Rose from a ribbon: a master class. Two options

Satin ribbon can be widely used for various purposes. For example, luxurious bouquets of roses of any color are obtained from it. You can now decorate an evening dress or any other clothes yourself. Next, we will describe how to make a rose from a ribbon.

Master Class

For work, it is necessary to prepare an atlas for the future flower and its foliage, scissors and threads.

1. Bend the corner of the tape to yourself at 45 degrees.

rose from ribbon master class

2. We begin to twist the unbroken bud to the desired size, after which we hem the lower edge so that the flower does not fall apart.

rose from ribbon master class

3. We bend the fabric to ourselves (or from ourselves), forming a petal, and continue to twist. Each new hem should be done after the turn has ended.

4. When the bud is ready, cut the ribbon and tuck it down.

5. From the green material we form the leaves and sew them to the rose. We melt the lower part. Such a flower can be attached to a hair clip or pin.

rose from ribbon master class

A different ribbon rose may also be formed . The master class is presented below. To get started, you need to prepare the following tools: a ribbon, scissors, a candle or a lighter, a needle with threads, beads, mugs of different diameters or compasses, a pencil.

1. Draw circles of different diameters on the tape.

2. Flame the edges with fire.

roses from ribbon master class

3. Then we superimpose the obtained circles on each other in decreasing order and sew the center with threads.

rose from ribbon master class

4. Sew a few beads in the center and the flower is ready.

do-it-yourself satin ribbons

There is another way. How is a rose made of ribbon? The master class is shown below. It is based on the fact that each of the petals should be folded separately. Accessories for work: satin ribbon (width 2.5 cm), threads, scissors, safety pins.

1. Cut material 5 cm long.

2. Bend both corners of the tape to the center and secure with a safety pin.

3. Again bend the right and left corners of the triangle to the middle of its base and fix it. This is how the petal of the future flower is made; 15-30 details need to be formed. If you want a more magnificent rose, you can make more petals.

4. Next is the middle. It is necessary to take one petal and put on it a second lower half of the first, fix the seam from the bottom. After that, you should wrap it in a roll, nicely arranging the folds.

5. Then apply new petals and hem them in the middle. You can neatly fold the petals and wrap them below the wire, so the flower is going even easier.

If you combine different harmonious shades, you get an unusually beautiful rose from a ribbon. We will not describe the master class of this option. Everything is done in the same way as in the previous case, only the flower will change color from the center to the edges.

Consider another way to make flowers from satin ribbons (see photo). To create such an unusual plant, you will need a fixture in the form of a five-pointed star with a round hole in the middle. You can buy it in a store, but it’s cheaper to make it yourself from a plastic folder. The process occurs as follows:

how to make flowers from satin ribbons

1. The tip of the satin ribbon is inserted into the sprocket hole.

2. The tip should be wrapped with the longer end. Directing the tape through the middle of the device, wrap the opposite corner. The ends of the stars turn around 2 times.

3. Stitch the middle (in the hole) to form a flower.

4. Carefully remove the tool and straighten the petals.

5. In the middle you can attach a brooch.

Flowers made from satin ribbons with your own hands will help to decorate everything you want.


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