can increase your ability to tolerate drought on your own. Before sowing the seeds need to be slightly hardened. If the plant has already suffered drought and has not died, then it develops resistance to minimal watering.

drought tolerant plants

Phosphorus and potassium in the form of fertilizers affect drought tolerance. Shrubs and flowers should be well irrigated so that they can do without watering for a longer time. Drought-resistant plants, examples of which will be given below, clearly prove that for each room and plot you can choose the right representative of the flora.

How to help plants adapt to drought

The basic rule is mulching the soil. It must be decomposed on the surface of the earth where the plant is grown, tree bark, grass, wood chips, sawdust, straw or other covered material. This manipulation will protect plants drought-resistant:

  • From overheating and hypothermia.
  • Moisture will not evaporate so much from the soil.
  • Weeds grow less.
  • Useful substances are not washed out or eroded from the soil.
  • Weed growth will decrease.
  • The appearance of garden parasites in the soil is prevented.
  • The acid balance of the soil is regulated.
  • Microorganisms multiply well in the soil and work effectively.
  • It is necessary to lay out organic matter on the surface of the earth, this will make the soil coarser and fibrous, thereby reducing the evaporation of moisture.
  • It is necessary to destroy weeds in time, as they take on a lot of moisture.
  • If the plant is grown in containers, then capsules or gel are taken as soil. They absorb moisture well, and then gradually give it to the roots. Ideally, when planting or transshipment, mix such granules with soil.
  • All plants drought-resistant with this care are not subject to damage by harmful insects and do not get sick.

Garden shrubs

To date, breeders have bred a huge number of shrubs that remain evergreen. Among them there are many blooming. Drought tolerant varieties are also full of abundance of choice. Below is a list of them. It included beautiful and original drought tolerant plants for a garden with sparse watering.


When this miniature tree enters the flowering stage, it becomes the most beautiful highlight of any garden plot. The bush is slow growing. Lilac has green leaves with a gray or blue tint.

During flowering, white, pink or purple tassels appear on it with small balls. But already in April-May they are revealed. Elegant brushes of flowers fragrant with a pleasant aroma. The smell is heard within a radius of several meters from the bush.

drought tolerant plants

Usually, lilacs are planted along the fence. After beautiful flowering, it becomes no less beautiful decoration of a private estate. This bush is quite tall. Its height reaches 5 meters, in width it reaches 4 meters. In addition to its sufficient resistance to drought, it does not require special soil for excellent flowering and growth. By nature, the lilac is compact, does not require special pruning.


This bush always stays green. Only in spring do yellow or orange flowers appear on it. After flowering, red berries form in their place. Thanks to its thorns, the bush will provide excellent protection against uninvited guests.

Its height reaches two meters, the width is the same. After flowering, barberry is pruned. Cropping makes it more compact and rounded. The bush is completely unpretentious, often grows from berries that have fallen to the ground. You can also plant many species of this beautiful shrub.


This drought-tolerant bush will perfectly decorate a garden plot or become a wonderful hedge. The most suitable for its growth are the northern and middle parts of the garden. There are about 65 varieties of varieties of this shrub. Spirea has a beautiful and chic flowering. Each species has its own shade of inflorescences.

which plant is drought tolerant

Shrubs are often planted in city parks and squares. Spirea is completely unpretentious regarding care. It only requires good soil drainage. Sunlight favorably affects its flowering. Only with good lighting, the spirea blooms violently and colorfully.


It is an evergreen bush. Yucca absolutely does not require regular watering. It is an ornamental garden plant. She has very sharp, spiky and long leaves. During flowering, the yucca throws an arrow. A huge sultan appears on it with cream-white large flowers.

In some yucca varieties, thin white threads descend from the leaves. Such plants are considered the most beautiful. The bright color of this decorative representative of the flora does not change throughout the year. For a good health, a hot and dry climate is suitable. But Yucca is also adapted to severe frosts.

Dwarf euonymus

Due to its amazing color, it is considered the most magnificent among drought tolerant shrubs. The people received the nickname - a flaming bush. In the summer it becomes emerald green. Then orange and red berries appear. And in the fall, the color becomes fiery red.

drought tolerant plants names

The euonymus beautifully decorates a garden plot or lawn. The shrub is resistant to severe frosts. But in order for it to please with its rich color, it must be planted on fertile soil. Loves plentiful sunlight. He is not afraid of all sorts of diseases and drought.

Drought-resistant indoor plants, care, names

Do not give up indoor plants if the house or other room is not entirely favorable for floriculture. Some flowers and shrubs do not require high humidity. There are many indoor plants that, with minimal care, will delight their hosts with their beauty. Among them are blooming. Below is a short list of drought tolerant plants. Their names are known to all flower lovers.


People call it "mother-in-law's tongue". It feels great in a room with dry air. She is very afraid of overflowing soil. Therefore, it should be watered moderately. It should not be sprayed, sometimes just wiping the leaves is enough.

drought-resistant indoor plants

Sansevieria feels great in any room. This is a very thermophilic flower that does not require special fertilizing. In the spring, it is enough to feed it with fertilizer for cacti once. If it has grown greatly, sansevieri should be planted. Despite the fact that it is a flowering houseplant, it’s rather difficult to wait for it to bloom.


It feels great in a dry room. Watering should be moderate, the bay is dangerous for him. No need to spray. He feels comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. He loves warmth. They feed once every six months. Transplant the plant once every 2 years. It blooms, but flowers are inconspicuous.

Elephant yucca

Adapts to any air. Watering should be moderate, and in winter it should be reduced to a minimum. Spraying is not necessary. Loves direct sunlight. The temperature for the elephant yucca is moderate. Once a month it is recommended to fertilize like cacti. No transplant required. Only the lateral processes are cut off.

drought tolerant plants examples

Crassula (fat girl)

It is popularly called the "money tree." It tolerates dry air. Watering requires moderate. In winter, you need to reduce watering to once a month, do not spray. The fat girl loves exceptionally diffuse lighting. Burns from leaves appear from the direct sun. It is advisable to keep it indoors with moderately warm air. Once a month they feed fertilizers for cacti.


It is popularly called the "flower of the bride." It is steady against dry air, but requires plentiful watering in the spring and summer periods. In winter, watering should be minimal. In summer, it is advisable to spray the spathiphyllum. For abundant flowering, 18-23 degrees of heat are necessary. It should be fed once every two weeks, like any flowering plant. Every spring, a flower requires a transplant.

drought tolerant plants for the garden

It is not always drought-resistant indoor plants that have an unsightly appearance. This also applies to garden shrubs. Many of them delight their owners with gorgeous flowering. They perfectly decorate any house, garden or lawn in front of the windows. And the secrets of how to grow drought tolerant plants from a whimsical flower will help to achieve good results. Go ahead and you will succeed!


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